Showing posts with label problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label problems. Show all posts

May 6, 2010

The Saga of my 'Lost and Found' Nokia

Warning : This is a lengthy one.

Okay, I'm so very glad that I could add the word 'found' after that 'lost'. It so happened that I was the owner of a Nokia N70 mobile phone. And now, I am, again. What happened in between is very obvious, I had lost it. The story goes like this. I had a nice working phone, with no complaints and no need to change to a new phone. Yet, just because it was more than a year that I had changed my phone, my mom and I felt that I can buy a new one. Just then had I fallen in love with Sony Ericsson Satio and so, bought it. Updated my new phone with the contacts and stuff from the old one and kept the nokia thingy to rest in a shelf in my room.

After a week, I wanted a snap that was clicked from my N70. I checked my shelf and couldn't find it. Now where can it go flying from there?.I guessed I must have put it into my table draw. I had wanted to do that, but wasn't sure if I had done that. I couldn't check my draw because it's lock was jammed.

There is this friend of mine, Sanjay. He had fed some softwares to that phone. There was a security software, wherein you feed a number other than your's to that software, and if any other sim card than the one you are using is inserted into it, a message will be sent to the number you already fed from this thief's number. I had done that. So I relaxed a bit, thinking that if anybody uses the phone, I shall anyways get to know. If that doesn't happen, then my phone is in my draw.
After more than a month, my friend forwarded me an sms saying a particular number is using this phone. I went to the police station and lodged a complaint. I loved my phone, and I couldn't let it go. Atleast not when I knew who was using it. This was march 31st. Dad gave the police whatever he had to too. Well, things never work otherwise you know. We got our assurance and came back.

One week passed by, and dad had paid two visits to the station. The staff there said that the complaint has been forwarded to a certain branch which takes care of such stuff and we better go there directly.

Got to know that the case file has not even been opened in that station. The inspector there gave assurance again, and told dad to call him after a couple of days. Three weeks, 2-4 calls per week, just assurance and assurance.

One day, he said that he had called that number and told them to return the phone within 30 minutes. 3 days passed and nothing happened. A friend of mine was courteous enough to let me know the name and address of the owner of that number from the phone service provider. Called up the police and told the same. They asked us itself to get more data if possible, coz they will have to go through 'formalities' if they have to do the same!!.

Two more days, and I get my phone back!!! Yippee :) .

Now time for my doubts.

Didn't the police think that that bugger would switch his phone off when they called him and told him to return the phone? They wouldn't be able to trace him because the address he had given to the phone company was fake. It made no sense.

When a common man can get details about a number from a company, why do the police have to worry about going through 'formalities' to get it?

I was telling my friends about this, and 4 of them told me either to bribe the police or get some influence soon, or forget my phone. Our system has rotten totally is it?

Major doubt about the culprit. The number is registered in a girl's name. So the police said they can't investigate it seriously and find out who it is. Since when did this 'Female sympathy' start in India? I don't see it for other things!

The person who returned the phone happened to be the brother of the girl who was using it. He said he bought it from some stranger in the bus stand. I had heard that girls are rented out at bus stands and stuff by pimps. But since when did people start selling mobiles there?

And even if that's the case, why on earth has my maid stopped coming to work abruptly? Now don't call that a co-incidence. Her previous month's salary is due in a couple of days. If she had to quit for any other reason, she would do it after that. She wouldn't let go of 1200 bucks!

Wonder if the police don't wanna waste their time on this or there is something else going on. But whatever crap thing it is, I'm happy I found my phone. Atleast they helped me a bit, and I shall have my gratitude for that!.

But I have to pay for my carelessness I guess. That bugger has deleted my snaps and I lost a few snaps clicked with a few people. Will never be able to click snaps with those people again in my life. I really regret losing them. But I wonder why he hasn't deleted my contacts list?!?.

But well, something is better than nothing . :-) Yippeee...yahooo.... I got my phone back :)

Glad to have found something lost,
Chandana C. Shekar

April 22, 2010

My First Take At Story Writing :-) :-)

 Dr.Priya Raghavan
G-3, Gayathri Apartments,
Basavanagudi, B'lore.

.. read the address written on an envelope in her mailbox. Priya instantly recognised the handwriting. Her heart missed a beat. She wanted to open the mail right there; but managed to get to her apartment , so that she could read it in peace. She knew she would go weak in her knees after reading it. She always did, whenever it was anything from 'him'. Sharath , the only guy, whom she had ever allowed access to her life, a long 3 years ago. The only guy, she loved more than love. The only guy, to whom she had given more rights over her, than to herself. The only guy , who was synonymous with the world for her. That one person, who she trusted more than she trusted God. The only one ,who had managed to stay on her mind, heart and soul 24*7, even though he was miles away.

She opened the letter, her eyes already filled with tears of joy. It had been two months since he had called or even written to her. She never questioned it, because she could not. He worked with Merchant Navy. He was sailing. She couldn't call him on the ship's satellite phone.She did not have an address to write to. Her e-mails had bounced back, and she had no idea as to why. Yet, yet, yet, she had no complaints. She trusted him. She convinced herself that he is busy somewhere. She wished nothing had gone wrong with him..... And as she opened the letter, there it was,... the words, in black, on white,...

"Hey Priya, I'm sorry to say this. I don't mean to make things turn ugly, but.. we need to break-up! Can't give you explainations now. But trust me, this is how it was supposed to end. Sorry again. Take care -  Sharath".

Blank.. blank.. blank... Priya's tears of joy took less than a second to dry out. They also failed to come out of her eyes. She was shocked, awestruck, numb.. She couldn't believe this was reality. How could this happen to her? She had never sensed anything of this sort coming her way. He, among all people on earth couldn't have done this to her. How could he see her hurt? How could he leave so many questions unanswered? How could it be so easy for him? Just two lines and everything over? Had he even thought what would happen of her? How could it be fine when they were not together? Why this? Why her? Why now? She was supposed to go home to her parents that week, and she planned to talk to them about him. And now this? All the Hows and Whys swept through her mind like a hurricane. She sat there, as immobile as a stone, staring into nowhere.

Three days passed. She sat in her living room, staring at the newspapers at her door, which she hadn't bothered pick up. Her colleague called to tell her that her Professor was really mad at her for staying absent without a notice. She knew that would come. Being a Post Graduate student in Medicine, when she had patients under her care, emergencies to handle and a lot more duties, she just couldn't stay away from hospital like this. Not without assigning somebody else to handle her duties. She had got leave for only 4 days for her sister's wedding too. And that was starting tomorrow! She knew she was in trouble. But nothing seemed worst than what had happened to her. She had lost her 'everything'. Life itself had come to a stand still. What would she do after becoming a physician? All her dreams of the future were associated with him. And now, how could she live life with his slot empty?

Just as she thought of that, 'Sindhu' blinked on her phone. Her elder sister was calling . "Hey Munni, when are coming home? I'm waiting for  you to come and apply mehendi for me. You know that I'm not getting it done at any parlour right? Come soon da!". .. Priya thought for a second and said, "Yeah, almost leaving". Sindhu was getting married. Unlike Priya, Sindhu always wanted to get into an arranged marriage, to see her parents happily bid good bye to her, and then, open up her life for the person, who the world thought suited best for her. Love for her, was too risky. Whenever Sindhu had said this, Priya always thought to herself, 'My love isn't risky. It's bliss'. Priya couldn't let her sorrow ruin Sindhu's wedding celebration. She packed her bags, and left,...for home... for Chennai.

Two days later, the D-day finally arrived. Priya had never seen Sindhu as happy as she was now. She wondered if she herself could ever ever be this way. She hated it when people said, 'So priya, you are the next one in line!".It made her heart bleed again and again. She helped the bride get ready, to look her best. Sindhu looked gorgeous, the perfect bride -happy, smiling, calm, anxious and shy. Priya felt really happy for her. She said, "Akka, sometimes in life, we fail to understand the value of  people who are always there for us. We never wonder what would happen of us if not for them. I just can't think of being what I am, if you weren't in my life. Sorry for the times that I hurt you. And Thanks for all the times when you lost, just to make me win. Thanks for everything. I love you". Sindhu's eyes were moist. Her little kiddo sister had grown up. The same girl, who she had taught rhymes to, was giving speeches now!. They hugged each other. They realised that they loved each other a lot lot more than they themselves knew.

"Munni, the Groom's arrived...get the aarthi thaali", Priya's mom shouted from the across the hall. Priya flashed a smile and went to welcome the Groom and his family. She hurried to the entrance,and there, ... she froze.

She remembered telling Sharath on the phone, 6 months ago, "I'm so dying to see you honey, that when I finally will, I'm sure the ground will slip off my feet".. And it happened. Right then. Right there.

Her 'akka' was getting married to 'her' Sharath!! She recalled not hearing to anything abour Sindhu's fiance, and not seeing the snap Sindhu had mailed her. She had then teasingly said, "Let there be some excitement and mystery. I shall see the 'arranged-marriage-hero'on the big day itself". Sharath knew that Sindhu had a sister called Munni. He hadn't even vaguely imagined that Priya and Munni could be the same. Maybe the once-in-a-fortnight, 15-minute-conversations on the satellite phone,that he and Priya had, never gave them enough time to talk about anything other than the love they cherished.

Priya had always taken everything from Sindhu. From parents, to clothes, to books, to dolls, to nail colours. And now, Sindhu had forver taken from her, the only thing that she truely wanted, the only thing that was solely 'hers'.

A week ago, after readin that letter, Priya had thought that she had lost everything in life... But now she realised, she had some more to lose,.... and she lost that too.

Yours truly,
Chandana C. Shekar

p.s. 1- My First time at story writing. Maybe it went a bit longer for a short story.Hope you enjoyed reading. I'm dying for feedback. Do comment. Bouquets and Brickbats most welcome :)

p.s. 2- And yeah, my creativity is tired after writing this story, and it's taking a nap. So, suggestions for the Title welcome too :)

p.s 3.- I love the last picture, It's my fav since months :). It speaks a lot.

Cheers :)

March 28, 2010

A thought again...

Some Relationships exist..
They don't have a name, but yet exist..
The two people involved cherish it, and they exist..
Filled with love and affection, they exist..
The world never understands, but yet they exist.
Those relationships exist... to end ofcourse..

Just like that,
Chandana C. Shekar

March 27, 2010

Random Thoughts Of An Idle Mind

I have so many thoughts running on my mind since today morning. It happens when you sit idle I guess. After all, an idle mind is a devil's workshop right? When too many things are on your mind, you just can't write in detail about one thing, can you? Atleast I can't. Can't put my grey mater to work on one particular topic to put up my views on it. But yeah, I'm so restless today that I wanna pen down something here, my very own space in the blogosphere. Maybe I would feel a bit light after that! I hope so atleast!

Well, I saw a picture on my friend Divya's phone. I've put it up here. Felt it's true. When you've truly loved somebody, come what may, you can never ever stop loving that person. Can just stop showing somebody you love, but that doesn't mean you can stop loving him/her. When you hear a romantic song, or see a couple walk hand in hand , when you want a shoulder to lean on to, or even when you wanna call up somebody and shout with joy that you cracked the toughest exam in the country, you will end up remembering only that person. You will invariably end up sighing, 'How I wish...'. Even if you haven't seen that person since ages, even if things had gone really ugly between you both, even if you know for sure that he/she made a joke out of your feelings, even if that person was very mean to you, you would just end up counting on the good times spent and all the other things would be just negated. And yeah, just the same way, I strongly feel, when you hate somebody, come what may, you would any day hate that person. How much ever you try not to, if you really hate that person, you can just avoid that person, but never forgive and forget the ugly things that would have happened to you because of that person.This especially holds true when you're a very friendly person and in you're whole life time, you would genuinely hate only one or two people for the harm caused to you. Well, I feel so.

I was watching a movie the other day. There was one line in the movie which said , "Some love stories are not great epic novels, but short stories. But it doesn't mean to say that they are less filled with love". Very true. Sometimes, you listen to the tragic love stories and your eyes get wet. And the people who have lived those stories, well, whoever they would live with later on, their heart would still miss a beat for the old fling.A sigh will surely get out.Nobody can ever forget their 'ex'. Just like how a first date can never be perfect, a first crush or first love, many a times may never materialize. But it never fails to stay on in your memory until you go to grave.

There is one more thing on my mind. I feel, decisions are hard to make. They really are. When finally made, with a lot of difficulty and courage and help from others too, if in case those decisions turn out to be the wrong ones, well, it would curb you even more. Let alone repenting it for your life, the next time you have to make an important one, you're gonna be shit scared. Just hope a nervous breakdown doesn't happen!!

I framed my Grad day photo and put it on my study table. Reason? Well, just that I felt I looked good for a change!! Lolz. But since the past few hours since I did that, I spotted my Mom going and having a look at it like some six times!! I realised one thing. Whatever it is, whoever you find in life, friends, boyfriends, colleagues , etc etc,... nobody will ever cherish you like your parents. They may not show. Maybe because they spend all their time doing the responsibilities they ought to and finally have no time to show you how much they love you. But they love you the most in the world. Nobody can ever be proud of you more than them. Whether you are Kennedy or Princess Diana or Kalam or Julia Roberts or the useless yourself, they will still feel proud of you. Glad god created parents :)

Used to love being jobless once upon a time. And now, I guess that's the thing I hate the most. I've been so khaali since morning that I have kinda checked the clock almost every fifteen minutes. I know I gotta study, but for reasons best known to me, I just am not able to do that. I need an angel to help me now I guess!!

Well, this is called 'random scribbling'. No organisation, no second thougts, just what's on my mind. Maybe this is what is called 'restlessness'.!!

Until next time,
Chandana C. Shekar

March 8, 2010

A poem again..

Just penned a poem... random... Don't have the patience to think of a title for it... Suggestions welcome :)

Had heard of love, had read about it,

Knew quite a bit, I have to admit.

Yet you made me feel, it was so very new,

When things between us, started to brew.

Life seemed so good, more perfect than ever,

Was so lovely, even my breath seemed so clear.

Sailing amongst clouds, was I, for sure,

Felt like a princess, with a lot of grandeur.

Moving on one day, to our relationship, you resigned,

Not bothering , what in me, you just left behind.

Yet love you loads hon, day in and day out,

And you're the only guy, I can ever think about.

p.s.- My laptop is so screwed up. It's gone ill. And so have I. Need some rest now :(

Chandana C. Shekar

December 14, 2009

Just like that...'People' maybe..

After writing for neha di's birthday, now that I'm here, I wanna put down something that's stirring in my mind since really long. Life is weird. The people who you come across in your life are weird. When you don't even think of giving a person a second look, that person tries to woo you. When you actually look at him/her, he pretends as though you don't exist at all. You love somebody else and your parents try to get you fixed up with somebody else. All that you know about your guy, is all about 'him'. And all that your parents know about the guy they look for you, is all about 'his parents'. Caste or financial status maybe the last thing on your list, but it shall sure be the headline on their 'requisites to meet' for the guy. Ufff!! Such a 'mind-shake', if I can call it that!!!

Why can't life be taken in a simple way? Why shud it be complicated so much?? As though there aren't enough things and bosses to complicate life, why do we start our own issues?? Well, I talk all this, and a friend of mine says that I myself complicate things in life!! Whoo!! Well, truly speaking, he's right. He is one guy who I know who makes life seem very very easy. It's not that he doesn't have problems in life. He sure does have his own share. But yeah, he knows how to tackle life. I swear its a pleasure to spend time with him. He does sure make you feel that your problems are not problems at all!! I dono If i put that sentence perfect. But I'm damn sure of one thing- he does make life seem easy.. Well, I dono If I've changed myself after being with him for quite sometime, but I sure hope I do. :)

Talking about such species, there are others too, 'Typical ones'. Someone who really changed your life big time!. Someone who changed your life- a wee bit maybe. Someone who loves you like crazy, for whom you mean the world and yet, you don't feel a thing and you can't help it either. MOST IMPORTANTLY, your 'ideal guy'. Your perfect 10/10. The person against whom you would never have any complaints. Somebody , of whom, everything and every damn thing seems right , right and just too right. Somebody, who you thought existed only in your dreams and your friends always told you there is no perfect 10/10.. Well, I disagree. I totally disagree. You can come across your perfect 10/10. I swear you can , if your lucky enough and take a proper look. Now all those who are reading this, please don't conclude that I'm saying from my own experience. I'm sure my brother is gonna call me after he reads this and ask me who this guy is.. lolz.. I'm just saying generally people!! I've got friends around you see.. So, 'general knowledge' I would say. ;-) If you really don't believe, then you may believe what you may!! ;) ( I learnt that line from somebody too ;)). But when you get to know that 'you' are not that guy's perfect 10/10, its such a heart wreck I swear. It's just then, that you actually wish that you had never come across him. But yeah, If it was the case with me, I wud surely rejoice that atleast the guy of my dreams exists!! In real world!! It's a different story that some other stupid bitch is gonna have him instead of me ;). Come on guys, I can atleast say 'bitch' to vent my anger and frustration out, can't I???!!??? Unlucky me and 'lucky pig' her!!! What about him, well , I dono :)

Well, here I go again, Life's weird. Off late I've been posted at the 'labour room' at hospital. Kids are born there day in and day out. Every time a kid is born and it's sleeping happily in the warmer there, only one thought crosses my mind- Wish life was always in this stage. No tensions, no hassles. Well, anyways, Life's a mixture at present. I enjoy few moments and few moments get me as low as possible. Or maybe I shud say that, few people keep me happy and few bitches get me low!! Same thing happened today too.One slut got me so royally irritated that hours have passed and I'm not yet out of it!! I should learn new 'gaalis' for her now. I'll google it maybe. I've never in my life felt that I should slap anybody, but her- oh yeah, sure anytime!Even on behalf of others too!! May god never and ever bless that female!! I wonder why is she even a female!!! She should have been born a lizard!! Chipkali saali !!!The worst part is that, she spoils my day and then asks me as to why I'm upset!! Bloody @%$&*@@#^$#...AArrrggghh!!! The more I think of her, the more I'm gonna get irritated. Fugget it. Well, that's something that's on my mind right now. It's very absurd and scattered, but ..well, something atleast :)

Next time for the rest

Love you all and hate 'her' sure.

Keep in touch people :)


Loads and loads of Love,
Chandana C. Shekar

September 1, 2009

Sometimes, you pay for somebody else's mistake

Met with an accident. Some *$*#@ bugger who didn't know how to drive his car was the cause for it. :( If I had just passed 3 houses, I would have reached home and would've been as safe as a puppy in its kennel. But unfortunately, that guy had to turn his car sharply to the right without an indicator 3 houses away from my house and I had to fall. Hurt my leg badly. Fortunately, just lacerations and abrasions, and no fractures or displacements. My knee is dressed royally and I'm not able to flex my knee. So, I'm not able to walk properly, just limping around in the house. I just hope the wounds heal soon and I won't have to undergo delayed primary suturing or something of that sort. Yet, I thank myself for being slow at that point of time. The impact would've been more if I was driving fast maybe.
It was just a day that I had joined the gym and I was a bit too enthu about it. And now, I won't be able to go for a few days :( . Just wishing if I hadn't gone to the gym yesterday. My membership would've started later itself. Now that my membership has started, I feel so bad that the money is going waste there. And yeah, I 'wanted' to go work out :( . Missing going there big time :(

My vehicle is not moving at all. Wonder what's with it. My parents are now bent on me buyin a car. But I prefer the scooter. The worst thing is that, my parents are telling me that I'm not supposed to ride my vehicle atleast for a week coz my foot needs rest. Oh god! I hate travelling by auto or waiting for my parents to pick me up. :(

I got leave for two days from hospital. But I wonder If I'll be able to walk around properly when I get back on friday, coz paedo postings has a lot of walking around to do. I wonder If I'll even get back on friday. Have a follow-up at the ortho on thurday evening. Let's see..Well, had plans of taking leave and going to Bangalore next week. But now, my leaves are inevitably meant for sitting at home :(

All of this, just for somebody else's 'mistake' as what that bugger calls it. I swear, I royally curse that ^%&&&$#* who was driving the car. For no mistake of mine, I am to suffer. That guy must be roaming around somewhere doing nothing useful in life this moment, when I'm sitting here at home and blogging coz I'm getting bugged!!

I always knew what suffering meant. I know that my wounds are noting compared to what I see at the hospital. But now I know for sure, what people feel when you dress up their leg and ask them not to move it for days together. Well, my heart's with them sure.

Well, I want to get back to being a 'doctor', from being a 'patient'. ASAP!!

Chandana C. Shekar

June 19, 2009

Just when I think I'm done...

Saturday is back again!! Unfortunately!! :( Yeah, you didn't hear me wrong..I said 'Unfortunately' itself. Almost every sane human being looks forward to 'weekends'. For youth like us, Saturdays are always more fun than Sundays. But for me and a few more working with me, well, we just wish Saturdays cease forever..

It feels like just yesterday, that we had Saturday and our OPD and admission day and night shift and all that crap. And Saturday is here again :( How soon did the week pass by ? :(

Physiology says , your body and mind needs adequate rest.Being doctors, we all have studied it properly in our very first year of medical school. We know the disadvantages of not getting enough rest. Then why on earth are we doctors ourselves expected to work like donkeys?!?! We aren't some machines right? Why are we put on 36 hour shift and 70 hour shift and all that? Forget me, one of my friend took up MS general surgery in a government college recently. And poor fellow, he is getting to sleep only for an hour everyday for the past five days!! I mean, won't our efficiency decrease if we work like this?How much can you force your body and mind to work. When your drowsy and your mind is not analysing the history and findings and investigation reports of a patient to come to a diagnosis, forget the treatment part, whose at loss? What if you make a blunder in the treatment?At the end of the day, patients do get affected because of this right?But the world's very diplomatic. Everybody is of the opinion that, 'your a doctor. The noble profession. You should be able to handle all this'. What crap!! I wonder why shifts are so unreasonable. But I know for a fact that, nothing can be changed.

Intake of PGs and staff can be increased and work load will reduce. MBBS graduates are staying at home without PG seats and very low paid duty doctor jobs. But no. No college admits more PGs. I wonder why.When you can admit 150 students for an MBBS course, and you know that just an MBBS degree without an MS or MD leaves you nowhere, why is that you hardly have 50 seats for MD and MS? What are the others supposed to do? Stick to a 10,000 job all through life? Amazing logic ya!! Whatever it is, the hierarchy in this field is horrible. 'Rules' here, means, just what the seniors say. That's it. They are the rule makers and breakers and everything.

I'm not feeling well today. It looks like its gonna continue for tomorrow too. And tomorrow is supposed to be our busy day. How do I work when I myself am not feeling well? But yeah, I have to and I have previously worked while ill too. According to me, almost every intern and pg would have. Nobody in the hospital bothers about it. If at all I go and ask for leave, I won't get it because tomorrow is duty day and moreover, even if i get it, my leave for shruthi's wedding will get cancelled. Heights!!

My friends who I used to hang out with all these years have now shifted to Bangalore and elsewhere because most of my friends are engineers and are working in Metros. They come to Mysore only on weekends and they laugh at me when I say I'm at work!! Wow!! Amazing na? Life is screwed up if your weekends are screwed up yaar.

Anyways, I'm in this department for two more weekends. I'm on leave next weekend and that leaves me with only one Saturday duty and that's tomorrow. Hope things go easy tomorrow and hope my leave for the next weekend doesn't get cancelled. Want to get done with this..ASAP

Chandana C. Shekar

June 16, 2009


I'm almost all set for Shruthi's wedding. The not-done part is getting done too. Being the bride's friends, all of us are really excited for this wedding. I'm just hoping and praying and wishing and everything, that I GET LEAVE FROM HOSPITAL!!! Hope it happens. Very badly hope so..Coz I'm asking leave on those days which are supposed to be the busy days in the hospital!! But what can I do?!? Her wedding is scheduled to be so.! Well, hoping for the best!!I very badly want to attend the wedding.

Chandana C. Shekar

April 10, 2009


Sometimes everything in life stays right in its place. Sometimes everything goes wrong as a whole. Your personal life affects your professional life and vice-verse. At times, your work front is awesome, but you personal life is awful. Either you've had a fight at home, or just had a break up with your better half or maybe your bills are high or you have neighbours who throw some unwanted tantrums. It might as well be the other way round- a fussy boss, colleagues who feel J, loads of work and very less pay. Be it anything, name it and we all would have gone through it.

When we think of it in retrospect, we feel its something that's an inevitable part of life and everybody goes through it. Some people even say that if you don't know what sorrow feels like, you'll never be able to enjoy happiness. Maybe.. But when your going through a problem, its tough dude. You might try to find a solution.Maybe even talk to friends and pour your heart out. But then, sometime you end up being ruined. Your day is ruined. Life is short and every day has to be enjoyed. Then why is that these things turn up?.

I think I like this movie 'Bridget Jones' Diary' very much. This is the second time I'm quoting a dialogue from that movie in my blog. There is one line which says something like 'When one part of your life gets into its perfect place, another part just shatters into pieces'. That's so very true. That's god-damn true. Practically speaking, I almost have everything I want in life. But still, I've had problems too. When I've tried to talk about it to friend(s), I've been told that these are not great problems and they(or others) face worse problems than that. But then, its my life dude. Maybe in their life this wouldn't have been a problem. Maybe my threshold for problems is low.Maybe that's because my parents have brought me up in a way that I hardly faced any problems. Thanks to them for that. But still, now its something that I have to sort out and I'm getting screwed up. And to get that thing right, I spend a fortune of a time!!(It's always easier to solve others' problems than yours). If at all it doesn't go right, I crib about it too. I have a problem now. Maybe it'll get solved by morning, or maybe it won't ever get right. But at the moment, its irritating and frustrating and its persistently occupying my mind even though I'm trying to divert my attention towards something else. Sometimes choices in life are hard to make too. And when you start writing about negative things, all you get in your head are negative thoughts. Maybe that's why I'm going on with this..

Whatever it is, at the end of the day, all I wonder is, Why the hell is life so complicated?!?!?!

Chandana C. Shekar