Systemskifte - Demo

Flux Cored Wire - Actions Speak Louder Than Words 7" (2000)

A fastcore/powerviolence madness? It's a shrew noise from Japan. Up-tempo songs to cause heart attack with classic punk riffs, catchy guitar solos and lunatic chorus on vocals. No more information about the band. So I could say they're extreme underground guys.
Graffiti 3X - Esto No Es Un Juego (1998)

This is cult Mexican anarcho punk/hardcore band from Ciudad de México city that was formed in 1994. They play fast, agressive and melodic hardcore by combining punk, surf, hardcore and ska elements. Lyrics are based on topics like problems of lower class, worker rights and refugee problems. Band has released seven albums till now. "Esto No Es Un Juego" (In English: "This Is Not Game") is third record in their discography. Yeah, they believe graffiti is a street art so they gave this name. Vocalist Roberto Wong liked the cartoons and watched as he left the XXX liquor bottle, the 3X is a childhood memory for him.
E150 - Discography

Makiladoras - Niemand Weet Wat De Toekomst Brengt 10''

Female fronted crust metal from Netherlands. The music and the vocals are powerful and raging. Maquiladoras (or as they write: Makiladoras) are free-trade zones in Mexico. ‘Free’ means free to exploit, the workers in this kind of places don’t have any rights. The band was active between '99 - '06. They toured a lot, they released a 12", a split 7" with Radio Bikini, this release as a 10", and a discography cd. And like many other diy bands they took part in some compilations.
Check the band's webpage for more info: http://www.bacteria.nl/Makiladoras.htm
What happened on july 2nd, 1993?

It is the 2nd of July today, the anniversary of The Sivas Massacre (Sivas Katliamı). In Madımak Hotel, 37 people were burnt to death by radical islamists and facists. Intellectuals have gathered there to celebrate Pir Sultan Abdal's (a 16th century Alevi poet) festival.
The facists and islamists attacked after the moslem's friday prayers. Almost 20,000 of them first marched to the culture center, where the activities took place. They destroyed the monument which was just opened to public view a day ago. Then they marched to the hotel, they broke through the police barriers and surrounded the hotel. The main reason for the islamists and facists being there is to lynch Aziz Nesin, because he's translated Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" at that time. They set the hotel on fire and 37 people including musicians, poets, writers, tourists and hotel staff died. 51 people including Aziz Nesin managed to escape with heavy wounds. When he was recognized, he was beaten by a fireman and a city councilman shouted, "This is the devil we should have really killed."
What really disgusts me is; that the hotel's grounds floor was a MEAT RESTAURANT for years. Which is really sickening and nauseous. So many petitions were given to municipality and the parliament to make the hotel a museum but the politicians never took these seriously.
The victims are;
- Muhibe Akarsu - 35 years old, Muhlis Akarsu''s wife
- Muhlis Akarsu - 45 years old, bağlama (traditional turkish instrument) artist
- Gülender Akça - 25 years old
- Metin Altıok - 52 years old, poet, writer
- Ahmet Alan - 22 years old
- Mehmet Atay - 25 years old, journalist
- Sehergül Ateş - 30 years old
- Behçet Aysan - 44 years old, poet
- Erdal Ayrancı - 35 years old
- Asım Bezirci - 66 years old, researcher, writer
- Belkıs Çakır- 18 years old
- Serpil Canik - 19 years old
- Muammer Çiçek - 26 years old, actor
- Nesimi Çimen - 67 years old, poet, 3 wired cura virtuose (traditional turkish instrument)
- Carina Cuanna - 23 years old, Dutch journalist
- Serkan Doğan - 19 years old
- Hasret Gültekin - 23 years old poet, creator of the "şelpe" (a way to play the bağlama) technique
- Murat Güneş,Murat Gündüz - 22 years old
- Gülsüm Karababa -22 years old
- Uğur Kaynar - 37 years old, poet
- Asaf Koçak - 35 years old, caricaturist
- Koray Kaya - 12 years old
- Menekşe Kaya - 17 years old
- Handan Metin - 20 years old
- Sait Metin - 23 years old
- Huriye Özkan - 22 years old
- Yeşim Özkan - 20 years old
- Ahmet Öztürk - 21 years old
- Ahmet Özyurt - 21 years old
- Nurcan Şahin - 18 years old
- Özlem Şahin - 17 years old
- Asuman Sivri - 16 years old
- Yasemin Sivri - 19 years old
- Edibe Sulari - 40 years old, artist
- İnci Türk - 22 years old
- Kenan Yılmaz - 21 years old
Sinat Hinam - st

Fuck The Facts & Sylvester Staline Split 7''

This is a legendary split of two good bands.First band is Sylvester Staline.They are from france and they are playing fastcore like infest. They have 9 songs in this split and all their songs are really devilish and raw. i love this band. Second band is Fuck the Facts. This band is a canadian female fronted grindcore band, formed in 1998.They have 4 songs in this split and two of them are cover songs. Their music is very shined grindcore with raw vocals and unholy guitar riffs. I think you should listen this split.
to listen
Bostaurus - Demo

Obstructed - Demo

Knuste Ruter - Var Det Bare En Løgn 7"

Katie Katty - Monster Cat Creep Show 7"

Lastsentence - Beginning Of The Close Mind 7"

Nikmat Olalim - Self Devouring Land 7"

Dir Yassin - Discography

M:40 - Industrilandskap 7''

Nikmat Olalim - Battle Legacy

Holokaust - st 7"

Arrebato - Muchas Palabras en Poco Tiempo

Heimat-los - Schlag! 7"

Infekcja - Symbioza 7''

Colored Rice Men - ...Jealousy Wars

Fuck Lukaschenko - DIY Punk Belarus Compilation

Let's Burn Vol. 1

Result - I Can Go Die 7"
Result is a band from Japan. They are formed by Takeshi (who used to sing in C.F.D.L. before that and sung in several bands like Filth Chain, Bacteria.) And the other members of the band played in Muga when Result split up. There aren't much info about them on the internet actually. If you know something you can share, leave a comment and inform me. In this 7" they play ripper crust but their later releases are a bit melodic but not like the boring melodic crust crap. They are great too, i'm going to post their self titled LP soon too. For now deal with that.
Riotous & Atomvinter Split

This split is called "Barley Army split" and released especially for the Apocalyptic Crust Fest II, released both as a CD and an LP. Both bands have 10 songs here, and the whole record is about 40 minutes. Atomvinter hail from gothenburg / sweden and they haven't been around for a long time. They play quite unique crust with strong political lyrics. Riotous are from chicago / usa. They play metallic d-beat crust. The CD is printed to 300 copies and it's sold out, i'm not sure about the LP though.
Capitalist Casualties - Raised Ignorant 7"

Capitalist Casualties is an american power violence band.They formed in 1986 and published lots of releases,also they are still active today.Raised Ignorant is an important 7 inch of them(1993).Very good stuff.This is old school pw from west coast.This is hell.(by the way sorry for my poor english,my brain is a mess tonight)
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Ciudad Del Kaos - Cuando El Dialogo No Conduce A Nada

Ciudad Del Kaos is a furious crust band from Santiago / Chile. They're formed in '04, released their first demo in '05. This record is released in '07 and it's their latest material. The music is quite powerful, especially the drummer does a great work with cymbals at the 3rd song Mentira, and the 8th song Sabotaje Grafico is pretty raging too. There are some thrash metal moments in the record too.
Arrebato - Demo

Detox - Demo

Detox is a female fronted band from Beirut / Lebanon. They are the first punk band in that country, formed in '05 under a different name and a slightly different line up. They sing about toxication, the streets of Hamra, cops, militias and the wars, especially the war in '06 between israel and lebanon. Basically they sing about everything that's just the opposite of Detox. Heavily influenced by bands like; Discharge, Motörhead, GBH, The Anti-Nowhere League, The Plasmatics. They were going to play a show in İstanbul in ResistFest, but some legal issues caused shit and we couldn't meet them, maybe next time. Till then, Sing along to Motörhead!
Bombstrike - Äckel 7''

Banzai Warmaster - Demo

Axebastard - Demo

F-Minus & Crack Rock Steady 7 Split

If you're working for the white man then jump up and sing along!
Bandanos - We Crush Your Mind With The Thrash Inside

The band members are well known and respected people in the Sao Paolo hardcore punk scene. Some of the bands they play are; No Violence, Questions, Intifada, Point Of No Return, Inspire, War Inside and more. Their aim is to bring back the hardcore punk spirit in the thrash metal scene, their music sounds like Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, Accüsed, No Mercy but their sound is unique in a way too. This is their only full length album, released in '07.
big takeover
John Frusciante's big takeover acoustic cover.He play it when he was a junkie.I think drugs made him a bad brains fan and a music genius.lovely.
California Love - Reaping the Whirlwind

California Love is a power violence,hardcore band from oakland.they are really satanically good.
To taste
Rorschach - Protestant

Rorschach is a powwaviolence band from new jersey.They formed in 1989 and this 12 inch was released by gern blandsten records.This is horribally good mates.have a look.
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Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

Darkthrone is a norwegian black metal band which i like very much.They formed in 1988 as a death metal band in norway and now they are playing everything they like in accordance with their music culture.They never take another member for their former members so they are 2 men now.Fenriz and Nocturno Culto.They are into Punk and Crust.Finally for this album:IT IS RAW.
To feel

Shai Hulud - Hearts Once Nourished With Hope And Compassion

Shai Hulud is an hardcore band from Florida.They formed in 1995 and they are playing metal influenced hardcore.This album is their first album which released in 1997 and they done it very well.if you like hardcore music you should listen shai hulud.
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Lungfish - Feral Hymns

This is a legendary post-hardcore band from a legendary label Dischord.They play intelligent music and i think they know what they do.They formed in 1987 in Baltimore County.This is their last album which released in 2005.I like their all discography but i upload it because i want to show how they play kingly after a long time from their enterprise.
To feel
King Generator - Self Titled EP

This men called themself as "Members of Anodyne/Tombs, Discordance Axis/Burnt By the Sun/Municipal Waste and Shank/The Process play fast angry music."I think this is ok for them.They are really angry.
To taste
1905 - Voice

1905 is a screamo band from Washington Dc.They are anarchists and partisans of peace as i know.Their music is old spiced american screamo.This is high-class in itself's genre.I really like this band i think you will like it too.By the way they formed in 2000,they published their album "Voice" on Exotic Fever Records,presumably they have an another lp too,they are not active today and this album's cover is amazing.
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Dahmer - Dahmerized

This is a grindcore/mincecore band from Quebec city.They sound like Unholy Grave,Agathocles,etc.So this is fucking ulcerous music.They are really obsessed with serial killers and stories like that.They talk about death and play fast like they are already dead.
This is good but i dont understand the album's cover.Why is it a black man?I dont think that they are fuckin KKK.I think this is just a picture.Maybe they dont really care about their covers but this Lp is full of high quality shit.
To download
ps about that cover:"It's a photo from when they raided Jeffery Dahmer's apartment." thank you anonymous.