Showing posts with label glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass. Show all posts

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Five Things


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

My new, little, square cup wanted to make another appearance. Such a diva, this one.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Looking for Complements


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I found this background fabric recently in my stash. I actually painted the dots on, years and years ago, when I couldn't find what I wanted at the store.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Fruit Aplenty


Click Here to Purchase - $500 - 12x12in. - oil on panel

If you're new to my work, I have a series of online tutorials available. I call them ArtBytes because they are bite-size tutorials, at reasonable prices. A few are free, so you can get a taste of what they're like. And if you pay for one and are disappointed, we have a money-back guarantee. Thanks for checking them out. : )

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

How Do I Stack Up?


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Recently I hosted a book group dinner at my house, and one of my friends brought me a bouquet of white mums. I decided I had to paint a few. Here's the first. Thank you, Colleen!

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Glass Gathering


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in. - oil on panel

Here's another large painting that was quite challenging. Trying to get all the shapes right and everything leaning in the right directions (perspective) AND the value and color relationships ... but I like how it turned out in the end.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Shine on, Rosie


Click Here to Purchase - $400 - 9x12in. - oil on panel

Something funny is that 9x12 is a super standard size, but I've only done it ONE other time in my life! Haha.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Finding Common Ground


Click Here to Purchase - $300 - 6x12in. - oil on panel

I now have a whole slew of these little paper bits - different sizes and colors - so many that I had to start organizing them into categories so I could find what I was looking for! Ah the things we do for art.

Click image to see larger.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Reflecting on Things


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in - oil on panel

Sometimes a composition asks for a large panel, and sometimes it wants to be born small. They tell me what they want after I'm done putting them together. As long as they ask nicely then I'm fine with it.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Importance of Variety in Dishes


Click Here to Purchase - $750 - 12x24in - oil on panel

This wide format never looks great here, so please click on the image to see larger. I'm quite happy with this one.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Enough Grapes


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x8in - oil on panel

I found this one last small painting from back when I was doing grapes. Anything inside glass is tough, but a bunch of grapes? Quite a challenge. I realize I say a lot that something was a challenge, and so I guess what I should tell you instead is when something is EASY to paint, haha!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Gather Round

Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in - oil on panel

I love these scenes in the bright sun, but haven't found a way to paint them from life as they change too much, too fast. And so I've been taking pictures and painting from that. I would love to find a light that simulates this look, but have had no luck so far.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

I Ordered Eggs


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in - oil on panel

Today I went to the post office to ship my latest large painting and found that prices had gone up yet again, and especially over a certain size (any box side longer than 30"). I've seen this happening, and for other reasons as well have been focusing on medium sizes with new work (in between 6x6, and 24x24). I feel so much more freedom composing, but also in how I paint. As well I've been experimenting with my process, and I have a feeling my next batch of workshop students will be hearing some brand new things from me. : )

So here's a NEW painting, finally, after exhausting my reserves.

Monday, November 04, 2024


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in - oil on panel

Here's a fun little one from a few months ago. I don't know why I'm going so slow posting this old work. I guess I've been so into the new stuff I'm doing that I just forget.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

A Matter of Life and Death


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I got this little skull a while back with no idea that it would be SO hard to paint. The transitions are super subtle, but I think the hardest thing is that we know what a skull is supposed to look like, so even with it super sketchy like this, everything has to be in just the right place. I've had to wipe off quite a few versions for each time it's been in a painting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Everybody Wants Grapes

Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I took a nice, long trip with my husband and dog, which was so wonderful after the year I've had! The great thing about trips for me is getting out of my routine and attaining a broader perspective on my life and my work. This is especially true when we are camping, because it gives me lots of time to stare at the scenery and contemplate what I'm doing without being pressed up against it as I am when I'm in my studio.

Another benefit of trips for me is that eventually I get bored, and new ideas start popping into my head. I had quite a few this time, and mostly they revolved around larger paintings. I have a handful of small works left that I will post (like this one), but I also have some big ones that I was holding onto for I'm not sure what reason, and have dusted off, varnished, photographed, and will soon post as well. The prices on these will be good as my main motivation is to move them out of the way for new work.

As for my neck and healing from surgery, it's going great! They say it takes a year to get back to "normal," whatever that means after essentially 20+ years of neck trouble. My muscles in that whole area are still angry, and that certainly hampers what I can do, but it's improving steadily, and everything is so so SO much better than it was before!!!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Cups Competing for Sake

Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I bought this little bottle of sake to paint because it was so pretty and frosted. I tried pairing it with a bunch of background colors until this one just sang. But it wasn't until I added the red cup that it became really interesting. I never would have thought it up - I just had to try a whole bunch of things until my brain went - ooooh.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Student Teacher


Click Here to Bid - 6x8in. - oil on panel

Here's another little still life that I painted a while back. I had been to the store looking for bottles with colorful labels to add to my scenes. But I think the apples stole the show. Or is it the pitcher?

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Should We Hide the Sake?


Here's another one that's been sitting around my studio. I'm still not able to paint still life, but I have started to paint from photos (less difficult for my healing neck). As it is after any long break, my skills are rusty. I know it will take a little while to get into the groove and start doing work I'm proud to show you. Until then I'm enjoying the process.

Neck update: I'm feeling better every day! I started PT today and it's going really well so far. More and more I'm able to do the things I couldn't do for almost an entire year! It's like starting over with my life. : )

Sunday, August 25, 2024



Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Thank you all SO MUCH for the outpouring of love and support after telling my story a couple of days ago. An artist's life is mostly solitary, and I can sometimes forget I'm not alone.

You make me feel loved. 💗 And it is very much appreciated.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Bumps and Dots


Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 5x7in. - oil on panel

Here's one I painted months ago and somehow completely forgot to post. I made this bumpy vase years ago out of clay, along with a few other similar ones, and occasionally they make their way into my setups.