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Showing posts with label korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label korea. Show all posts

Lee Hyun Woo in Malaysia!!

Sape layan citer Korea terbaru kat Astro One HD  'To the beautiful you' mesti kenal sape Lee Hyun Woo ni..watak dier sangatlah comel dalam citer ni, walaupon bukan watak utama tapi macam tak lengkap pulak kalau xde dier..

Kebetulan One HD ada buat event "Meet & Greet with Lee Hyun Woo" pada minggu lepas & sapa yg masuk contest bole dapat exclusive pass untuk berjumpa Lee Hyun Woo dengan lebih dekat. Sebenarnya adik aku beriya ajak pi sini tapi aku buat tak tahu jelah kan..heheh..bila tau aku dapat dapat pass ni dier punya jeles! 

Nak dijadikan citer, Lily menang contest tu & offer sapa yg bole teman. Dengan sepantas kilat aku meng'offer'kan diri since aku pon available time tu...Yahoooooo dapat jumpa bintang K-Pop u olls!!Excited terlebih dah masa ni..dah berangan dapat naik pentas mintak autograf pastu salam Lee Hyun Woo. Hihih

Sesi bertemu peminat ni diadakan di Sungei Wang Plaza jam 4petang..Memang ngam2 LHW muncul & sesi temuramah pon bermula..

dapat goodies bag dari One HD

Thanks so much Lily atas invitation!!!

masa Lee Hyun Woo buat aksi comel ni..bagai nak histeria orang dlm Sungei Wang ni...kahkahkah

He is only 19 years old!!!

Unfortunately takde pulak sesi sain autograf..hukhuk sedey...

inilah dier goodies yg kami dapat...mmg besttt!!!balik umah je berebut adik2 aku nak tengok goodies bag ni..dapat jugaklah diorang paw kakaknya..haihhhh

Sesi temuramah cuma berlangsung 30minit je..pastu acara pon habis..Lily beransur pulang & aku masih merayau2 sekitar situ..rupanya ramai yg menunggu LHW keluar dari backstage..Tak nampak pon sebab ramai sangat orang..

BTW, memang pengalaman yg best sebab dapat jumpa LHW yg sangat comel! Memang tak missed pon tengok citer dier kat One HD tu sebab menarik! 


Yeongseo Couple

Korang pernah tengok tak Korean reality 'We Got Married'? Okay, basically diorang akan invite celebrity Korea ni konon kahwin olok2 & spend time together..siap ada rumah semua. Memang betul2 macam orang kahwinlah..dalam masa yang sama diorang kena buat mission yang akan diberi setiap minggu.

First time tengok WGM ni masa show Kim Hyun Joong. Aku memang minat KHJ ni..tapi dalam WGM dier dapat bini tua daripada dier..but the show still enjoyablelah. This time pulak aku addicted tengok YongHwa(CNBlue) + Seohyun (Girls Generation) punya show. Diorang nampak sangat sweet + innocent. Last episode masa diorang dah nak berpisah tuh memang sangat sedih okehhhhh...memang nampak yg both of them caring for each other. But what to do, it's only a SHOW & ENTERTAINMENT. 

Kadang2 terfikir jugak, why they create such show & at the end they make both of them break off?? It's like playing with their feelings...once it started to grow then you have to let go pulak...chewahhhh...padahal if diorang really fall in love with other, bole je teruskan hubungan tu ye tak? heheheheh

Walaupun show ni dah lama bersiaran tapi YongSeo couple memang the bestt!!!

Sapa2 yang nak tengok diorangnya show bole klik link nih...YongSeo Episodes total ada 51 episodes semuanya.

555 days YongSeo Couple

Bawah ni lagu Banmal Song yang direka sendiri oleh diorang berdua as a mission & diorang kena post kat youtube. Suka lagu nih!!!

S: You know what, Yong?

Y: What?
S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?
Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.
S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?
Y: Why is it hard?
S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?
Y: A lot.
(from Banmal song ^^) So cute!

110924 YongSeo - Banmal Song (Director's Cut)

Miss them!! Hope they'll be back!!

psssttt: YongHwa akan participate lagi dalam Runningman episode 104..wahhh mesti besttt!sblom ni dah 2kali YongHwa masuk RM..cayalah!


New hobby- Korean Drama OST


Aku memang addicted tengok drama Korea especially citer from genre komedi, love or lite2 je. Pada aku pembikinan drama from Korea ni sangatlah bermutu & sesuai untuk tontonan semua. They even have fansite untuk sapa2 yang nak layan aku memang suka layan online kat mysoju,, tudou or viki. Kalau aku sgt suker citernya, aku akan beli dvd. So far takdelah aku nak beli yang original kan..rm99 tuh..nak jimat punya pasal aku beli pirates je..sekeping rm4 hajo...hehehe

Let's aku citer favourite korean drama aku so far, memang citer2 nih terbaik dari ladang! Kalau korang tgk konfem tak nyesal..ready, aja-aja fighting!

YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL - antara citer terbaru & terbaik abad ini..jalan citer yg mencuit hati & ada jugak yg  meruntun jiwa raga..sgt layannn...heheh

"A story about the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group. Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group. However at the last minute, the member suffers an injury and his twin sister, Mi Nyu, steps in to disguise as him."

BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS - series yg panjang sampai 25 episode, jalan citer yg sgt menarik + pelakon2 yg hottest! i love Goo Joon Pyo!!

"Jan Di is an average girl whose family owns a dry cleaning store located near the luxurious and well known Shin Hwa College. Jan Di meets the four richest and most spoiled boys known as the F4. After saving a boy from jumping off the roof of Shinhwa High School, she is admitted into the school on a swimming scholarship. Jan Di tries to avoid confrontation with the F4 at all cost because she knows what happens to those that stand against them. However, when Jan Di's friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally gets ice cream on the leader of the F4's shoes, she's forced to declare war on the leader of the F4, Goo Joon Pyo"

MY GIRL - citer lama actually tapi tetap layan sampai sekarang. Selain lagu2 yg sangat cool, citer ni pon bole buat korang melalak smpai bengkak mata..huhu

"When Gong Chan (Lee Dong Wook) meets the lively and beautiful Yoo Rin (Lee Da Hae), he finds out that she has connections to his missing cousin, whom his grandfather has been searching for. He asks Yoo Rin to lie about being his long missing cousin until he can find his real cousin. She says yes, but soon their feelings for each other get in the way of their plans. Gong Chan’s friend, Jung Woo (Lee Joon Ki) falls for Yoo Rin while Gong Chan’s ex-girlfriend, Seo Hyun (Park Si Yeon), a pro tennis player, tries to win him back. Will the two ever tell each other how they feel? Will Gong Chan ever find his real cousin? "

FULLHOUSE - pon citer lama gak..aku ingat lagi layan citer nih masa zaman belajar kt UiTM dulu. Sanggup tak tido satu malam nak tgk sambungan sampai abes..mmg syiokkkk...

"Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to borrow money from an actor Lee Young Jae to return to Korea. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. In spite of losing all, Ji Eun manages to be cheerful and takes things in strike and the business relationship between the two becomes personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title"

OH MY LADY - Si Won sangat kacak dalam drama nihh...terpana dengan kehenseman dier...layannnn..

"A spunky 35-year-old housewife, Yoon Gae Hwa, takes on the job of manager to prickly top star Sung Min Woo in order to earn enough money to regain custody of her child from her ex-husband. Romantic hijinks and hilarity ensues when they find themselves in an awkward living situation as Min Woo pays Gae Hwa to take care of his daughter, Ye Eun."

Paling imprest sekali pelakon2 Korea ni bukan saje boleh berlakon, tapi most of them pandai nyanyi jugak. Even lagu dalam drama diorang pon mostly daripada suara diorang sendiri. Sekarang nih aku memang suka layan lagu2 OST K-drama kt you tube. Later nak download mp3 senang nak dengar berulang kali.

Kalau korang ada tgk citer Korea yang best2, bgtau ye....bole aku layan skali..  

GAMSAHABNIDA!!!! (terima kasih)


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