Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Visiting Teaching Lunch

It's no secret that I'm not a good visiting teacher...but I do love my ladies and I do try. They do get some sort of something from me every month (a treat usually). Hey, my VTer's bring a treat over and I'm in Heaven! Those are my kind of girls :)

But, every so often I have a lunch and have all my ladies come over for some food and some girl talk. That's what we did this month (September) and it was great.

We only had an hour, because one needed to get back to work, the other back to her fall cleaning (kind of like spring cleaning...), and others to pick up kids. But we had a great hour.

I made Caprese Benedict again, and they turned out even better. I bought the hollandaise sauce from Traders, and it was delish!



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