Showing posts with label The Amber Trail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Amber Trail. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2016

Review: The Amber Trail by M.J. Kelly

Genre: Literary Fiction / Action-Adventure

When Dig Buckley’s father dies unexpectedly, he and his brother have to take the reins at their family’s successful brewery. Unfortunately, a unique ingredient in their beer comes from a special type of hops, which are only available in India. Supplies are running low, and the Indian business connection was maintained exclusively by their father. So Dig volunteers to travel west (from Australia) and secure the hops.

Mr. Kelly lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and three kids. Here’s how he describes himself: “I love reading and writing, and create modern day stories that straddle the thriller, adventure and horror genres. I also love the ocean and surf / swim whenever I can. 

I'm excited to have my first novel, The Amber Trail, now available for readers. I'm working on a couple more, so I should be adding to my catalogue sometime in 2017.”

Dig is a likable character with little worldly knowledge. The trip to India is way beyond his expertise and experience, and I enjoyed bumbling along with his naivety as he searches for his father’s business contact. It’s a quest-type story, and obtaining the hops proves to be far more complicated than he or his brother expected. The closer he comes to the source, the more danger he finds himself facing. The ending has an interesting twist.

This was a light and fast read with many usual challenges for poor Dig to overcome, which he faced in a believable way. Definitely one to take to the beach, or if you’re in Philadelphia this spring, to snuggle under a blanket with while the snow falls.

Buy now from:   Kindle US      Kindle UK      Paperback

English spelling.

Format/Typo Issues:

Rating: **** Four Stars

Reviewed by: Pete Barber

Print Length: 250 pages