Showing posts with label large. Show all posts
Showing posts with label large. Show all posts

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Converging on Red


Click Here to Purchase - $400 - 10x10in. - oil on panel

A while ago I saw an add for some cadmium-free paints (red & yellow) from Utrecht. I figured there would be compromises, but I finally bought some small tubes to try out. And after using them a few months, I am genuinely impressed! They are just as saturated as my cadmiums, and I can't see any chalkiness or other problems in any of my mixes. And if I can be just a little safer with my paint, I'm all for it.

Have any of you tried them? I'd love to hear what you think. (btw, I am not sponsored by Utrecht)

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Glass Gathering


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in. - oil on panel

Here's another large painting that was quite challenging. Trying to get all the shapes right and everything leaning in the right directions (perspective) AND the value and color relationships ... but I like how it turned out in the end.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Shine on, Rosie


Click Here to Purchase - $400 - 9x12in. - oil on panel

Something funny is that 9x12 is a super standard size, but I've only done it ONE other time in my life! Haha.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Importance of Variety in Dishes


Click Here to Purchase - $750 - 12x24in - oil on panel

This wide format never looks great here, so please click on the image to see larger. I'm quite happy with this one.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Gather Round

Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in - oil on panel

I love these scenes in the bright sun, but haven't found a way to paint them from life as they change too much, too fast. And so I've been taking pictures and painting from that. I would love to find a light that simulates this look, but have had no luck so far.

Orange You Colorful


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in - oil on panel

Here's another larger painting experiment. This time I decided to add a lot of color variation within each color. I tried it out first on my ipad and that really helped a lot.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Holding it Together, Again


Click Here to Purchase - $800 - 18x18in - oil on panel

Here is the product of a recent experiment where I took a small painting I liked > and made it larger ^. Since I had all the props, I set it up again and took pictures. Then I painted from a combination of photos and the original painting. In the future, if I can, I will work from life (as I normally do).

I made two small changes to the composition - I shortened the white vase so it wasn't the same height as the green cup. I don't know if that made a difference, but there it is. I also moved the little, white plate closer to the green cup. In addition I increased my painting arsenal - in addition to brushes I used a squeegee and palette knife.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

I Ordered Eggs


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in - oil on panel

Today I went to the post office to ship my latest large painting and found that prices had gone up yet again, and especially over a certain size (any box side longer than 30"). I've seen this happening, and for other reasons as well have been focusing on medium sizes with new work (in between 6x6, and 24x24). I feel so much more freedom composing, but also in how I paint. As well I've been experimenting with my process, and I have a feeling my next batch of workshop students will be hearing some brand new things from me. : )

So here's a NEW painting, finally, after exhausting my reserves.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Remembering Fall

Click Here to Purchase - $1000 - 24x30in - oil on panel

All my life I've collected pretty leaves. I used to save them inside the pages of books, and include them in letters. A few years ago, when we were still living in Eugene, I got the idea to paint them. I tried a few small paintings, but found they worked best really big! This is a painting from that time that I've hung onto but am now ready to part with.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Yearning for Summer

Click Here to Purchase - $1000 - 24x32in - oil on panel

Here's another big one that I used a ton of palette knife on, so there's a lot of texture. I'm including a few close-up photos of some particularly juicy bits. So fun to work with!

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Stacking Cups

Click Here to Purchase - $900 - 24x24in - oil on panel

Here's another big one that I did a while ago. I never painted this particular composition as a 6x6, but it's the kind of thing I have done. Soon I will post new work where I further explore this idea of "enlarging" my small compositions. It's been quite challenging. So much that I put it out as this month's Daily Paintworks Challenge. Feel free to submit your resize (you don't have to be a member)!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sitting Pretty


Click Here to Purchase - $750 - 26x24in. - oil on panel (unframed)

Here is one of the larger paintings I mentioned that I'd like to move in order to make room for new work. The reference came from a rose garden in Oregon, though I can't remember if it was in Eugene or Portland. I made a lot of trips to both - spent countless, happy hours photographing every rose that spoke to me. Ahh, good memories!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Rose Balloons

Click Here to Buy (22x36in. - OIL - $1100 - click image to enlarge
free domestic shipping)

I've recently done some new, larger paintings and need to move some older ones to make room. This is an old photo here to the right, so a lot of these are already sold, but you can see "Rose Balloons" there in the middle. I figured this might be a good size reference. Because 22x36 is pretty big (compared to what I normally do).

Also, I've halved prices on some still lives that have been sitting around a while in my "available" category. If they don't sell at these prices, I'm going to paint over them. This is not a threat, just me accepting reality. Ha! : )

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Extra Spoon


Click Here to BUY ($700 - 16x16in. - oil)

My little painting shelves are now empty of new work, and all I've got left are larger paintings I just haven't posted yet. I haven't painted in over a week - trying to give my back a rest. I don't know if it's working, but gosh my pickleball game is getting better! (ha) It's the one thing that doesn't seem to hurt my back. So don't be surprised if you hear soon that I've gone pro! Not. But I AM enjoying it.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Apple Shadows


Click Here to Bid ($700 - 16x16in - OIL)

Last year I took a few months off in order to reorient my creative compass. I had been feeling stuck, and needed to find the joy again. One of the things I did during this time was scour Pinterest for inspiration. I went down many rabbit holes, and allowed myself be open to any kind of imagery that led to a creative tingle (for lack of better words). 

I found myself very attracted to what I'm calling "abstracted realism," like this artist, Amy Brakeman. Or this guy, Raimonds Staprans. I experimented a lot with things way more abstract than these apples above, but this is the first one I was really happy with. For me it represents a place in between where I am and where I want to go. Now I just need to gather my courage and step further into the unknown. This is very hard for me.

Monday, December 14, 2020



Click Here to BUY ($1200 - 24x36 - OIL on gessobord - free shipping in US)

This is another big one. The leaf is from a gorgeous hike I took with my husband in Oregon a few years ago, along Fall Creek. It was late fall and the leaves were just starting to decompose. We think of beauty being in the young and fresh, but I appreciate the old and falling apart just as much. Maybe this is because I'm getting older and my body is starting to have..."issues"? Nah. 

If you buy this painting and it doesn't look good in your space, I will happily give you a full refund (you pay return shipping) and my complete understanding. It happens.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Just Showing Off

sold. ($1,100 - 24x28in. - OIL on gessobord panel [unframed] - free US shipping)

This is a painting I did a few years ago with the idea of eventually getting into a gallery, mostly because I think it's so much better if you can see larger work in person. But I had trouble finding a good gallery fit, as you know if you've followed me. And now a lot of galleries are (sadly) closing, and many are going online. So I feel lucky that I'm already here! And I can list paintings without charging the extra 50% gallery commission. : )

This painting looks SO much better in person. There is a ton of texture that you can't see in the main image (so I tried to capture some of it in these close-up pictures). Also it's really difficult to get good pictures of big oil paintings. One must position the lights to avoid glare, but that often makes the light irregular - in this case the left/right edges of the painting got a little washed out.

My return policy makes it easy to return if it isn't a fit in your house - just use the original box, and pay for return shipping, and I'll give you a full refund.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

On a Mission

Click Here to Bid (12x12in. - starts at $1!!)

I did a smaller version of this last year that sold (at a workshop in France, which is where I took the reference photos) before I even got a chance to post it. But I loved the image, so I did this 12x12 version when I got home. I was REALLY happy with it, so I held onto it for a while. But again moving has made me rethink everything! So here's another go at the $1 auction. Woo!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Leaf Nap

Click Here to BUY - $1600, 36x22in. (optional frame +$300), free shipping within the US!

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! I am eternally grateful for your ongoing support. I couldn't do this without you. Really. I have the best job in the world, because of you. Thank you. 💗

Since I've gotten a little behind with posting lately, I thought I'd show you another big one. I have a few of these leaf paintings done, and many more envisioned. And I'm excited to have all NEW leaves to paint when I get to Montana! There's lots of texture on this one. Make sure you enlarge the detail pictures to see it up close.

The frame is optional, and I'm selling it at my cost: $300. I have never loved a frame so much as this one. It is even more gorgeous in person.

Unfortunately, unless you are willing to pay a small fortune for shipping, I can no longer sell these larger paintings outside the US. I learned this very expensive lesson when I shipped the first one to Switzerland. Ouch.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Stage Fright

Click Here to BUY (10x10in. - $500)

So, big news - we're moving! The short version is - we went camping in Montana this summer, and ended up deciding to move there. To Missoula, specifically. The plan is to go in the spring, and we have lots of do before then (understatement). In the meantime, not only am I listing some of my larger paintings (with hopes not to have to move them), I'm putting all my remaining books on sale (for the same reason). My plan is to clear them all out, and then start making new books later - maybe collections of particular subjects?