Tuesday, July 05, 2011 

Sly's in Carpinteria

has a new menu...news via their Twitterfeed!

James Sly

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011 

Sly's in Carpinteria

Tweets some delicious news!

James Sly
Starting tonight, Sly's $35 fixed price menu features the wonderful specialties of Michael's Waterside, out of Santa Barbara's past.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010 

Santa Barbara Film Feast

During the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, feast your eyes on some fabulous films AND feast your senses on some fabulous food.
Santa Barbara rolls out the red carpet for film-lovers and food fans during the star-studded Santa Barbara International Film Festival January 27-February 6, 2011. The eleven-day celebration of cinema coincides with Film Feast, a new prix fixe restaurant program available at dozens of downtown eateries throughout the duration of the festival. Film goers and foodies can choose from "Shorts" (two-course), "Features" (three-course) and "Epic" (four-course) length seasonal menus at participating restaurants. Film Feast provides a time-saving and tasty way to sample the region's best takes on the table before and after catching the action on the big screen. - Santa Barbara Visitors and Conference Bureau

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