I have wanted to post about all our Halloween happenings but time slipped away from me this week. Mainly because we were gone the last two weekends and I have had so much to do -- mainly sewing some costumes. So I will attempt to sum up our fun.

We went to a local pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins and you can imagine my horror when I discovered that I left my camera at home! What kind of a blogging mother am I? So here are some pictures from my cell phone -- not very good.

On Monday night we carved our pumpkins. I had the great pleasure of gutting 3 of them -- gotta love that pumpkin manicure -- so good for the skin.
The kids have so much fun doing this. Will & Barry squealed with delight when we lit our jack-o-lanterns. It was like we had never done it before. That is one really nice thing about having little kids. I love watching them get thrilled by or discovering fun things that I don't put much thought into anymore. They keep me aware of all the magic there is (that my jaded adult self tends to forget.)

Come on -- your are scared aren't you! Now on to the costumes...

Alli as Little Red Riding Hood. (She refused to hold a basket)

Lily seriously killed me as a "grandma" this year (no she isn't dressed up like you Grandma Mary or Grandma Risa :) Her personality is so spunky that she just made the perfect "old lady"

Luckily Cole wanted to be a revolutionary war soldier. We had most of the costume from when he was Thomas Paine -- we just added some blood. (Lily is his elderly mother welcoming her son home!) PS Lily's dress is a maternity shirt! And I thought we were done with those at our house.

Will REALLY wanted to be a knight. I could have made him the whole costume with chain mail fabric but it was $19 a yard and I just couldn't do it. But I did make the tunic and I wont tell you how much time I spent drawing that dragon on his shield and helmet.

Barry decided that he would be a dragon to fight Will's knight -- hey they are fighting all the time anyway. Why not?

So here is our cute dragon with paisley scales -- so fashionable!
We had a great Halloween. The kids got a ton of candy -- Alli had a fun time partying with her friends and Cord & I vegged on the couch and caught up on Masterpiece Theater. I hope all of you had a good one too!
Great costumes Martha! I love the paisly accents on the dragon...
Ali looked so cute too! We had a good time as well and I was so thankful Halloween was on Friday! Let's all sleep late to recover from too much sugar...
Sorry...I just couldn't leave this tonight without saying something about Lily...I just can't seem to stop laughing long enough to type anything...too perfect! I adore that Maternity shirt too!
awesome costumes!!!! love the old lady!!!
Wow! Your talent truly astounds me. I need to hire you to help me with a costume next year.
The kids look amazing! I clicked on the pictures to get a closer look. Did you really hand draw the dragons? They're great! And Barry's eyes match his costume. I also caught a glimpse of the yummy looking popcorn balls on the counter behind him. I drooled so much I nearly shorted out the laptop.
I can't believe you didn't write about your drunken 44 year old trick or treaters trampling your flower bed.
Great Costumes from the Udalls as usual :) Old lady Lily is perfect!! Love all the boys costumes too. Dylan loves the fake blood!
Karen -- you are right I should mention that we had two beer breath 44 year old men (one cross-dressed in a too short black spaghetti strapped dress) who claim that 44 is the new 14. Never mind that I think 14 is too old to trick-or-treat as well!
Good times!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lily as the grandma! So cute and so funny!!!!
Love Ali's cape -- so cute. Love the paisley scales! Well done you little sewing bee you!Sounds like another great holiday at the UDall's!
The look on Lily's face cracked me up. She looked like when Adam Sandler was pretending to be and old woman.
they look great, heidi. i can't believe the time it must have taken to make all those costumes. i made my kids recycle old costumes this year. .. aren't i a mean mom? well, actually they didn't complain about it at all.
Their costumes are all so cute! And so unique (yet still recognizable, very important in my book). I love them all. You are so creative, I wish I had that gene!!
So great. I love seeing what other people do each year. that is my favorite part of halloween.
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