Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts

August 2, 2010

Wrote "Mysore Mornings" for

We write articles every now and then. We like all our works. But very few of them end up being extra close to the heart. One among them for me, is my article "Mysore Mornings", which Iwrote recently for Masthmysore. For all you Mysoreans and those who have been to Mysore, have a read about nammoora belligge, as we all have seen it. And for those who haven't been to this amazing city, read on to get an essence of it. This website Masthmysore is dedicated to 'Namma Mysooru' by our fellow Mysoreans. Do log in once in a while to check out whats new in our city. :)

A success again, the July edition of N-zine is on stands. Oops! I know I'm a fortnight late . Was a bit busy to put this up sooner. The theme for July's edition, was "Rains". I wrote too. Yaayy ;). I wrote "First Rains". A few of you would have read this on my blog earlier. For my new readers, it's at this link . Read on now. Because the August edition is coming soon.:)

Well, blogging is a wonderful thing to have happened to me. Have befriended a couple of very good human beings. Have read a lot of wonderfully written articles. Few blogs are a pleasure to read. One such, is B Log by Insignia. And this amazing lady has crossed the 200th post mark and hence, renders a 'Thank you award' for all her readers. Well darling,It's a thank you from me to you, for giving us such refreshing articles to read. I'm sure your fellow readers would agree to it. Keep writing :)

Signing off for now. Cheers.

Until next time,
Chandana C. Shekar