Tuesday, January 15, 2013 

New Black BBQ

has rolled out of Santa Barbara and will be grilling up the good stuff in Los Angeles. 

Sad to hear. LOVED their stuff.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 

Food Truck 4th Thursdays at San Marcos High School

O Street Food Truck by santa barbarian 
A portion of sales from the food truck events will be donated back to San Marcos High School and used for campus improvement projects.

Different styles of food will be available from each truck: French fusion; Spanish/Polynesian Tiki and taco; gourmet barbecue; pastry, cupcakes, bread pudding; coffee/espresso drinks; and more, featuring O Street Truck, Tiki Tacos, The New Black, Sweet Arleens and Street Level Cafe SB.

Hours for the dinner time event are 5 to 8 p.m. on the Fourth Thursday of the month — May 24, June 28, July 26 and Aug. 23. The event will be held next to the San Marcos High School gym on the outdoor basketball court area. Enter the school parking lot from Turnpike Road. - Noozhawk

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012 

Keep on Food Trucking

Food Truck Rights...Fight for them! Just say NO to AB1678!
Even though House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently called food trucks "a model for small business innovation," other California legislators are considerably less bullish on the whole phenomenon.

Last week, Carmel Assemblyman Bill Monning introduced a bill prohibiting food trucks from selling food within 1,500 feet of an elementary or secondary school between the hours of 6am and 6pm.

Monning's bill is intended to be part of the state's effort to create a healthier eating environment for its school children. Some educators feel that a whole slew of newly implemented programs--such as LAUSD's new, district-wide healthy lunch menu or Santa Barbara's revolutionary s'Cool Food initiative--are being undermined by the presence of nearby food trucks slinging significantly less healthy options. - HuffPo

Apparently Assemblyman Monning has not visited and sampled the food from Santa Barbara's MobileCafeSB which is a program of the Santa Barbara School Districts' Nutrition Services Department, under the direction of Nancy Weiss, Director of Food Service. They provide a delicious and nutritious option for three area schools, and appears at local events like EarthDay.

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Friday, January 20, 2012 

Cheese Dreams Food Truck

Coming to Santa Barbara ..... soon!

Watch for breaking news on their Twitter site.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011 

The New Black BBQ

Looks like a new food truck is on it's way to the streets of Santa Barbara. Follow them on Facebook.
The New Black is modern barbeque that draws from the traditions and memories associated with the letters "BBQ," and combines them with evolved techniques and California style. It's a new take on barbeque, but you would never call it anything else. The food, like our patrons, is contemporary and local. We recognize tradition, but appreciate innovation. We do it simple; we do it right. You're welcome.
We just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's supported our project recently and from its inception. I know everyone is excited for an opening date, and the reason we haven't set one in stone is we want everything to be just right for the big day (believe me, we're just as excited as you are). We will keep you informed, but it should be very soon... - Chris & Nick

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Sunday, September 04, 2011 

Santa Barbara Food Truck Festival


Today - 11:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
at the old Be-Bop Burger Parking lot down on Lower State next to the old California Hotel.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011 

Mini Santa Barbara Food Truck Fest

This Saturday, August 20 at the Wheelhouse @ 528 Anacapa from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Stop by and grab a bite.

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Monday, August 01, 2011 

Viva La Food Truck Fiesta!!

Viva La Food Truck Fiesta - August 6, 2011. 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the old Be-Bop Burgers parking lot.
The Santa Barbara Food Truck Festival attendees include Sugar and Salt Creamery, O Street Truck, Road Dogs, Green & Tasty, & THAI on a truck.

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