Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts


Arxi Tou Telous - Kinhsh Se Dyo Vhmata

Arxi Tou Telous is a post punk/hardcore band from greece and it means Beginning Of The End. Their lyrics are mostly social-political and deal with subjects such as racism, human relationships, feelings etc. Kinhsh Se Dyo Vhmata is released in '04 and it means Movement In Two Steps. They are mostly influenced by the early greek bands like, Anti, Xaotiko Telos (Chaotic End), and some bands from other countries like Swans, Amebix. That means they sound great.



Chemical Disease - In The City Of Chaos

Chemiki Epidimia (Chemical Disease) is an anarcho crust band from Athens / Greece with male & female brutal vocals. If you like european dark crust (not much melodic) i guess you'll like that one. I've grabbed that from Crustcracker Blog a while ago but now the link on his page is no longer active so i thought it may be a good idea to upload that. Thanks to crustcracker.



Mushroom Attack & Forgotten Prophecy Split LP

Mushroom Attack is a hardcore punk band from netherlands, which was active between '89 - '92. Some of the members went on to form "Fleas And Lice" after they split up. Forgotten Prophecy is from greece and if you have any idea about greece's dark hardcore crust music you can guess what they sound like. Some Forgotten Prophecy members also played in bands like Naytia, Chaotic Threat, Echo Tatoo, Hibernation, etc. A very influential split LP actually.
Here you can find some info about Mushroom Attack.
And you can read Forgotten Prophecy lyrics from here.