March 3, 2011

Ink and Paper

I write. People write. They love to write. They might write simple or complex, but they write. But what makes them put imaginations and thoughts into words? How do pictures come down onto paper from some nook of the mind? How do people get time for all this amidst their busy schedule? Maybe that's what you call, 'Inspiration'.

For a few, Inspiration is the smile got on their face while , after and forever after writing. For a few, it might be the smile got on somebody else's face. For a few, it might be something they do to get their part of fame. For others, it might be just to make their loved ones proud of them. It might be just the gush of thoughts in your mind that won't give you peace until you put it on paper. Or it might just be a simple time pass that you wanna shoo away time with. It might be the habit you inculcated in yourself since school days when you wrote essays. It might as well be something you've been trying to do to improve your vocabulary, to keep up pace with the world. It can even be the task your doing because somebody said you couldn't do it. It might even be something your doing, just to impress your special someone. You might write , to get rid of your loneliness. Or maybe just because it makes you feel serene. You might write when the night's silent and dark, and you wanna do something nice. Or maybe when your in the market and something interesting or weird caught your attention. You might blog just because the world blogs and you need one for yourself to flaunt about. You might write because you'r tired of studying your syllabus and you want to be more creative for now. Maybe that you have great authors as your idols and you inspire to be like them someday. Or maybe it's just a stress buster. Or it may just plain be, coz you love doing it :)

Somebody asked me what inspires me to write. I really don't know the exact answer for that. I don't know why I started writing. I don't even remember when I started 'writing' per-se. I've been doing it, in bits and pieces though, since really long. I think old habits die hard :) But all I know , is that I get a smile on my face when I write. I look forward for appreciation too. But yeah, the smile stays for a long time. Feel content.. Relaxed.. Glad..

A lot of my friends write. And a few of them, have become my friends for the reason that we share a common thing. We write. We don't aim to be high profile authors. We don't write amazing poetry or novels which get published. We just scribble a few poems, a few articles, maybe a few short stories or bedtime stories for children. But yeah, we enjoy doing that. And we are proud of ourselves for that. I bet all my friends would agree to that.

I've been somebody who always fell more for the lyrics of a song than the music, even though I was getting trained in music all through the first two decades of my life. And then, poetry happened to me. It's really a nice thing to play with words. Words are always better to play with than numbers. Words have more life than numbers. In case you guys want proof, just try playing crossword instead of sudoku. If you don't find it interesting, keep doing it for a few more days. Finally, you will like it. Then just pick up a pen and paper. Whenever something strikes your mind, just scribble it on paper. Before you realise, your thoughts would have turned into poetry :). Somebody had told me this latter part. And I feel its genuine.

The world is vast. Its huge. You get ample of whatever you want. There's a separate world around each person. There are so many people around each person. So there are so many worlds overlapping around each person. You just have to take a good enough look...And then, you'll find what I call my blog, 'The World Around Me"...

p.s.- This is a re-post from a year ago. Just felt like putting it up again
p.p.s. N-zine's febraury edition is out. I featured too. Wrote Yet Another Night. Have a read

Cheers :)
Chandana C. Shekar