Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Good Fences

It's Thursday ....again!  How the weeks fly by!

Thanks for the good wishes for my sister... it's going to be a long haul, but she is able to move around a bit now and hopefully will remember not to even try to lift anything heavier than a pound of butter ...or her tiniest cat.  It's so difficult for her to NOT do anything... I know it is.  She is so used to doing everything around her acreage.... and, I'm afraid as her older sibling...I did do quite a bit of scolding and nagging while there ....... sigh..... sorry Vik.....please be careful...

There were so many great fences around her area....and, I got a few...but, in the last few days it was unbearably hot and I didn't do a daytime walk...and, it seemed there was quite a bit happening in the evenings or earlier't manage to get some that I had seen in my walks and not carrying a camera.  Darn it.

However, I do have a few that are worth seeing..
like this bit of weed that entwined a portion of her post and rail fence down below the house...
Don't forget to click on the pics to "biggify" them and get a better look.

... And, if you've ever wondered about the age old question of why the chicken crossed the road?  Well, here's the answer.

It followed this handsome dude..... all of them taking their lives in their hands... lots of the cars whizz past at breakneck speed some days... I can't believe they made it every single day I was there......silly things!

Mickey is having to share his paddock with 5 foolish hens and this cock-of-the-walk..... although, I have to say...he doesn't seem to mind at all.....

If you'd like to see other fences and see other stories .... check out Good Fences here..