Showing posts with label 12x12in.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12x12in.. Show all posts

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Fruit Aplenty


Click Here to Purchase - $500 - 12x12in. - oil on panel

If you're new to my work, I have a series of online tutorials available. I call them ArtBytes because they are bite-size tutorials, at reasonable prices. A few are free, so you can get a taste of what they're like. And if you pay for one and are disappointed, we have a money-back guarantee. Thanks for checking them out. : )

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Citrus in Sun


Click Here to Purchase - $500 - 12x12in. - oil on panel

I got completely obsessed with sewing the last few weeks and neglected painting entirely. Oopsie.

Here's an oldie that I held onto because I really love it. Now it's prepared to find its forever home. Plus I'm home from visiting family for Christmas and ready to paint again. I hope you're all finding new inspiration too in the almost new year!

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Cup Cult


Click Here to Buy ($500 - OIL - 12x12in.)

The cups have a cult, and the peppers really want to join. But I have a feeling the cups have some initiation rituals that aren't going to be fun.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Waiting for the Cue


Click Here to BUY (12x12in. - OIL - $500)

This reminds me of those little kid performances where they're all waiting backstage, and one is peeking around to see if her parents showed up. By the way she also has the solo.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Green Placemat

Click Here to BUY ($500 - OIL - 12x12in.)

This one ended up being tough to paint, and I had to do it in two goes. The main reason is that the bright green color was SO bright (saturated) that any contamination (which is oil paint's middle name) made it look dirty. To get the color I used phthalo blue and cadmium lemon yellow (neither of which contain any red), and waited until the first pass was dry before I put the new color on.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Love Notes


Click Here to BUY (12x12in. - OIL - $500)

When I was 21 and attending university in Texas, I signed up to teach arts and crafts at a summer camp in Maine. A couple of months before I flew there I met the man who would become my husband. Over that summer I wrote more letters than I ever had in my life (and probably since). And he wrote me even more. It was a bittersweet summer that I'll never forget, and it was definitely on my mind while I painted this. Ahh, the adventure of life.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Overcast Florence

Click Here to BUY ($500 - OIL - 12x12in.)

This is a scene from Florence, Italy. A large proportion of the days I was there were overcast. At first I was really disappointed, because I love light and shadow, but then I realized there is a lovely subtlety to gray days. That subtlety is hard to paint - don't get me wrong! But if you work at it, it can be captured. : ) I'm really happy with this one.

Here's a close-up of the texture in the sky. ->

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Assembling Apples


Click Here to BUY (12x12in. - OIL - $600)

I've gotten a huge response from you guys that you DO want a review of art apps from me. : ) So I'm taking it seriously and putting work into it. Which means it'll take me a little longer (hopefully just a few more days). 

Meanwhile, here's an even bigger painting! This one is a whopping 12x12inches!! I've had this coffeepot for years and finally felt like I could fit it in to a painting. Woo!