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Showing posts with label kenny rogers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kenny rogers. Show all posts

Red day at Kenny Rogers!

Last Wednesday 12 Jan 2011, Kenny Rogers ada wat offer buy one free one Kenny's Quarter meal dengan syarat kena pakai baju/kasut/aksesori kaler merah. So dengan pantasnya aku ajak my mom pegi Kenny's terdekat ngan rumah kt Setapak. Hubby xpat join sebab banyak keje kat opis. Sampai sana, alhamdulillah xlah beratur panjang sangat.

aku rasa da macam Gong Xi Fa Cai pulok!sumer pakai merah..heheh

mak aku laju aje bile ajak pi makan free..ngeh3x

me in red also!

my mom punya order:salad,fruits & mac&cheese (dier tgh diet skarg..=P)

my order:mashed potato,coleslaw,baked beans
(actually ni side dish yg free,so xleh tukar side dish lain)

both of us minum iced lemon tea aje..

banana & vanilla muffin

this offer only valid on 12 Jan 2011...diorang cakap offer ni once a year,so tunggu next year okeh!

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