Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

October 9, 2015

Her Fall Fiesta

With crunchy, crinkly leaves everywhere
Autumn had painted the town yellow, orange and red.
She changed the wreath on her door, again
Like she had every year, for all of sixty seven.

Until next time, 
Chandana Shekar

October 8, 2015

The Woman

"You're gonna be a Surgeon? How will you find time to raise kids?", he asked.

"Just like my Mom did", answered the daughter of a Surgeon.

Until next time,
Chandana Shekar

March 8, 2015

Her New Year's Eve

She had waited for this since forever. It had been like a cover page for her big American dream. She was a simple Indian small town girl who had dreamed of making it big in the USA. Through all those years of aspiring and all those years of struggling, this had looked like a light at the end of the tunnel. And now, with a social security number and a job in the Land of Liberty, it was the last day of the best year of her life, 2014. She wrapped up work for the day as soon as she could. Having tucked her patients in, being glad she wasn't on a call-block working on new years, having stopped by CVS to buy that lip gloss she was out of, she couldn't stop being excited about her first long drive in her first bought car. It was gonna be a road trip with a girlfriend. To a party, she felt she totally deserved. It was 3 hours and 120 miles for the New Year's Eve party at New York City!

All decked up and fancy, she was joined by people she knew, and people they knew, who didn't really know each other. Did they seem to like each other? Oh well, it didn't matter. It was a Pier, with Indie music and a dance floor. And it came with munchies and spirits! It had been months since she had danced to a Bollywood number. Miles away from the hindi-land and hectic hours at her medicine internship, she had totally missed that particular joy. Sporting a new-year-tiara, she was all smiles while she greeted people, danced, made merry and awaited 2015.

But at the strike of midnight, when it was hugs and kisses all around her, she realized that she missed people. She sensed the feeling of being alone in a crowd. It was literally that.  Her friends and family back home were done with the midnight celebration hours ago. They had called her then and said they missed her. She had her drunk-and-happy friends shouting "Happy New Year" in un-synchronized chorus over speaker phone and a tear had peeked from the corner of her eye. She missed them. She missed those celebrations and parties, those hugs and love. Almost every soul who loved her was in a different continent, a different time zone.

Right at that thought, her phone rang. It was her family wishing her New Year's at 'her' time. With all her heart, she embraced the fondness from across the miles. Just then did someone blatantly interrupt her conversation. "Phone calls aren't allowed here, talk to people in person", he said. "It's the eve and he's high on spirits!", she thought as she awed at his audacity. "Happy new year, could I borrow you for a dance?" said the starry eyed stranger.  She couldn't help but smile and nod as he walked her to the floor. As moments passed and they made company, the overtly blunt guy seemed all chivalrous to her. What more, the tall-dark-handsome hailed from the favourite part of her second favourite city in the world! The place which she connected with, the place which had given her freedom, friends and frolic. No wonder the instant spark. No wonder the dance lasted long. No wonder the chatter was so much fun. Like the more the merrier, another person joined in the yapping,  and then another. And before she knew it, company had turned into a group, which turned into a herd. They talked gibberish, danced drunk and laughed hysteric. She partied until her head spun and laughed until her belly hurt.

Calling it a night and bidding good byes, everyone retired to their abodes. Settled in the train, looking through the window into the darkness, she didn't feel home sick anymore! Atleast not for that moment. Ofcourse everything and everybody back home was, is and would remain special. They were her back bone and safety net. But she had just had fun like she would have if she was with her peeps. She was still smiling and that was good. She realized that it was by choice that she had moved countries and started on a new journey here. She had made her loved ones proud and the others envious. It was a chapter where she learnt state of art medicine, made friends from all over the world, drove on the right side of the road and paid taxes for the first time. Despite the long hours, annoying beepers and all the hardships that came with intern year, she had her share of blessings to count. She had her go-to-people who watched out for her, seniors who consoled her saying it would get better with time, and friends who whined about work over wine. Life was good at the the moment. And so would be the year.

At dawn, it was a fresh day to go to work. Her soul smiled and lips formed a curve as she reminisced the night before. Would they meet again?, she wondered. May be, or may be not. Would she want that? May be or may be not. Oh well, it was time to get into internship survival mode again. One foot in front of another, just get through the day.

And just as she pulled out of her driveway, her cell phone chimed.  "Hello!", said a text from a 646 number.

Until Next time,
Chandana Shekar

P.S.: "A good story is always better than a dazzling piece of truth" - Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth tale

October 22, 2014

Writer's Block

Sitting around was I, thinking of a topic to write on
Failing to get a brainstorm, had just begun to yawn.
Why was this happening, only today all of a sudden?
Wondered why my pen, was now not getting into action.

Do I write about love, yet another time?
One more in the row, wouldn't actually be a crime.
Or would something else, with a lilt of comedy do?
Maybe I could write about, the circus and its crew?.

Depression and denials, were infact not a bad idea
But I wanted something more cheerful, maybe even the Dahlia.
Maybe a wish for somebody, a friend very true
Or somebody who had already bid, a final adieu.

The tides at the sea, or the birds in the tree
Everything, but nothing, would my psyche agree.
God!, what do I pen on?, what do I do?
Maybe my mind has gone, to bamboo, to chew.

Until next time
Chandana Shekar

June 23, 2013

Count Your Blessings

"Life is so exhausting!", I thought. Work seemed to have its own pace, slower than a freaking snail. Love life either vacant or a mess. You know those times in life where your brain and heart are totally determined to go in two opposite directions? Oh ask me more about it! The mid-twenties-crisis? Oh, ask me still more!My friends are either getting promoted, married or having kids, and I have annoying relatives asking me in their more annoying tone about my wedding plans, aarrggh!!

Then as I sat by my window sipping my cuppa, I did some soul-searching. And my day seemed brighter all of a sudden. That's because I realised that my life seems almost perfect(touch wood though). First of all, I love who 'I' am. I have a loving family who are just right for me. I have credit cards and the bill gets taken care of. I'm a Doctor and the journey to be an Attending is so far so good. I can play music, I can cook, I can write too. I have friends who I can call up to chat at 2 am because I am bored. The same friends who say 'Shut up and study' when I have my lazy days. I've been a part of a crazy gang in college. I've loved. I've had heartbreaks. I've had crushes, which I fortunately-unfortunately got over as soon as I talked to them! I've travelled to my dream destination and have made friends during the journey. I've lived alone in a new city, lived in a perfect neighbourhood, got locked out of the house at 4 am, partied hard at the most happening places, had slumber night-outs and travelled to the heart of the city for work every single day! I've known the rules and have had fun breaking them too.

So it's okay that I haven't got into post graduation 'yet'. Atleast I'm chasing my dreams and I'm almost there. I know I will be happy doing what I do at work for the rest of my life. It's totally okay that I'm 26 and single and not on a matrimonial website yet. It's okay that I don't get to put up facebook statuses like 'Thanks my dear husband' after I succeed in something. No offence but,  its fun being successful when you're single. especially when you've earned it with your sweat and blood. You're so hot and happening and you feel like the world is your playground. It's fun to guess who would be that lucky guy, who would be by you at your graduation party a couple of years from now. I'm sure it's gonna be worth the wait.

So what if life is messy at times. So what if that guy you have a crush on hardly tells you a hi. So what if that other guy, 'Mr-almost-perfect' asked you out on a date, but 'geography' won't let you go. So what if exam and its results are due. So what if everything is uncertain. How much ever scary or shitty it seems, hope for the best is all you can do. And hope is a wonderful thing. As they say, 'If you believe in miracles, you're bound to find one'. At the end of the day, the journey does matter, not just the destination.  Everything happens for a reason. And as Mom says, 'If not for sorrows, you wouldn't value joy'.

So, as long as you've got a career, a weekend life, family, friends and if you've ever had 'atleast' one guy tell you that he would fight the world to have you as his girl, you've got a life. You've got the independence to dance to your own music for some more time , until that special someone comes your way and joins in. A lot of people your age who stuck to rules are so jealous of your life right now. So if you're sailing in the same boat as I am, Count your Blessings, and Smile. You're worth it.

I have jam packed days right now and will be backpacking soon. It's gonna be an adventure sure and  I'm so looking forward to it. To Success, Fun and Love.

Chandana C.Shekar

July 16, 2011

To Happiness, Always..

On the drive, On the go.. Life seems to take its own turns and curves and you just drive along. Not just so that you don't lose track, but also because you don't have another option. Everybody has a destination,and a journey to make to reach that point. Not that everybody's destination is the same, but maybe the road is, atleast for a distance. Maybe that's why lives of people around us overlap with ours. We take different paths when our lives need to go different ways and then, we meet new people, new travellers. People change, but memories stay. And sometimes we wish those good old times happen again.

In pursuit of a career, people move from one place to another at times. They move out of their comfort zone, in which they've been since ages and go to a new City. In most cases, this happens with leaving family and friends behind and feeling lonely at one point or the other. They get along with new people, get along with house hunting and finding out grocery shops nearby and maybe, a new mode of transport too. They expect a few problems to crop up and expect to count on a few people there. Maybe it ends up happening that way or maybe the other way round. Everything is just an insecurity, just a gamble.

But the strong we, don't just give up. We persuade the dream that doesn't let us sleep. We get through the tunnels to get to the shore we've always dreamt of being on. Even though we go through the phase of struggle complaining and missing our old luxurious life, we run from pillar to post to make this part comfortable for the least. We know this is what we need to do if we want to be happy a decade later.

Then, by the time we solve our problems and get on with the speed that life takes us, its already time for the next phase of life. Maybe time to leave for a new City. And its only then that we realise, that even throughout this phase of life, which we had labelled as 'difficult' and in this city which we never called ours, we had made friends. We had managed to have nice times and those times had created memories. Only then is when we realise that there are a few more photos to go on the wall.

Every coin has two sides and every cloud sure has a silver lining. If we just realise this during the period of darkness and laugh off the problems, if we just manage to reduce the wrinkles on our forehead by not letting unnecessary things bother us; if we just live and let live, maybe then we shall have the time to actually 'Live' the days we have, even during that 'struggling' period of life. After all, its a part of your twenties perhaps and that age has happiness also sanctioned with it. Its just on us, whether we look for it and use it or not. Maybe this city had treated us bad and asked too much of us to start with. But sooner or later, like most arranged marriages, it would have accepted us. Both for our good and bad. And we too, in one way or the other, would have associated ourselves with it. Maybe life would take us to a new city then, to show that its got control over us. And then, the least thing we would want to do., to repent not having enjoyed our time spent here.

So wherever you are, look for happiness. Its all around... Every single day gets with it a lot of sunshine. Its for you to take your cup of it.

Loads of love,
Dr. Chandana C. Shekar

Slap-up Thoughts #21

We tend to go with our heart, over our mind. Why don't we realise that its the brain where the centres of thought are located!

Until very soon,
Dr. Chandana C. Shekar

June 5, 2011

Mug Mug ki Kahani

 Once a friend asked me, "Do you drink coffee for the sake of coffee or for coffee mugs?". Arre yaar, coffee is for coffee sure. But then, what's wrong in making the experience a little bit more rich and enjoyable if we add it up with nice coffee mugs? Coffee mugs have always been a favourite of mine. I have quite a collection(including the ones my sister broke).

Coffee is my favourite drink. I have coffee for partying and for therapy. Coffee is my saviour when I'm low and sleepy and my partner when I'm happy and relaxing. Coffee stays with me in whatever mood I am in. And hence, the mug collection gets it own use. My use of mugs depends on my mood. The black and white ones when I'm totally sober. The Las Vegas one when I'm in a party mood. The mickey mouse one when I wanna have just plain milk (reminds me of my childhood) and so on..

I stay away from my family. Friends parted ways in search of a career just the way I did. So its obvious I miss those sweethearts and wish I could relive those moments spent with them. And then comes a way I soothen it down a bit. Most of my mugs are gifted by my loved ones. so each mug gets back a memory when used and the soul smiles. The green one with the flowers came from my best friend - the first birthday gift I got from him. The pirate one from another friend. The small brown one from another friend , which cost 15 rupees then and of which, 10 were his and 5 were mine. The dark green one was something Mom bought for me in Pondicherry. Kinda is a memoir of that nice trip with Mom. There is another mug missing in the snap. That's a mug that my sister bought for my birthday after 15 months. Yeah right! She got it for me after my next birthday! The tea-pot is the one my aunt used to keep my tea in during my late night study sessions-the only time that I used to have tea..Well, aise hi.. It goes on.

Life's a bucket full of tiny droplets called moments. And for the short life we have, we need to live all those moments to the full . So whats wrong in associating moments with mugs? Every mug has a kahani. Every mug has a memory. And when I sit back to relax everyday with a cuppa after a tiring day , when the mug brings back those memories while coffee heals my soul, that's enough to get a smile on my face. Well, I enjoy my coffee experience. And that's all that matters.. :)

High on caffeine,
Chandana C. Shekar

December 13, 2010

Hiya !!! :)


Wats up? Hows life? Everything safe and sound, hot and happening?? Okay, I've been absconding all this while , I know. I'm gonna go into hibernation again from this place of mine. But yeah, for a short while though. GOT EXAMS COMING UP FINALLY!!! And I shall be back here as soon as its over. Been so long since I wrote anything. Been so long since I talked all you wonderful friends from the blogosphere. So very wanting  to get back here. Until then, wish me luck, and miss me!!!

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all of you :)

Loads of Love,

August 31, 2010

Slap-up Thoughts #18

This post's a bit long for my 'Slap-up Thoughts' norm.

In my previous post, I had talked about these pages with one-liners that you 'Like' on facebook. Came across one more. It said, "I trusted you, my mistake.". Well, I have a different opinion here.

I trusted you. That's the norm and basis of a relationship. You knew I trusted you, and you let me do it. You knew you would break it one day and you knew that would hurt me. You could have told me that you weren't worth it and I wouldn't have trusted you. So it's your mistake. Maybe you are stone hearted, maybe you were having fun, maybe the gene in you functions that way. Yet, all that is 'you'. So whatever happened, was 'your' mistake.

Until next time,
Chandana C. Shekar

August 28, 2010

Me, Viral and Ramblings..

Down with Viral, studies screwed up, bad days go worse. As though it wasn't boring enough to sit in a chair the whole day for months together studying for one life-making-or-breaking-examination, now I had to get confined to the bed. The only compensation I got was to shift to the couch in the living room if I wanted to watch TV!  I hate Viral. They say, 'Doctors are the fussiest patients'. So true. I've seen other doctors behaving so. When it came to me, was no different. Well, Thats enough I guess. This is my space in the blogosphere. I own it and the rules are mine. So no more negatives about me is gonna come up here. Man, I missed a friend's wedding today. And one more tomorrow is gonna have the same fate. Shit ya.

Anyways, I know nothing of this is making any sense. Oh come on, I'm not keeping well!. I can't be writing an award winning post here!!. I haven't gone out of home since 10 days!! Can you believe that? I realised it just today. Well, that has nothing to do with the viral though. Viral started just two days ago. But yeah, come what may, I am going out tomorrow. I hope any of my friends come down to Mysore for the weekend. I wanted to talk to a friend today and called him up at 11 pm. Well, for the busy being he is, that is the only time he would be free. And he said he needed another 2 hours to finish work at the Hospital. And its a non-call day for him. We Doctors are way too overworked yaar. Especially during our Post-Graduation period. And even after knowing that, we PG aspirants do everything we can ( and can't too) to get that one PG seat. Well, I guess we are the most optimistic lot on Earth. We look at the future, years and years ahead when we will be successful Practitioners. And with a hope of getting to those greener pastures, we go through all the torture for 5.5 years of MBBS, a minimum of a year of Pre-PG, 3 years of PG, sometimes 2 more years of super-speciality , add one more year for miscellaneous. The number of years after that to become an 'established' practitioner making good bucks is very individualistic. So much?? God, Please make me earn big BIG money when I start practising! Ah! There I go rambling again!!

Anyways, Like everyone else, when bored, I also get on facebook. And randomly keep 'liking' pages which have a line to them and nothing else. And today, was a day with the highest probability that I would do it. And I did! I 'liked' quite a few pages, which I felt 'spoke out my heart' in those one liners. One amongst those was really good. I 'actually' liked it. It said , "Sweetheart, he's just a lesson you needed to learn". Wow! That's the best line anybody can say while consoling somebody whose been dumped or cheated on!. The line makes you feel good about yourself, not crib about what happened and at the same time says that the guy was an asshole and was not worth anything more of you! How true! Nice nice. Like, like and the more like.

Okay I need to get off now. Party hard the weekend people..and miss the sick me :( ... ;-).
Chandana C. Shekar

July 24, 2010

Slap-up Thoughts #15

"I wanted 'Perfect'. But all I needed was 'Compatible' "

Bit busy these days,
Chandana C. Shekar

July 9, 2010


A lazy wednesday afternoon.. Three friends.. At Barista..

Mr.A - Why is that girls go for the 'bad' boys?
Miss. P - Why is that guys fall for the 'slutty' girls?
Me - Hmmm . Right !

Have a nice weekend,
Chandana C. Shekar

July 7, 2010

The Strike-It-Off Tag

Picked this tag from Neha Silam's blog. Pretty interesting. Its simple. Just strike off the things that you haven't done in your life yet. Here I go :)

  1. Graduated high school.
  2. Kissed someone. (Don't start getting ideas. It says 'kissed'. not 'smooched', A kiss can land anywhere ;) ;) )
  3. Smoked a cigarette.
  4. Got so drunk you passed out.
  5. Rode every ride at an amusement park.
  6. Collected something stupid.
  7. Gone to a rock concert.
  8. Helped someone.
  9. Gone fishing.
  10. Watched four movies in one night. (I have watched two and a half)
  11. Lied to someone.
  12. Snorted cocaine.
  13. Smoked weed.
  14. Failed a subject. (Not in finals. Internals-yes.All of us in my class did ;) )
  15. Been in a car accident.
  16. Been in a tornado.
  17. Watched someone die. (You invariably get to see that in casualty postings and on duty days)
  18. Been to a funeral.
  19. Burned yourself. (Courtesy- hot water and my effort to cook something!!)
  20. Run a marathon.
  21. Cried yourself to sleep.
  22. Spent over 10,000 bucks in one day. (me and my shopping sprees ;) )
  23. Flown on an aeroplane. (I'm the only one in my family who hasn't. Poor me)
  24. Cheated on someone.
  25. Been cheated on.
  26. Written a 10 page letter.
  27. Gone skiing.
  28. Been sailing.
  29. Cut yourself.
  30. Had a best friend.
  31. Lost someone you loved.
  32. Got into trouble for something you didn’t do. (Every intern and PG gets into that in a hospital!)
  33. Stolen a book from the library. ( Haven't returned quite a few yet)
  34. Gone to a different country. (I have not even been to North India)
  35. Watched the Harry Potter movies.
  36. Had an online diary.
  37. Fired a gun. ( At  balloons at the dasara exhibition ;) )
  38. Gambled in a casino. ( I'm so waiting to go to vegas :) )
  39. Been in a school play.
  40. Been fired from a job.( They can'tfire an intern. Its compulsory. And that's the only job I've been in :)
  41. Taken a lie detector test.
  42. Swam with dolphins.
  43. Voted for someone on a reality TV show. ( I loved Harshit Saxena sing on one of the TV shows)
  44. Written poetry. ( Oh yeah!!)
  45. Read more than 20 books a year.  (Our text books and notes and question banks and one or two novels per year- yeah, easily more than 20).
  46. Gone to Europe.
  47. Loved someone you shouldn’t have.
  48. Used a colouring book over age 12. (Don't think so)
  49. Had a surgery. (Had fracture-displacement of my left little toe when I was a kid)
  50. Had stitches. ( How else would they close my wound? Staples weren't in use back then)
  51. Taken a Taxi.
  52. Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once. ( I'm a girl afterall ;) )
  53. Been in a fist fight. ( Come on, I have a sister. this is bound to happen).
  54. Suffered any form of abuse. (No ways!! Who ever tries to do that will get abused back by me)
  55. Had a pet.
  56. Petted a wild animal.
  57. Had your own credit card & bought something with it.
  58. Dyed your hair.
  59. Got a tattoo.( Will be the first thing I'll do after I get my PG seat)
  60. Had something pierced. (Ear lobes. I'm a girl!!)
  61. Got straight A’s. ( Oh yes!!)
  62. Known someone personally with HIV or AIDS. ( I worked at a hospital)
  63. Taken pictures with a webcam.
  64. Lost something expensive.
  65. Gone to sleep with music on
Phew. That was a back and forth journey into memories. I'm not tagging anybody in particular, coz a lotta people I know have already taken this up. But whoever wants to take it up, please do. have fun.

Until next time, Cheers :)
Chandana C. Shekar

July 3, 2010

Just when killing time..

My loyalty shifted. After six years. From Orkut to facebook. From Vodafone to Airtel. Facebook because its a lot more interesting than Orkut. Airtel because the Vodafone people pissed me off.

'Cruise Control' by Maraih Carey. Had been wanting that hello tune since so long. It never functioned on Vodafone. Got it now. yayy yayy Airtel ;-).

Infrapatellar bursitis is aka Clergyman's knee aka Vicar's knee aka Parson's knee aka Carpet layer's knee. And we are supposed to learn all these for the exam?With many more such mess-makers? Why can't it just be called infrapatellar bursitis? Is this like a nick name thing??

When my mom herself is not bothered about me being single yet, I wonder why my mom's brother's wife's mother's brother's wife's daughter (yeah, I got it right) is breaking her head about getting me hooked to somebody!! It's not gonna work dear!!

I have a North Indian friend who did his graduation from Mysore. He called me up today and said, "Thumba dina aaythu. Kannadadhalli maathadbeku" ( i.e. It's been so long, wanna talk in Kannada.). That's nice baby :-) :-).

A friend of mine bought Nokia X6 recently. I'm waiting to see it. Wanna see the Nokia version of my phone (S.E. Satio). Well, my phone's any day got better features, but still, curiosity u see ;-).

My friend Moo started his internship postings in the department of OBG in our hospital. As it goes with that department ( I stress again that the department here refers only n only to the one in our hospital), we started gossipping about how pathetic and  weird and what-not the people out there are. And midway during the conversation, he said, "No wonder all these male gynaecologists here seem like they are suffering from loss of libido". ROFL. That was a real good one. I guess there is no intern who walks out of that department without getting frustrated with the people out there!!

My sister pledged to God that she would quit chicken for a year if she gets through medical entrance exam. Whoo!! I'm wondering how would that help? Is it like God was denied chicken everywhere and she is doing him a favour by giving him her share for a year?

My blog gets a regular visitor from San Jose, California. And very punctual. As soon as my blog post comes up, I get the update on the Feedjit that somebody from San Jose visited. Feeling all nice about it ;-).Can you please tell me who you are? I would love to know :).

I hardly receive sms on my phone nowadays. Everybody's busy getting married or studying you see. And whenever I do get, majority of them say, "Whats up? What studying?" Oh shit! That reminds me. Gotta get back to books. Ta..

Smiley smiley,
Chandana C. Shekar

June 30, 2010

Slap-up thoughts #13

"Falling for a wrong person isn't a mistake. But choosing to stick on for a lifetime is a crime, against yourself."

Was at a discussion forum a couple of months ago. The topic of discussion for that day was arranged marriage v/s love marriage. Obviously, the older citizens were arguing for arranged marriages and the youth differed from them. Then, this happened..

Uncle: "If you people say love marriages are safe, then why is that the divorce rates have gone high nowadays? It was never this high in our days when the majority were arranged marriages."
A friend: "That's because we atleast have the guts to walk out of unhappy marriages. And we are proud of it."

Very well said. Some conversation came up today, and reminded me of this. Relationships..Uff!!

p.s.- After reading the comments that followed, I'm changing the term 'unhappy marriages' in the line above to 'unhappy relationships'. Because that was what was actually on my mind when I put up this post. The quote from the debate was just to go with the thought . :)

Chandana C. Shekar

June 11, 2010

Slap-up thoughts #9

"Never cry for someone who dumped you. The next one may fall for your smile" :) -Mac West

Have a nice weekend,
Chandana C. Shekar

June 8, 2010

"Slap-up thoughts #8"

"Negatives are necessary in life to realise the value of Positives.
Failures for success, Tears for smiles,
Stones for diamonds,and...
Assholes, for Sweethearts"

Chandana C. Shekar

June 7, 2010

Random Monday Ramblings

It's 1:00 am and I'm having Cadbury's dairy milk fruit and nut. It's all melted and it feels so good to lick it off my fingers. It reminds me of that dairy milk silk's ad. Hmmm.. Nice ad.

Why is the blue water bottle in my room today? Where did the pink one go???

My brother thinks that I write well and I should write for a column or something. My best friend thinks I'm wasting time writing my blog even and I need to sit and study for my entrance.

When asked why guys smoke, a friend said, "it feels like an orgasm". Another girl replied, "Yuck! What a poor substitute."

Niluvaddamu ninu yepudaina
nuvu evvaru ani adigena
aa chitrame gamanisthunna gotthagaa
That's playing on my phone. I like that song.
Call my phone. You'll get to listen to
Your mind's in disturbia, it's like the darkness is light
Disturbia, am I scaring you tonight?
Disturbia, ain't used to what you like
Disturbia, disturbia

But no better substitute to
Yaare koogaadali yaare horaadali,
yemme ninage saati illa

 Or even,
Nanna haadu nannadhu, nanna jeeva nannadhu

Wonder if my dad's earning depends on my mom. Coz my mom's an obstretician and dad's a paediatrician.

What if I was at Las Vegas this right moment?

Day care schools in USA charge 1000$ per month itseems. Wow!! Got a career option if i don't get a PG seat. :)
A friend of mine always ends the conversation with "happy studying". Well, maybe these wishes are necessary to negate the frustration of studying!!.

Drug of choice for S.aureus food poisoning?- 'Nothing'!!.. Yippee!! one drug less to remember :)

6 hours 18 minutes, and not a single message recieved on my phone. Hello everyone!!! I exist!!
I saw this on a bike- "Dad says no racing for kids".. Was that for others or for him?

My sister refers to my mom and my mom's best friend as 'chik-chik friends'.. huh?

A friend's friend got married tonight at a water park! The invitees could play around the water slides itseems.Hmmm, had never heard of anything like that.

The night's so silent.. peace :)

I know of a girl who's getting married. I pity her husband for the kinda girl she is!!

I did something new today.. yeah!!! :)

According to a preventive and social medicine textbook, 'youth' ends at the age of 25! Shit ya, so I have only two more years of youth remaining? poor me :(

Same old routine from tomorrow. Ouch!

I love myself :)

Okay , enough now. Good night everyone :)

Have a nice week ahead,
Chandana C. Shekar

June 6, 2010

Slap-up Thoughts #7

"If not reciprocate to someone's feelings, atleast respect it."

Bit busy,
Chandana C. Shekar