Hi friends! It's no secret that I like to go junkin (antiquing)!
So off we went and by we I mean Paula and I (my junkin partner in crime). We headed out early (6:30am) to Three Speckled Hens in Paso Robles. Here is a few of my favorite photos from the day!
Busy, busy, busy!
Oh my look at all the ribbon! I wanted to buy it all and there was a lot!
Only $10.00 for 3 rolls! MAJOR BARGIN!
The deer head reminds me of Tim's new Trophy Antlers!
Loved this lawn mower!
Here's the back of Paula's car with all our treasures form the day!
Here are the thinks that came home with me...
and this type tray was my favorite pick of the day!
Best show EVER…found some amazing treasures!
Thanks for stopping in!