Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wine. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

..can't win....

One day it's hot...the next cool.... and it was hot too all the bushes are flowering early.  Look at this .... my  neighbour's double flowering plum.  Well, I think that's what it is. Beeeyoootiful!

Today it was cooler after raining off and on through the night....but, warm enough for golf!  Hah!  So... golfing I went.  My old guys are pretty hardy... plus as they say... who knows how many games they have left so they go rain or shine.  They tell me they don't even buy bananas if they are green...then they laugh their heads off.  They also mention that I better show up every Wednesday too...or else.  One of them will be 91 in a few months...they are amazing old gaffers....

Tonight it is much cooler... some sprinkling...and tomorrow..rain and cooler yet.  Darn it.  I wanted to get busy and plant things.  Usually I don't dare put anything in pots or in the ground before this weekend...which is a long weekend.  As a matter of fact, this is the first long weekend of the summer and everybody and their dogs go camping...and usually get a dusting of snow on their tents..or camper and RV's....hardly anybody actually tents anymore it seems.  Just as well. is going to be slightly cooler for a few days...but, not cold.  So...I may take a chance and put things in early...

See why I drive my old cargo van?  I need plenty of room.... for all sorts....

oh, let me get a bit closer...

Trees, shrubs, dirt, fertilizer spreader box of wine, flowers, plants, herbs... the list goes on.  We had some shrubs die two years ago...and have been dogging it... didn't get anything planted in the holes we made digging them out.  Tsk, tsk.... this year, the yard will  look a lot better.... and I still need to order some dirt.  Imagine having to order dirt.  Brother.  But... our gardens are getting "tired"...more mulch, compost and even some new dirt is necessary to get things back to where they should be.  I wish my sister lived closer...she makes great dirt.  By composting.... and it's got great horsey manure in it... that would be good stuff....

I even got me some herbs this year.... Thyme, Rosemary and some Basil... I'm not exactly sure how to grow them...or where I'm going to put them...but, last year I grew little chili peppers for the first time...and they did great!  so... I hope....

Yup.... I do indeed put an ice cube in my wine on occasion.  My Mom and Aunt used to do it all the time... their thought seemed like went further...and it was lovely and cold! Works for me.  I'm not a connoisseur ...but I know what I like.... and that's what I drink. Now, where's that darn sun!?  Maybe I'll wait another week before I plant'll be fine in pots til then....