Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend Fun

Thursday afternoon I was just sitting around minding my own business when the phone was Karen (your very interested in this story huh?) Karen had an extra ticket to the play Dancing at Lughnasa at BYU and invited me to go along. Of course I accepted and we had a great time. Thanks Karen! For those of you who can't make it to BYU you should rent the movie. I really liked it too. I think I saw it in St. Johns with the Udall girls?

Friday afternoon the kids and I headed up to Sandy to celebrate the birthday of my nephew Makai & niece Ame. We met all the cousins at Classic Skate and the partying began. Here Ame is enjoying some root beer with Nina while Shayla adores her beautiful Max.

Lindy being the ever impressive mom brought veggies and dip to supplement the pizza. Here she is with Emily and her daughter.

Lily and Satchel

Happy Birthday Kids!

Here the kids are singing happy birthday. You may think that these pictures are pretty blurry. But it is just the fog from the fog machine. I had forgotten all about the smell of a fog machine. It's been a while since my single clubbing days!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I was surprised and grateful that you had the night free. It was time we bring the camera and take pictures of ourselves on the set...maybe even dancing an Irish jig.