Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

March 8, 2015

Her New Year's Eve

She had waited for this since forever. It had been like a cover page for her big American dream. She was a simple Indian small town girl who had dreamed of making it big in the USA. Through all those years of aspiring and all those years of struggling, this had looked like a light at the end of the tunnel. And now, with a social security number and a job in the Land of Liberty, it was the last day of the best year of her life, 2014. She wrapped up work for the day as soon as she could. Having tucked her patients in, being glad she wasn't on a call-block working on new years, having stopped by CVS to buy that lip gloss she was out of, she couldn't stop being excited about her first long drive in her first bought car. It was gonna be a road trip with a girlfriend. To a party, she felt she totally deserved. It was 3 hours and 120 miles for the New Year's Eve party at New York City!

All decked up and fancy, she was joined by people she knew, and people they knew, who didn't really know each other. Did they seem to like each other? Oh well, it didn't matter. It was a Pier, with Indie music and a dance floor. And it came with munchies and spirits! It had been months since she had danced to a Bollywood number. Miles away from the hindi-land and hectic hours at her medicine internship, she had totally missed that particular joy. Sporting a new-year-tiara, she was all smiles while she greeted people, danced, made merry and awaited 2015.

But at the strike of midnight, when it was hugs and kisses all around her, she realized that she missed people. She sensed the feeling of being alone in a crowd. It was literally that.  Her friends and family back home were done with the midnight celebration hours ago. They had called her then and said they missed her. She had her drunk-and-happy friends shouting "Happy New Year" in un-synchronized chorus over speaker phone and a tear had peeked from the corner of her eye. She missed them. She missed those celebrations and parties, those hugs and love. Almost every soul who loved her was in a different continent, a different time zone.

Right at that thought, her phone rang. It was her family wishing her New Year's at 'her' time. With all her heart, she embraced the fondness from across the miles. Just then did someone blatantly interrupt her conversation. "Phone calls aren't allowed here, talk to people in person", he said. "It's the eve and he's high on spirits!", she thought as she awed at his audacity. "Happy new year, could I borrow you for a dance?" said the starry eyed stranger.  She couldn't help but smile and nod as he walked her to the floor. As moments passed and they made company, the overtly blunt guy seemed all chivalrous to her. What more, the tall-dark-handsome hailed from the favourite part of her second favourite city in the world! The place which she connected with, the place which had given her freedom, friends and frolic. No wonder the instant spark. No wonder the dance lasted long. No wonder the chatter was so much fun. Like the more the merrier, another person joined in the yapping,  and then another. And before she knew it, company had turned into a group, which turned into a herd. They talked gibberish, danced drunk and laughed hysteric. She partied until her head spun and laughed until her belly hurt.

Calling it a night and bidding good byes, everyone retired to their abodes. Settled in the train, looking through the window into the darkness, she didn't feel home sick anymore! Atleast not for that moment. Ofcourse everything and everybody back home was, is and would remain special. They were her back bone and safety net. But she had just had fun like she would have if she was with her peeps. She was still smiling and that was good. She realized that it was by choice that she had moved countries and started on a new journey here. She had made her loved ones proud and the others envious. It was a chapter where she learnt state of art medicine, made friends from all over the world, drove on the right side of the road and paid taxes for the first time. Despite the long hours, annoying beepers and all the hardships that came with intern year, she had her share of blessings to count. She had her go-to-people who watched out for her, seniors who consoled her saying it would get better with time, and friends who whined about work over wine. Life was good at the the moment. And so would be the year.

At dawn, it was a fresh day to go to work. Her soul smiled and lips formed a curve as she reminisced the night before. Would they meet again?, she wondered. May be, or may be not. Would she want that? May be or may be not. Oh well, it was time to get into internship survival mode again. One foot in front of another, just get through the day.

And just as she pulled out of her driveway, her cell phone chimed.  "Hello!", said a text from a 646 number.

Until Next time,
Chandana Shekar

P.S.: "A good story is always better than a dazzling piece of truth" - Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth tale

April 4, 2012

Turning Three :)

When you like your neighborhood,
When you're comfy with your transit,
When you're fine with your workplace,
And glad about the people around you,
You know one thing for sure-
You took the right turn at the crossroad..
And life's good.. :)

P.S.: Its been three years since 'The World Around Me' was conceived into this virtual world. :) Thank you all you guys for being so supportive and reading (and yawning) my write-ups. :) Love you all.. :)

Chandana C Shekar

April 14, 2011

A little after 'Do Saal'

Two years ago, around this time, while waiting for my final year medicine results to be out and the letters 'Dr' get added to my name, a thought struck me. That my thoughts could belong somewhere other than my diary. A blog maybe. I had two previous blogs. One was sort of a miscarriage and the other one was a poetry blog which I had made private. Hence I thought I could have a proper one which would be my space, where I could say anything I want without anybody's permission. Where it would be my rules all the time with a feel-good-factor after expressing my thoughts and views without being called a chatterbox! And hence, came into existence in the www world.

Then, it was history. I discovered I could write decent enough. I had never expected anybody would read what I write except for a couple of friends who were supportive of me writing. But then, people read. My blog was followed. Felt really good to be recognised for it. Getting appreciated by people from this virtual world was one feeling and colleagues stopping by in the hospital and saying, 'Hey I didn't know you write so well!' was another feeling. It was cloud nine everytime my family and friends got proud of me for what I wrote.

Started with scrap. Had absolutely no idea what to write on. Hence wrote an article on 'Aries Woman' because I am an aries by the book! And to this day, that article of mine is the one which gets most visitors, atleast 60% of the statistics!! Comes up on google search and there you go!! Has got 3,742 views till date. Going on, blogrolls happened, followers appeared, widgets got added, templates changed, facebook fan page got created and my soul smiled.

And then, this space and I grew together. Made friends. Few real good friends. Neha di and Nazish - My oldest followers. Neha di was and is someone I really admire. Never thought I could get so close to someone I meet in this virtual world. I remember she giving me the links to two of her friends' blogs so that I can get more idea about blogging. And now, Madam writes and writes big time herself ;-). Nazish was one loyal reader! Always supportive :). Thank you both of you :). Not just the articles, but thoughts that none of you got to read got shared with these people. Others joined the list. Bikram and I shared 'views' about people. The kind of people we analyzed then were of the same kind and it made it easy for us ;-). Few readers commented on my write-up just so that I would do the same on theirs. They kinda almost swore at me when I didn't do so. But there were a few of them who actually read mine because they wanted to read. That list is quite long, but I'm sure those people know that I'm talking about them. Blogger names appeared on facebook friends list and I felt glad to know such amazing people. Thanks all of you.

This year, two really exciting things happened. I started writing for N-zine, the online magazine. Its always a pleasure to write for it. Feels good to a part of a bunch of bloggers who take the pleasure of writing on a theme and make reading it a pleasure for those who do. Then Masthmysore came calling. Wrote an article called 'Mysore Mornings'. It stands to be among my favourites. Was a hit for sure and I was overwhelmed. That was again a pleasure. First thing was because my subject to write on was to be Mysore - the place I've been at since the time the surfactant on my lungs expanded, and the place I adore the most. Second, that website was created and run by a couple of engineers from here who did it for the love of Mysore. So everywhere I belonged to, everybody that writing associated me with, had a passion for words and phrases, or for my hometown. Felt perfect :-).

Every blogger considers his/her blog as a baby, and I'm no different. So happy and proud am I on this day that I can go on and on. Well, why shouldn't I be? To sit in my room alone, when the sky's dark and the world's snoozing, with just a qwerty at my fingertips, to express my joy, to vent out my anger, to get my creativity into words, to play with emotions, to make the characters in my mind wind into a story, to make random words rhyme, to boast about success, to crib about failure, for refreshment, for sobering down, for partying, for therapy, and much much more,... my blog's been my best friend sure. There's no wonder I love it so much. After all, it's 'The World Around Me'..

Thank you all for all your love and support. Thanks a ton :-)

Love you'll loads.
Chandana C. Shekar

March 3, 2011

Ink and Paper

I write. People write. They love to write. They might write simple or complex, but they write. But what makes them put imaginations and thoughts into words? How do pictures come down onto paper from some nook of the mind? How do people get time for all this amidst their busy schedule? Maybe that's what you call, 'Inspiration'.

For a few, Inspiration is the smile got on their face while , after and forever after writing. For a few, it might be the smile got on somebody else's face. For a few, it might be something they do to get their part of fame. For others, it might be just to make their loved ones proud of them. It might be just the gush of thoughts in your mind that won't give you peace until you put it on paper. Or it might just be a simple time pass that you wanna shoo away time with. It might be the habit you inculcated in yourself since school days when you wrote essays. It might as well be something you've been trying to do to improve your vocabulary, to keep up pace with the world. It can even be the task your doing because somebody said you couldn't do it. It might even be something your doing, just to impress your special someone. You might write , to get rid of your loneliness. Or maybe just because it makes you feel serene. You might write when the night's silent and dark, and you wanna do something nice. Or maybe when your in the market and something interesting or weird caught your attention. You might blog just because the world blogs and you need one for yourself to flaunt about. You might write because you'r tired of studying your syllabus and you want to be more creative for now. Maybe that you have great authors as your idols and you inspire to be like them someday. Or maybe it's just a stress buster. Or it may just plain be, coz you love doing it :)

Somebody asked me what inspires me to write. I really don't know the exact answer for that. I don't know why I started writing. I don't even remember when I started 'writing' per-se. I've been doing it, in bits and pieces though, since really long. I think old habits die hard :) But all I know , is that I get a smile on my face when I write. I look forward for appreciation too. But yeah, the smile stays for a long time. Feel content.. Relaxed.. Glad..

A lot of my friends write. And a few of them, have become my friends for the reason that we share a common thing. We write. We don't aim to be high profile authors. We don't write amazing poetry or novels which get published. We just scribble a few poems, a few articles, maybe a few short stories or bedtime stories for children. But yeah, we enjoy doing that. And we are proud of ourselves for that. I bet all my friends would agree to that.

I've been somebody who always fell more for the lyrics of a song than the music, even though I was getting trained in music all through the first two decades of my life. And then, poetry happened to me. It's really a nice thing to play with words. Words are always better to play with than numbers. Words have more life than numbers. In case you guys want proof, just try playing crossword instead of sudoku. If you don't find it interesting, keep doing it for a few more days. Finally, you will like it. Then just pick up a pen and paper. Whenever something strikes your mind, just scribble it on paper. Before you realise, your thoughts would have turned into poetry :). Somebody had told me this latter part. And I feel its genuine.

The world is vast. Its huge. You get ample of whatever you want. There's a separate world around each person. There are so many people around each person. So there are so many worlds overlapping around each person. You just have to take a good enough look...And then, you'll find what I call my blog, 'The World Around Me"...

p.s.- This is a re-post from a year ago. Just felt like putting it up again
p.p.s. N-zine's febraury edition is out. I featured too. Wrote Yet Another Night. Have a read

Cheers :)
Chandana C. Shekar

January 16, 2011

I'm back !! :-)

:-) Hiya everyone,

A dreaded exam, loads of sleep, a much awaited long holiday, time spent with my best friend, time spent with family, a festival and now,.... Me back and blank.Yeah, I'm back on my blog, but I don't know what to write on.It feels like I'm having a thought block (That's a deja-vu from my exam on last sunday, but that was a dangerous block).Maybe I need some warming up.

Until then, there is an old poem of mine, that I had written when I was preparing for my third year MBBS exams - 'Musings at Ophthalmology'. Somehow Ophthal never goes down well with me. And the same status existed even when I was preparing for PG entrance. That was among the last subjects that I studied. And this poem is now featured in this month's N-zine. Have a read at this link.

And at namma , had written a poem 'Happy New Year Mysore'  . Do have a read. If any of my Mysore friends are reading this, there is a fun quiz at at 10pm everyday called MYQ. It's a pictionary about Mysore and it's fun to play. I play it. A bunch of fun people do. Do join in. I'm sure you shall enjoy it.You can even get them on facebook. :)

I have a lot of posts to read on your blogs my blog-friends, and I shall love doing that.

See ya'll soon..
Until then, take care, have fun, enjoy life..

Loads of Love,
Chandana C. Shekar

December 13, 2010

Hiya !!! :)


Wats up? Hows life? Everything safe and sound, hot and happening?? Okay, I've been absconding all this while , I know. I'm gonna go into hibernation again from this place of mine. But yeah, for a short while though. GOT EXAMS COMING UP FINALLY!!! And I shall be back here as soon as its over. Been so long since I wrote anything. Been so long since I talked all you wonderful friends from the blogosphere. So very wanting  to get back here. Until then, wish me luck, and miss me!!!

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all of you :)

Loads of Love,

August 2, 2010

Wrote "Mysore Mornings" for

We write articles every now and then. We like all our works. But very few of them end up being extra close to the heart. One among them for me, is my article "Mysore Mornings", which Iwrote recently for Masthmysore. For all you Mysoreans and those who have been to Mysore, have a read about nammoora belligge, as we all have seen it. And for those who haven't been to this amazing city, read on to get an essence of it. This website Masthmysore is dedicated to 'Namma Mysooru' by our fellow Mysoreans. Do log in once in a while to check out whats new in our city. :)

A success again, the July edition of N-zine is on stands. Oops! I know I'm a fortnight late . Was a bit busy to put this up sooner. The theme for July's edition, was "Rains". I wrote too. Yaayy ;). I wrote "First Rains". A few of you would have read this on my blog earlier. For my new readers, it's at this link . Read on now. Because the August edition is coming soon.:)

Well, blogging is a wonderful thing to have happened to me. Have befriended a couple of very good human beings. Have read a lot of wonderfully written articles. Few blogs are a pleasure to read. One such, is B Log by Insignia. And this amazing lady has crossed the 200th post mark and hence, renders a 'Thank you award' for all her readers. Well darling,It's a thank you from me to you, for giving us such refreshing articles to read. I'm sure your fellow readers would agree to it. Keep writing :)

Signing off for now. Cheers.

Until next time,
Chandana C. Shekar

May 26, 2010

My Blog Filmfare Moment :-) :-)

MY 100TH POST!! Yippee :). I take this post to appreciate the appreciation that I've got from my fellow bloggers. Thanks so much you guys :). Read on and take up the awards that I've passed on.

May 24, 2010

Microfiction Monday #3

Here's for Microfiction Monday. I got two takes on it this time. Enjoy it n take it on :)

"Three old saints of wood we are,
Mourning today, our Ace went afar.
May his pure soul rest in peace,
May there be no more worries." [;-)]


"We four saints went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down, had an already broken crown,
But had no Jill, to come after"

p.s.- Bit busy, will read your blogs soon.

Have a nice week ahead,
Chandana C. Shekar

May 15, 2010

Yippee, I solved a mystery!!

This is for the Mystrey fiction Blog Contest- Whoduunit? at My readers, please read the story there and then read this.

Well, my answer is, none other than LILA.

The story is that, Lila was a smart woman and she couldn't take it that she was in troubled relationships all the while and one such relationship had given her the virus. Her conscience wouldn't let her suffer to death. She wouldn't let somebody kill her. Not without paying back. So the party was a pre-planned one for the proceedings she would do, so that everybody would be present there, then made everybody go to her room, so that no one could escape saying that they din't go to the room at all, so couldn't have killed her.

The 'strong' tea she offered the author was actually for herself. She knew he wouldn't drink it because it reminded him of poison.It was made from the same tea leaves that she had kept from the author's house. Lila had given Sia somethin as a parting gift, telling that she would die in a few days due to virus and she wanted Sia to keep that as a memoir of her twin. Sia was sweet and not smart. So she couldn't understand the actual intention of this. Lila didn't want anybody to leave until the police arrived so asked everybody to stay when they were ready to leave.

She had taken the rosary from R saying that it would help her keep focussed during her last days of life. He , who believed women were divine had given it to her. When she actually drank the tea, she experienced discomfort. The porcelain cup had dropped off her hand. She went to drink water, but jar was empty. She had kept ther hand over the arm band next to the jar, trying to hold on to something, so got mangled. Then she went to the bathroom because she felt like puking, and there the rosary in her hand had ripped off.The scarf was from the accident that M had tried to get her into.The police would examine the tea. Once they found it poisoned, they would suspect the author because he had poisoned her earlier.The mangled arm band would make police catch Sia because they carried identical arm-bands. It was the pendant with the bullet that R had tried to kill her with, that was missing from her cabinet.Lila had given Sia the bullet pendant as the parting gift. When the police would search as to what is missing from the cabinet, Sia would show that to the police and say that the twins loved each other and she hadn't killed Lila. But, the police wouldn't believe that love existed between the two because, everybody knew that they had once tried to even drown each other and would inturn say that Sia had stolen it from Lila.G was anyways in trouble because it was known that theirs had been a public spat – he’d cheated on her in the open and in a weird twist, or maybe she wouldn't mind sparing him because she felt some sympathy that he would also eventually die of the same virus and was suffering the same now.

So, the 'Smart' Lila had got everybody into it, in a very 'Democratic' way.

The best clue for the answer is : In the clue given in the terms and conditions. Lila is the only name there and that's the answer(big clue) to the mystery :) Confirmed :)

Hope I have explained it sufficiently. Feels really good to have solved it.

The object that I would link from Pringoo is at this link. The picture is here.

Chandana C. Shekar

May 3, 2010

A Writer's Block

Sitting alone again, was thinking of a topic to write on
Failing to get a brainstorm, had just begun to yawn.
Why was this happening, only today, all of a sudden?
Wondered why my pen, was now not, getting into action.

Do I write about love, yet another time?
One more in the row, wouldn't actually be a crime.
Or would something else, with a lilt of comedy do?
Maybe I could write about, the circus and its crew?.

Depression and denials, were infact , not a bad idea
But I wanted something more cheerful, maybe even the Dahlia.
Maybe a wish for somebody, a friend very true
Or somebody who had already bid, a final adieu.

The tides at the sea, or the birds in the tree
Everything, but nothing, would my psyche agree.
God!, what do I pen on?, what do I do?
Maybe my mind has gone, to bamboo, to chew.

Wondering yet,
Chandana C. Shekar

October 18, 2009

After a real long time..

1 month and 13 days!!... Well, That's the longest I've been away from my blog I guess.. Reasons? Well, none in particular, and quite a few too!!! Contrasting huh? Oh yeah, True.. I didn't restrain myself from my blog for any reason. But yeah, a few circumstances made me stay away from it. At first, The last few days on my blog had very frequent entries. Even as frequent as two entries per day!! I was at home with a leg immobilized then na, so was passing time ;-). So took an off from the blog when I was capable of getting out and doing other stuff :) Then, one major thing happened!! I got addicted to facebook. Oh big time man!! Not networking , but the games!!! Farmville!! All thanks to Neha Silam!! Oh my, I was farming big time there. So whenever i was on the net, I was doing that. I do it now too, but at a lesser rate. Homosapiens after all you see ;-) , we get bored of everything after a while :). Fashion and Mafia wars, Cafe world and a few Mindjolt games popped up later ;). After a few days, my Internet modem conked off!!! So was dependent on my friend's Internet, and I never used to feel like writing anything there. Then had rural postings. So time just flew by :)

Now, I'm back. Why? Well, I don't really know.Maybe I missed writing. Maybe I missed my de-stresser. Or maybe came back coz I got to know people had appreciated and awarded me on their blogs. Or even just the plain fact that a couple of them asked me as to why I was away from it for so long!! Well, who really cares?!?!? I'm back and that's all that matters. Am I right or am I right guys? ;-)

Now what do I write? hmmm... lemme see.. Maybe I'll just leave my fingers on the keyboard and see what their dance leads to :)

Feels nice to be back. Hope to hear from you guys... :) Will go through all your blogs too. have a lot to catch up on.. :) . Chao, take care... Enjoy writing... See ya :)

Chandana C. Shekar

September 6, 2009


This is just a straight forward tag passed on to me by Nazish.Thanks Nazish.
So here I go.

The rules are thus…

You can only say Guilty or Innocent.
You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!
Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends to answer this.
Okies, so my answers--

Asked someone to marry you? Innocent

Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent

Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent

Ever told a lie? Guilty

Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Guilty

Kissed a picture? Innocent

Slept in until 5 PM? Guilty

Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty

Held a snake? Innocent.

Been suspended from school? Innocent

Worked at a fast food restaurant? Innocent

Stolen from a store? Innocent

Been fired from a job? Innocent

Done something you regret? Guilty

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Guilty

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Innocent

Kissed in the rain? Innocent

Sat on a roof top? Guilty

Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Innocent

Sang in the shower? Guilty.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent

Shaved your head? Guilty

Had a boxing membership? Innocent.

Made a girlfriend cry? Innocent.

Been in a band? Guilty

Shot a gun? Guilty

Donated Blood? Innocent

Eaten alligator meat? Innocent

Eaten cheesecake? Guilty

Still love someone you shouldn’t? Innocent

Have/had a tattoo? Innocent.

Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty

Been too honest? Guilty

Ruined a surprise? Innocent

Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn’t walk afterwards? Guilty.

Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty

Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)? Guilty.

Joined a pageant? Innocent

Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Guilty

Had communication with your ex? Innocent

Got totally drunk on the night before exam? Innocent.

Got totally angry that you cried so hard? Guilty

That was easy and guilty-innocent ;)

Now to pass it on, I would pass it on to

Neha silam

Neha ansal

Neha hadkar







Girl next door


Chandana C. Shekar

July 28, 2009

Two Nehas, Two Tags :-)

What a co-incidence. Just exactly when I'm not having anything interesting in life to write about, I get two tags by two friends. And co-incidently again, both of them are called "Neha"!! :)

So here I go, NEHA HADKAR has tagged me for "The ABC tag". It goes like this:

1)Link the person who tagged you.

2) Post the rules on your blog.

3) Share the ABCs of you.

4) Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to them.

5) Let the 3 people know of the tag by leaving them comments.

6) Do not tag the original ‘tagger’.

Here I go,

A – Available/Single? - Single, but not available. Reasons best known to me ;-)

B – Best friend? - Vivek. Very very close competition to him would be a lot more friends

C – Cake or Pie? - Cake for sure

D – Drink of choice? - COFFEE, anytime anyday!!!

E – Essential item you use every day? - My cell phone for sure

F – Favorite colour? - Black, Oh I love that colour

G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? - Gummy bears

H – Hometown? - Namma Mysooru :) Love this place

I – Indulgence? - Coffee, music, writing, sleeping.

J – January or February? - February for sure :)

K – Kids & their names? - Call me after 10 years. or maybe 15. I'll let u know then :)

L – Life is incomplete without? - Loved ones

M – Marriage date? - I don't even know the year yet!!

N – Number of siblings? - One

O – Oranges or Apples? - Apples

P – Phobias/Fears? - Snakes

Q – Quote for today? - Never say 'no' when a loved one asks for time, be it at any hour of the day.

R – Reason to smile? - Nothing at the moment. Getting bugged sitting alone at home.

S – Season? - Winter. It feels so good to cuddle into a cozy corner.

T – Tag 3 People? - Nazish , Neha Silam , Dhanashree

U – Unknown fact about me? - Let it be so na. Why do u wanna know? Keep track of the things u already know. thats more than enuf :)

V – Vegetable you don't like? - All those gourds..bitter gourd and the like...yuck...

W – Worst habit? - Extremely lazy at times.

X – X-rays you've had? When I had a fracture left last toe when I was in class 6.

Y – Your favorite food? - Biryani, and Pani puri

Z – Zodiac sign? - Aries!!! I'm a typical text book description of an aries.

Thanks for readin. Enjoyed writing it. Put my grey
cells to work. Now, the people whom I've tagged,
I'm looking forward to read yours :)

The other tag is by NEHA SILAM. I'd call it the "C" tag. Wanna know why? Read on.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real .... nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Then you need to tag 4 people..

So, here I go again :)

1.What is your name: Chandana

2. A four Letter Word: Cold

3. A boy's Name: Chandan

4. A girl's Name: Chethana

5. An occupation: Carpenter

6. A colour: Crimson

7. Something you wear: Clothes

8. A food: Cake

9. Something found in the bathroom: Clothes-hanger

10. A place: Canada

11. A reason for being late: Checking!!!Caught by Traffic police for license checking ;)

12. Something you shout: Chuck it ya!!

13. A movie title: Casanova

14. Something you drink: Coffee!!

15. A musical group: Choir of Helen

16. An animal: Cat

17. A street name:Commercial street

18. A type of car: Chevrolet

19. Something scary: Canines maybe.lolz
20. Ice cream flavour: Chocolate

Now I tag, Neha Hadkar, Pratap, Urvashi and Arun for this :)

Chandana C. Shekar

July 23, 2009

Ink and paper...

I write. People write. They love to write. They might write simple or complex, but they write. But what makes them put imaginations and thoughts into words? How do pictures come down onto paper from some nook of the mind? How do people get time for all this amidst their busy schedule? Maybe that's what you call, 'Inspiration'.

For a few, Inspiration is the smile got on their face while , after and forever after writing. For a few, it might be the smile got on somebody else's face. For a few, it might be something they do to get their part of fame. For others, it might be just to make their loved ones proud of them. It might be just the gush of thoughts in your mind that won't give you peace until you put it on paper. Or it might just be a simple time pass that you wanna shoo away time with. It might be the habit you inculcated in yourself since school days when you wrote essays. It might as well be something you've been trying to do to improve your vocabulary, to keep up pace with the world. It can even be the task your doing because somebody said you couldn't do it. It might even be something your doing, just to impress your special someone. You might write , to get rid of your loneliness. Or maybe just because it makes you feel serene. You might write when the night's silent and dark, and you wanna do something nice. Or maybe when your in the market and something interesting or weird caught your attention. You might blog just because the world blogs and you need one for yourself to flaunt about. You might write poetry because you'r tired of studying your syllabus and you want to be more creative for now. Maybe that you have great authors as your idols and you wanna be like them someday. Or maybe it's just a stress buster. Or it may just plain be, coz you love doing it :)

Somebody asked me what inspires me to write. I really don't know the exact answer for that. I don't know why I started writing. I don't even remember when i started 'writing' per-se. I've been doing it, in bits and pieces though, since really long. I think old habits die hard :) But all I know , is that I get a smile on my face when I write. I look forward for appreciation too. But yeah, the smile stays for a long time. Feel content.. Relaxed.. Glad..

A lot of my friends write. And a few of them, have become my friends for the reason that we share a common thing. We write. We don't aim to be high profile authors. We don't write amazing poetry or novels which get published. We just scribble a few poems, a few articles, maybe a few short stories or bedtime stories for children. But yeah, we enjoy doing that. And we are proud of ourselves for that. I bet all my friends would agree to that.

It's really a nice thing to play with words. Words are always better to play with than numbers. Words have more life than numbers. In case you guys want proof, just try playing crossword instead of sudoku. If you don't find it interesting, keep doing it for a few more days. Finally, you will like it. Then just pick up a pen and paper. Whenever something strikes your mind, just scribble it on paper. Before you realise, your thoughts would have turned into poetry :). Somebody had told me this latter part. And I feel its genuine.

There's a separate world around each person. There are so many people around each person. So there are so many worlds overlapping around each person. You just have to take a good enough look..And then, you'll find what I call my blog, 'The World Around Me"...

p.s.- Dedicated to all my friends and others who do one amazing thing-- Write.. :) Keep it going guys :)
Cheers :)
Chandana C. Shekar

June 17, 2009

My first blog-tag

Have been tagged by Nazish Rehman @ Thanks dude :) Well, will try to answer them. Here it goes.

1. Last drink: Coffee
2. Last phone call : To my friend
3. Last text message: To another friend
4. Last song you listened to: Don't remember
5. Last time you cried: A fortnight ago maybe

Have you ever?...
6. Dated someone twice: No
7.Been cheated on?: No
8. Kissed someone & regretted it?: No
9. Lost someone special?: No
10. Been depressed?: Not really
11. Been drunk and threw up?: Naaa

Four Favourite Colors...
12. Black
13. Red
14. Lavender
15. White..

First times....
16. Made new friends: In kindergarten obviously
17. Fallen out of love: No
18.Laughed until you cried: Yes……lot of times. Don't remember the first time.
19. Met someone who changed you: Kind of yes, but changed a few things, not completely.
20. Found out who your true friends were?: Once I joined medical college!!!
21. Found out someone was talking about you: First year of medicine!!

Have You..
22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Nope!!
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: All of them!!
24. How many kids do you want to have: That's a long long way to go yet . why think about it now? lolz
25. Do you have any pets: No
26. Do you want to change your name: Never
27. What did you do for your last birthday: Was working at the casualty!!! lolz. went out with friends and later with family in the evening.
28.What time did you wake up today: suprisingly, 7 am .
29. What were you doing at midnight last night: Writing a poem
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for: people who make you wait for them
31. Last time you saw your father: An hour ago
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish i could go back to my past and rectify all my mistakes.
33.Most Visited wed web page:

What's Your...
34. Name: Chandana Shekar
35. Nicknames: Mini, and loads of others.
36. Zodiac sign: Aries
37. Male or female or transgender: female
38. Elementary: Ideal jawa rotary school, Mysore
39. School: Marimallappa's High school, Mysore
40. Colleges: Sadvidya PU college and JSS Medical College, Mysore
41.Hair color: Black
42. Long or short: adequate enough :)
43. Height: 5 feet 5 inches
44. Do you have a crush on someone?: Oh yeah, sure :)
45. Ever been in love?: I wonder!!!
46. Piercings?: ear
47. Tattoos?: no
48. Righty or lefty: Righty
49. First surgery: The one I did was a caesarian section ( assisted my mom). The one I got done was a fracture open reduction when I was in class 6!!!
50. First piercing: When i was a kid
51. First best friend: Arpitha and Dhanya, in kindergarten
52. First sport you loved: Ring-a-ring-a roses I guess. lolz. 'First one' you see :)
53. First pet: I never had a pet
54. First vacation: Can't remember
55. First concert:In class 2 ( other than the school ones)
56. First crush: A senior at High school

Right Now...
57. Eating: No
58. Drinking: No
59. I'm about to: Have my dinner
60. Listening to: The fan making some sound
61. Waiting for: Mom to get back home from work

Your Future...
62. Want kids?: Ofcourse ya
63. Want to get married?: Oh yeah, That goes without saying!
64. Careers in mind?: Mind's a better place for it be, than on paper :)

Which is better with the opposite sex...??
65. Lips or eyes: Eyes
66. Hugs or kisses: I'd say both!!
67. Shorter or taller: Taller sure
68. Older or Younger:Older maybe.
69. Romantic or spontaneous: Both ofcourse…..
70. Nice stomach or nice arms: Arms yeah.Does that need to be asked?!?!?
71. Sensitive or loud: Neither. I don't like sensitive guys, but neither should they be too loud.
72. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
73. Trouble maker or hesitant: Neither again

Have you ever...??
73. Kissed a stranger: Naa
74. Lost glasses/contacts: I don't use them
75. Sex on first Date: Naaa
76. Broken someone's heart: Yes
77. Had your own heart broken: Not really
78. Been arrested: Naa
79. Turned someone down: Yes. Couldn't help it
80. Cried when someone died: Yes
81. Liked a friend that is a boy?: No

82. Yourself: Most of the times
83. Miracles: Oh Yes
84. God: yes
85. Love at first sight: No idea
86. Heaven: No idea
87. Santa Claus: I used to.
88. Kiss on the first date?: Naa
89. Angels: Yes….. I wish I could have one
90. Devils: Definitely…thr r many

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now?:Yes
92. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Naa
93. Wanted to kill someone ever?: Naa
94. Among you blog mates, whom would you like to kiss?: None
95. Committed a blunder and regretted later?: Maybe, don't remember
96. Wanted to steal your friend's boyfriend / girlfriend?: No ways ya

97. White: Salwar or a t shirt
98. Black: All attires. From jeans to evening gowns. I love wearing black.
99. Red: An evening gown maybe
100. Pink: A night suit or a salwar maybe. I don't wear pink very often

So there go my answers. Enjoyed answering them :) I would love to pass on the tag to my fellow bloggers, siddhanth, pritesh, pratap, neha ansal, neha silam, anand, quirky mon, chinmaya, pri, dhanni and the followers of my blog. Waiting to read your answers guys :)

Chandana C. Shekar

June 2, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Unfortunately, is such a bad word to start a post with. But then yeah, 'Unfortunatley',Had forgot to mention one thing. My blog has been awared "Honest Scrap" award by Brocasarea way long back in April 2009. Thanks so much bro :) And really sorry that I'm acknowledging it late on my blog :( It somehow missed my mind that I had to do it. I would like to pass it on to my fellow bloggers- Pritesh, Dhanashree, Nazish and Siddanth. Keep it up guys :)
Chandana C. Shekar

May 20, 2009

So pink!!!

I log into my blog after days together and the first thing I notice? 'Why on earth is my blog so pink?!?!?!'. It looks like some 'Legally Blonde' effect!!! But then, its something I myself have put up a few days ago na? Did my liking for it change so soon? U never know!!! Pink is not my favourite colour. I'm not that very girly-girly. But I don't mind using pink. Infact, I like a few things in pink. But still, my blog is looking extremely pinky!!! So me changing it - stat!!! :)

People who have seen the pinky template are most welcome to compare it with the new one :)

Chandana C. Shekar

May 1, 2009


Yeah yeah, I know. Haven't written since long. Reasons? Oh, quite a few of them. But .... WILL BE BACK VERY SOON :)

Chandana C. Shekar

March 13, 2009

My Third blog

A start of a fresh new blog.. My first one was a long time ago and inspired by a very good friend Pritesh..Bhai, if it wasn't for u to persuade me,i wouldn't have started blogging. Thanks for that Bhai...Hope u remember by the way!! :)

My second blog still exists in good condition, but it has only my poems..
This one, is the one where i intend to write things which manage to catch my attention. Hope it goes on for long :) ;)

All the best to myself and the readers of the blog :)