Asparagus and Tomato Clafoutis
And now for something completely different! I don't usually post anything savoury on here, but this was so tasty that I wanted to share it. I posted a recipe not long ago for a clafoutis, which we love. Looking through some old French cookery magazines of recipes for summer [making the most of the sun!] I found this recipe for a savoury version. Local asparagus will soon be gone, so this is a different way of making the most of it. 100g asparagus 10 cherry tomatoes 20cl of whole milk 25cl of single cream 2 eggs 4 tbspn plain flour salt and pepper Preheat oven 180C/gas4 4 ramekins or an oven-proof dish about 20cm. If you're using ramekins, cut the asparagus into 2 or 3 pieces, then wash and dry the tomatoes. In a bowl mix the eggs, milk and cream, season, then fold in the flour and beat with a whisk till it's all combined. Put the asparagus and tomatoes in the bottom of a greased ovenproof dish, or if using ramekins, as I did, put a couple of pieces...