
Showing posts with label Apple iPad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple iPad. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

E-books Open Up A Whole New Can of Worms

                                             by       Trina Boice

Amazon now sells more e-books than regular books!  While publishers, authors, readers, and the electronic companies who put them all together scramble to figure it all out, one thing is clear...the publishing world has changed.
Apple didn’t get to bask in the glory of its new iPad for long. The Justice Department has warned the company—along with five of the biggest U.S. publishers—that it plans to sue them for allegedly colluding to raise the price of electronic books, sources tell The Wall Street Journal.

The case alleges that just before the release of the first iPad, Apple worked with publishers to adopt a retail model in which the publishers set a price and Apple took a 30 percent cut of sales. The move was a reaction against Amazon, which had frightened publishers by selling e-books at $9.99.

After Apple adopted the pricing model, the publishers were able to demand a similar one from Amazon.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Buying an e-reader for Christmas?

                                                                   By Trina Boice

E-readers are on every book-lover's wish list this Christmas, and probably on yours too.   The prices are getting so much more reasonable these days too.   Here is a quick comparison guide in case it's on your shopping list this year.  If you're the avid reader in the family, then print out this blog post and leave it where your loved ones will see it and get the hint.

What are your choices?
*  Amazon's Kindle 2 or DX
*  Barnes & Noble Nook
*  Borders' Kobo eReader
*  Sony's Reader Pocket, Daily, or Touch Edition
*  Apple's iPad
*  Kogan Technologies eBook Reader
*  Spring Design Alex eReader
*  Skiff Reader

Things to look for:
*  Battery life: 20,000-30,000 page turns
*  Software that allows you to purchase from your favorite bookstore
*  Comfortable hold
*  Can be registered as an Adobe Digital Edition reader
*  Decent photo viewer
*  Memory card slots for additional storage
*  Bookmark feature
*  Can navigate through the index and pages easily
*  Displays a pdf layout larger than 6 inches
*  Comes with free ebooks
*  Headphone jack
*  Protective cover
*  Decent price!
*  Wireless
*  Size of display

Which one do I want for Christmas?  Whichever one ends up under my tree!  Otherwise, I'll be using this one:

Here's a great site I found with some pretty thorough reviews:
Don't worry if you missed Cyber Monday; there are plenty of great deals still out there.  Good luck!