Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daily Gratitude

Mimi -- Cord's grandma

Keith & Gwen Udall -- Cord's grandparents

Dan & Helen Canning -- my grandparents

My Grandma K

My parents with me & two of my four brothers

Old Photographs

I am so very grateful for the magic of photography. I love looking at old pictures of my parents and grandparents. It is so great that moments of the past have been captured for the coming generations to enjoy.


Shayla said...

Dan and Helen look like they know how to have a good time, even when life was probably all too rough. So much fun to see these pictures... I feel even more grateful reading your posts.

Marcie Ashton said...

Those are amazing pictures! You are lucky to have them. I know I treasure the old photographs that I have.
I've always wondered what my grandkids/great grandkids will think when they see pictures of me and my family. We have so much more technology-that pictures just aren't as uncommon as they were back then.

Britney said...

Is that Grandma Mimi or Lily?! Wowza! They look a lot like

Lindy said...

I love this post. So grateful for photography, like you say, but for the subjects of the photos too.

One question, though. What in the world type of vehicle is Grandma K standing in front of?

Unknown said...

what great photos!

Are you sure that isn't will in the last photo?

3girlsmom said...

great photos! i love old photos too. i love looking for family resemblances in my ancestors and my kids. it is soooo weird. and i agree the first pic of cord's grandmother does look alot like lily. but also the one of you with your parents looks a lot like her too.

fun post.

Karen said...

I loved your post. I thought the same things as the others....Lily looks like Mimi...Will looks like you, and Dan & Helen look like a riot! I also need to add that Cord looks like his Grandpa Keith.

I love old pictures too. You've inspired me to put some of mine on my'll have to teach me how to do it.

Shauna said...

Yes!! I agree, the family resemblance is strong. You are as cute as Will.

Robyn said...

Wow, I can totally see the similarity btwn you and your mom! Cute. I also love the old photo with the couple laughing b/c its so candid. You rarely see old photos like that. They look so serious!

Brenda said...

I totally adored those pics Heid...what a great thing to be grateful for...glad you started's been so good for me to think of something everyday that I'm grateful for...