I have wanted to post about all our Halloween happenings but time slipped away from me this week. Mainly because we were gone the last two weekends and I have had so much to do -- mainly sewing some costumes. So I will attempt to sum up our fun.

We went to a local pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins and you can imagine my horror when I discovered that I left my camera at home! What kind of a blogging mother am I? So here are some pictures from my cell phone -- not very good.

On Monday night we carved our pumpkins. I had the great pleasure of gutting 3 of them -- gotta love that pumpkin manicure -- so good for the skin.
The kids have so much fun doing this. Will & Barry squealed with delight when we lit our jack-o-lanterns. It was like we had never done it before. That is one really nice thing about having little kids. I love watching them get thrilled by or discovering fun things that I don't put much thought into anymore. They keep me aware of all the magic there is (that my jaded adult self tends to forget.)

Come on -- your are scared aren't you! Now on to the costumes...

Alli as Little Red Riding Hood. (She refused to hold a basket)

Lily seriously killed me as a "grandma" this year (no she isn't dressed up like you Grandma Mary or Grandma Risa :) Her personality is so spunky that she just made the perfect "old lady"

Luckily Cole wanted to be a revolutionary war soldier. We had most of the costume from when he was Thomas Paine -- we just added some blood. (Lily is his elderly mother welcoming her son home!) PS Lily's dress is a maternity shirt! And I thought we were done with those at our house.

Will REALLY wanted to be a knight. I could have made him the whole costume with chain mail fabric but it was $19 a yard and I just couldn't do it. But I did make the tunic and I wont tell you how much time I spent drawing that dragon on his shield and helmet.

Barry decided that he would be a dragon to fight Will's knight -- hey they are fighting all the time anyway. Why not?

So here is our cute dragon with paisley scales -- so fashionable!
We had a great Halloween. The kids got a ton of candy -- Alli had a fun time partying with her friends and Cord & I vegged on the couch and caught up on Masterpiece Theater. I hope all of you had a good one too!