Showing posts with label Soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soccer. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

Our Everyday...

The month of October in iPhone pics...

Sometimes you get news, close to home, that shakes you. And your life comes into perspective and you truly realize...the only thing that matters in this world is your relationships. Your relationship with God. Your relationships with your husband and kids and family and friends.  Cherish one another, be there for each other and mourn with those who mourn. Show empathy and love and kindness. You never know what others are going through. Everyone is fighting their own battles. To my friends, whoever you are, who have hidden heartache tonight...I am praying for you. One of my favorite quotes is "I can do hard things" and I know that you can. You might be stretched thin, and probably feel alone, but God knows of your pain and your heart. Hold your babies close tonight and always.

I just had word that my friend Holly's little baby needs to have open heart surgery in a week.  We are praying for her and hope for the best outcome.

"Mom, I just can't wait to have an Ivy of my very own" ~Ava 💗. Their bond is real and true and makes my mama heart so happy. And Someday, Ava will be the best mom to her babies.

Baby vampire :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lia Starts Soccer

Our sweet girl played soccer this fall.  She was on a team with all of her friends in our neighborhood.  She definitely had fun playing and running with the ball.  And we are so proud of her!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Soccer Season


Max usually plays defense and really does a great job at keeping the ball away from the goal.  He used to be so timid, when it came to soccer, but he's become so confident in himself and his abilities, that he runs with the ball all the time.  Watching these older kids play, and actually stay in their positions, is so fun.  They really use team work to get the job done.  So far Maxs team is undefeated.


Ava is so competitive!  She has one thing on her mind...winning ;)  She makes almost all the goals on her team and is crazy focused for the goal.  She scores about 2-5 goals a game.  She has listened close to her dad, when he's taught her all the "moves" "fast dribble" to get the ball where she wants it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Our Everyday... iPhone pics

Getting back to life this week has been rough.  Post vacation blues are real!  So much to do, and no motivation to get any of it done.  But none the less, we did have a good week.

Getting Ivy back on a good routine this week, and she's a champ.  

 Well, we finally bought a lawn mower.  We've been having our neighbor kid do the lawn for the past couple of years.  But he doesn't do a great job, and we thought the time had come for Max to learn to mow and having this be one of his chores.  

Another TJ's opened up in Cottonwood Heights, so getting there more often will be a little easier.

 Lia put this (clean :) diaper on Ivy's head and we both could not stop laughing!

 Utah was hit with a CRAZY windstorm!  Like crazy.  Our garbage cans were ripped open and our garbage was everywhere.  These pictures do no do the garbage justice.  I ran outside and picked up as much as I could, and brought it in.  Tons of fences were down, shingles, broken car window, was pretty annoying.  Besides the garbage and our BBQ falling down and getting a dent, we were spared, and thankful.

 The next day we got snow.  Lia was thrilled since this was only the second snow storm we've had this winter.  Sadly enough though, the snow all melted by the end of the day.

 Got to wear my snow boots too.

The girls have been playing 'school' and Lia was the student.

 Do you know your child's love language?  There's a great book called The 5 Love Languages of Children, that I've read and recommend.  For me, I'm constantly trying to figure out my kids.  I feel like their need and languages are always changing, which always keeps me on my toes.  But I think it's so important to love our kids and husbands, with their specific loves languages...because you can love and give, but if it doesn't fill their specific need(s), sometimes your efforts could be in vain or go unnoticed.  

This boyfriends love language right now??  A warm breakfast on a school day.  And after a rough night of not having homework done and a frustrated mom, he needed his love bucket filled.

We had a fun night with our Ericksen family, doing a super fun Easter Egg hunt.  My mother in law does a fun hunt for the kids AND the adults.  There is crazy competition amongst us, and always fun!  Thanks Nana!

 We started up soccer too, both Max and Ava.  I didn't get a picture of Max's game, but he too did a great job.  Ava scored the first goal of the season!  Way to go Av's!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our Everyday... iPhone pics

Max wanted to make cookies with me, so we did, and I loved every second just being with him.

 These 3 showed up on this Sunday afternoon with some HUGE news!  Another baby on the way!!!

Dinner at Nana's...and ice cream for the win.

 Not sure how we ever would have survived this pregnancy if this girl didn't love to snuggle.

Soccer night.  I love that I can sit on my swing comfortably and watch :)

 Sister sharing a room is wonderful...right?!  I fear they will never sleep again.  Non-the-less, their room is ready for them both to be in!  I love how it turned out!

 First night in her new room and bed.  She couldn't be more excited!

One of my only cravings.

We got this video monitor for the babys room, but set it up in the girls room first...and I love it!  We can talk over the monitor and this thing saves me tons of trips up the stairs to tell them to sleep.  I'll need to order another camera for the babies room.  Thanks mom for the gift!!!!

Tennis camp this week.
Max from 10-2
Ava from 3-4:30

 Lashes for days.

Getting stuff done on his 'list'!

Friends painting friends nails.

 While Max was at tennis camp, the girls and I did some shopping and had lunch.

 Well, I guess this would be another one of my cravings...

Dance class drinks all around!

 Tuesday night swim and dinner.  We were the only ones here.

A pretty summer dinner.

 These are my lips every so swollen.  Along with my hands and legs and face, and everything.  I'm getting pretty uncomfortable for sure.

34 weeks.

 Lia was a first timer here at the drive in...but we are all just as excited to be out way past bedtime, in our PJ's, eating treats and snuggling in the back of the car with friends!

 Our local theater shows kids movies during the week for a $1.  So we found some friends to go with us.  The movies are one's we've seen and even own, but seeing on the big screen is so much more fun.

Summer = going to Dave's soccer games.  I love to see him play.

 One of the highest honors for me, is doing a birth story for a friend.  Welcome to the world baby Max!

Lunch with Bri and my mama.

Mindy is in town!  We met at the museum for some fun with long time fiends.

 Bump snuggles.

OK, so I may have a lot of cravings that I didn't realize.  Fro-yo from Red Mango is another.

 Adobe tried to put on an outdoor movie event, to see the movie frozen.  They had drinks and candy, and even Elsa and Anna.  But the crazy wind kept us from watching the movie.  Oh well, we had fun with the other stuff!

Wow, we've seen a lot of movies this week.

A Saturday night...spent right!  We watched an outdoor movie at so so cold.

Ava's sweet little BFF got her a best friend necklace.  You always remember your first BF necklace!

Here's a little sneak peek of Kelly's birthstory.  So beautiful.