Sunday, November 9, 2008

Daily Gratitude

The library

I love going to the library and checking out books. I especially love taking my kids there. They have such a great time pouring over the shelves discovering new treasures. Here is a sampling of what I have checked out now. I am especially grateful that we are going to get a new library! The bond passed!



I love the lesson manual we are using in R.S. (church) this year. We are studying the teachings of Joseph Smith. I especially enjoyed the lesson discussing the letters Joseph wrote to his family. I loved taking a glimpse into his personal life and witnessing how much he loved Emma and children. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
“My dear Emma, I very well know your toils and sympathize with you. If God will spare my life once more to have the privilege of taking care of you, I will ease your care and endeavor to comfort your heart. I want you to take the best care of the family you can."
“My dear Emma, I think of you and the children continually. … I want to see little Frederick, Joseph, Julia, and Alexander, Johanna [an orphan who was living with the Smiths], and old Major [the family dog]. And as to yourself, if you want to know how much I want to see you, examine your feelings, how much you want to see me, and judge for yourself. I would gladly walk from here to you barefoot and bareheaded and half-naked to see you and think it great pleasure, and never count it toil."


Unknown said...

I don't think we read that second quote in our lesson yesterday. Some of them were really touching, and it was nice to hear how much he cared and loved his wife and family. Thanks for sharing.

Marcie Ashton said...

Yea for the Library! That's going to be on my list as well. We live right across the street from our library, so I can walk there any time.
We are also building a new one-but it will still be across the street.

I also love the letters from Joseph Smith. It shows you that even in the middle of all his responsibilites and trials, his heart was still with him family.

3girlsmom said...

congrats on getting your new library approved! ours is underway as i type. but they have the bookmobile there now and the kids think that is way cool!

and regarding your comment with the prop 8 newspaper article. i saw that one too! amazing!