
Showing posts with label book sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book sales. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

Signing Books is Fun

Today I'm doing my last book signing of the year. Considering this is the 11th book signing this month, I'm kind of relieved to get a break. My kids are, too. They want me home for a while. But I have to say, I've had a lot of fun.

I've always been a really introverted person, and I thought book signings were going to be a challenge because of it. But, as I write and attend author conferences, I grow, so by the time I reached this critical step in the writing process--book promotion--it's become something I look forward to rather than dread.

I've said it before--the days of the reclusive author who sits in a cabin and pens out a bestseller without every being viewed in public are over. If we want our book to do well, we need to do our part to promote it. But, I think we are all up to the task.

Go get 'em. :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Wonders of the Human Mind

I had a great many writerly things going through my mind near the end of last week.

Sigh. I really should write these things down.

As a ponder the upcoming release of my first novel (less than 40 days now), my thoughts have turned to my newest project--the second book in the series. Since blogging about it previously, that book has changed. I cut THE WILD QUEEN completely from the trilogy, and am now moving forward with THE TYRANT KING. To complete the trilogy, I added THE LOST PRINCESS. I'm excited, since it promises to be an action packed story.

I worry less about plotting now. A lot of things have started to become second nature. The trouble is, when revisions come along, it's harder now for me to know what to do first. Thank goodness for writers' conferences, because I took heavy notes last time I sat in on a class about revisions.

This week, I'm actually holding a pre-sale booth at the Ben Franklin Academy fundraiser. Wish me luck! :)