Sweet Potato Cake with Chocolate Frosting
I'm not usually a fan of American frostings, finding them too sickly, but my daughter wanted me to make her a cake with frosting for her birthday. I decided on a sweet potato one because it's been on my list of 'to make' for ages, and I had bought a bag of sweet potatoes with my weekly shopping. I tasted a cake like this for the first time recently, and thought it was reminiscent of a carrot cake, one of my favourites, but without nuts! This is another recipe from an American paperback I brought back on one of my visits, 'Cakes my Mom used to make'. There are only a few photos in the book, and not one for this cake, so I had to use my imagination; the recipes are very basic so you need to work out exactly what you have to do - not really an ideal baking book. It's a 3-layer cake, filled with an orange cream and covered in a chocolate cream cheese frosting - so not many calories! Preheat oven 200C/gas6. Prick 350g sweet potatoes [ 2 medium or 1 large] ...