Showing posts with label destruction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destruction. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011

It was wild around here yesterday!

The morning was beautiful... it was already +13C by 10:00 a.m.... sipping second coffee and considering going for a nice walk.  Then.... it got breezy... then it got really windy... and in less than half an was wild outside!  Gusting to 130kph by afternoon....and creating total havoc in the city.
Luckily our immediate area .. at least what I can see from my windows ... was spared, but, believe me, I was worried that at any moment some of the huge fir or spruce or even the gargantuan old poplar across the street would come down.

I thought about baking..but only for about an hour...then the power went out.  I had already given up using the computer... it blew off earlier.... the surge protector puts it off even with a spike in power.  The tv was next to go and then the whole house electricity.  It came and went for hours.... my poor old chest freezer...I wondered if this might be the straw that would finish 'him' off.  But, no.... after lots of chugging and lugging... later in the evening... back to normal.

When I checked the computer before going to!  The damage was unbelievable.  Air traffic must have been totally backed up too... I knew no planes would chance it...well, actually one Lufthansa guy did and there is a video of him..... sideways just before landing... somehow the pilot pulled it off.  Always somebody with a camera out and about ...even in gale force winds!  Idiots really.... as there were trucks and cars flipping over on the roads, huge trees and power poles falling and trailing 'hot' wires .....
Not safe to be driving or walking.. and for sure not flying!  In spite of the amount of time and speed of the winds...and the damage especially to the downtown area and huge building and large windows being shattered...there were only reports of a couple of injuries!  Wow.... again.....

People waiting for extra buses this regular transit service... looks like hundreds if not thousands were late for work....

a lot of flying debris from buildings under construction....

windows blew out and also debris from building under construction blew off and smashed some office and apartment block windows out....

tree fell on this house

just outside the city....