All of September in iPhone pics...
September was a really good and really busy month. We had a LOT of tennis. And no one ever told me, before I became a mama, that I would be an executive secretary to all my little people too. Keeping track of all their school classes, volunteer list, homework, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, play dates, tennis lesson, tennis tournaments, tennis private lessons, gymnastics, soccer, scouts, activity days, church assignments, acting class, drop offs and pick ups...its just insanity some days. If I didn't have an hone with actual reminders, I would be lost! I've been more busy these last couple of months, than ever before in my life. But what I'm finding with all this craziness, is how much I love it. I love being caught up in my kids and their lives. I love cheering them on and watching them progress. I love that I'm the one who runs the show and they know I will "take care of it" and that they can count on me. I love being their mama.
"I'm going to be nervous my first time as a pop-star" ~Lia
I've said this before, but Ava and Ivy has such a special bond and relationship. Ava loves Ivy and takes such good care of her. Ivy loves to be with Ava and knows she is good hands and safe. Today Ava put on a show for Ivy...and Ivy danced and danced. It was so dang cute!
Ava and Lia threw a party for Max in their room...So sweet.
With my 3 big kids at school, spending time with this tiny girlfriend has been so special. We've had time to read, take walks and snuggle before nap time. I can't even put into words how much I love these sweet quiet moments.
Max received his arrow of light! He's now a boy scout!
Little baby Jett is here! And he could not be more precious! So happy we got to go see him for a min. Love him so much. Sept 9th.
Max and Ava are on tennis teams. Max is the Fireballs (and I am the team "coach". Ava is team is the blue aces! Both of their teams are dominating and playing awesome!

The past couple of weeks, I've had so many emotions... My little Ivy is now weaned. We had a good run and I feel so blessed to have been able to breastfeed her this long. I feel like a big chapter of my life has closed. I've breastfed all my babies and Ivy was the last. My baby is growing up and with me knowing, no-other babies will come along to take that place, is killing me a little inside. I've cried many tears, both happy and sad. I feel a great sense of accomplishment to have nursed Ivy this long...I've missed out on a lot of late night activities, dinner dates, business trips, I could be home to nurse her (and all my babies) and put her/them to bed. I have no regrets with nursing, only the best memories of such special and sacred times. I would do it all again, in a heartbeat. I've loved sharing my body with my babies.
But after pregnancies and miscarriages and c-sections and breastfeeding...I am excited to get my body back. To those who want to nurse their babies, but don't have the support that you need...I support you. You really can do it. Breastfeeding is hard and tiring and exhausting. And sometimes you do miss out on things. But it's also some of my most treasured and bonding memories.

I was in charge of our wards activity days...recognition night. The theme was "Bloom Where You are Planted". I took all the girls pictures and then we framed them. Each girl bright items that represented their talents. I spoke on blooming where you are planted and talked about making the best of our situations. The night was very lovely and special.
I feel that I should burn double the calories, if I have my "helpers" with me while doing @kayla_itsines. My workout almost didn't happen yesterday (because of these little turkeys...Lia was snapping pics left and right 📷, and I'm dying that she got this picture 😂). But I finished 🙋🏼. Oh...but then I made the most delish chocolate lava cake (in the crockpot 🙌🏼) they kind of canceled each other out
You know you're winning at life, when your 5 year old draws portraits of you...always with top-knot hair. 😂 And then says multiple times a week "mama why do you always have your hair up?"
Max had an overnight field trip to Clear Creek for school. Dave got to with them (nicest dad ever). Max had a lot of fun and loved his dad being there. He also got to be with his best bud Cade.