Wikipedia definition of a Soccer Mom:
The phrase soccer mom broadly refers to a suburban woman who spends a significant amount of her time transporting her school-age children to activities such as soccer practice and music lessons.So...really, my dream in life (although it may not seem glamorous to some...because it's not glamorous at all) is to be a soccer mom. When I was little I wanted to be a mom, a stay at home mom, whose kids played sports, and instruments, and were involved in school, etc.
Although I'm not spending a significant amount of time actually 'transporting' my 'school-aged' kids to 'music lessons'...I did transport my 2 little pre-school age children to Max first SOCCER GAME!
This was one of my 'life dreams' come true. Watchin my little guy play soccer. And he did AWESOME! He ran with the ball, kicked the ball, took water breaks, was sweating like crazy, listened to good advice given by dad, looked totally cute in his uniform, and even posed for a picture!!!!!
Don't worry that I brought 3 camera's to document the day (my 'big' camera for the good pictures, my 'small' camera for the little video's to upload to YouTube and the video camera... to get video of course) and I took about 90 pictures :)
Here he is in his uniform. How cute is this kid?!!

Max with my dad. Max was so happy that Papa could come to his game!

Getting some good soccer tips from his dad...who just happens to be a expert soccer player!

Listening to his coach.

We had to pull Ava off the field many times. She constantly wanted to "find Max" and "give him a kiss"... She is his biggest fan...well, next to me :)

Max and Jack...professional soccer players!

How exciting! I'm with you on the whole mom thing. I'm living my dream! You are a great photographer. It helps that your kids are so darn photogenic! Super cute.
what a cutie! I need to get my kid in soccer
He is growing up fast! That is so fun that he is at the age were he can be involved in things.
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