Showing posts with label violets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violets. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a storm is coming...

... a phrase in a romance novel?... of course.  A line from a new movie...yup ....  that too...

But... today.... it's really and truly just our weather.  The day began dark and dreary... I thought it was much earlier than it was when I got up.  Turned on all the lights.... then went outside to take some pics of the lichen on this Mayday.  I only really noticed it from the window because the tree was so dark and wet from the rain that has been falling all night.  Not complaining about it either...we NEED moisture.  We've had so little snow...and no rain.

This one is absolutely for you Serena.  Knowing your love of trees and bark.

Our day began about +4C...but, has dropped to only 1C... and there is now a wind coming directly from the north.  A weather or storm warning... can't remember which now... is out for the area.  It was raining earlier...but, the drops are becoming big, fat and sleety.  Splat ... as they hit the pavement.  No accumulation yet..., but, I'm keeping an eye out for snow beginning to crown the heads of my daffodils.  Yes!!  they bloomed when I wasn't looking!

Can you believe I was complaining and commenting just a day ago (on somebody's blog) about us not having anything except some sweet little violets...

...and then, two days ago, I checked to my left for cars as I drove out of the yard.. and lo and behold! there they were.  Lovely, creamy yellow ... nodding in the slight breeze... what the??   It was May 17th last year.  Some wonderful weeks of unseasonably warm weather must have had an effect on them for sure.  They've never been this early.  I wasn't expecting to see colour for weeks yet.  Weird.

Mine are not the usual shade of bright yellow... more soft creams and peachy yellow...I have no clue what they really are.  Maybe they are not really daffodils?

I'm at the ready...with my camera.... looking out the window.... waiting for snow.....