
Showing posts with label Andy Garcia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Garcia. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2017

Geostorm is a disaster movie in every sense of the word

Movie Title:  Geostorm

Grade:  C+

Rating: PG-13, 1 hour 49 minutes

In a Nutshell:  I’m embarrassed to admit that I love disaster movies.  This predictable end-of-the-world drama follows the cookie-cutter formula, resulting in a movie that self destructs.  After being delayed many times, this movie is the difinally hits the Big Screen as the directorial debut of Dean Devlin.

Uplifting theme: 
  • Those who are interested in global warming will appreciate the premise of the film, which shows the world in chaos because of natural disasters.  The narrator at the beginning (Hannah Lawson played by Talitha Bateman) announces, “Everyone was warned, but no one listened.”
  • Talitha states at the end of the movie, “No single nation could solve this.”  There’s a theme of togetherness and international unity.  “One planet.  One people.”  Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all really could work together in peace?
  • Family is most important.

Things I liked:
  • The space station was called “The Dutch Boy” named after the old story of the Dutch boy who saved the town by putting his finger in the dike to stop the leak.
  • It gives new meaning to the world wide “net”.
  • Cool gadgets and technology.  I especially liked the “holoframe” cell phone things.
  • Talented cast includes Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Andy Garcia, Richard Schiff, Ed Harris.  Too bad the material isn’t as good as they are.  

Things I didn’t like:
  • A lot of the humor fell flat.
·       Some good special effects, but not much we haven’t already seen before.  Almost every scene was green screen.
·       A lot of things simply don’t make sense and are laughable.
·       It could have been fun if the movie took itself less seriously.  One of my favorite disaster movies of all time is Independence Day                          It's a perfect example of drama, comedy, special effects, and heart.
*    Politicians are evil and stupid.

Tips for parents: 
  • Profanity, including some that a little girl says.  I hate that.
  • Natural disasters and massive destruction.
  • People die.

Want to learn more about global warming? Check out the book Climate Change: The Facts 2017

