Genre: Mythology/Legends/Folk Tales/Native American/Spirituality
“More than forty deities, representative of fifteen pantheons from
around the world, have found Their way into the ten books (and counting!) of
the Pipe Woman Chronicles story cycle. In A
Billion Gods and Goddesses: The Mythology Behind the Pipe Woman Chronicles,
you will find additional information on each of the deities in the urban
fantasy series, as well as a brief foundation in comparative mythology.
The gods and goddesses in the Pipe Woman Chronicles hail from Alaska
to Mexico, and from Russia and Scandinavia to Ireland and Japan – with
pantheons of several Native American tribes well represented. The book is
organized by type of deity: creators, tricksters, and so on. The gods are also
cross-listed by pantheon, as well as by Their first appearance in the series.
A Billion
Gods and Goddesses is meant to be a companion volume to the Pipe
Woman Chronicles novels, but it also serves as a wide-ranging introduction to
the subject of mythology. Anyone curious about what others believe will find
something to interest them here.”
Lynne Cantwell is a contributing author at Indies Unlimited where she
shares her knowledge about Indie publishing and promotion. She has a master’s
degree in fiction writing from Johns Hopkins University and is a former
broadcast journalist who has written for CNN and Mutual/NBC Radio News, among
other places. Ms. Cantwell currently lives near Washington, DC. You can connect
with her at her website or on her Facebook page.
I found this a comprehensive guide for the Pipe Woman Chronicles, Pipe
Woman's Legacy, and Land, Sea, Sky
Trilogy. I wasn’t sure whether I
would enjoy just reading about the gods and goddesses but Ms. Cantwell is a
storyteller at heart. It would be extremely wordy to include every detail about
each and every god or goddesses she included in her stories. Besides you would
get distracted from the story itself that she was trying to tell.
In this book she has included more information she liked and expands a
bit further. As an example, “To most people these days, myth is a derogatory
term that denotes a story based on a lie. But to anthropologists, a myth a
simply a sacred narrative.” And it turns out there are a lot of similarities
between most if not all mythic cultures around the world.
I like the way Ms. Cantwell has organized her extensive research
referencing and cross-referencing, and cross-cross-referencing. I can’t even
imagine the tangled webs she wove and unwove for our benefit. Thanks for going
to so much trouble for your readers' benefit, Ms. Cantwell.
Buy now
from: Amazon US Amazon UK
This is where I generally mention foul language or sexual content… I
got nuttin’.
Original review posted February 12, 2016.
I don’t recall any proofing or editing issues.
Rating: *****
Five Stars
by: ?wazithinkin
Approximate word count: 20-25,000 words