“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label John Ross Ewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Ross Ewing. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Must Watch: Extended Dallas Trailer

"There is oil beneath this land... 

worth countless billions... 

every drop has a secret buried with it... 

and it all belongs to the Ewings."

Dammit, I'm excited! You can actually go to my blog and do a search of "Dallas" and you will find every blog I've written on this television series.  Ryan and I sat with me and watched all 14 seasons (14 years worth) over the last 2 years - we finished watching all 357 episodes last April.
If you're a true Dallas fan like I am; And Ryan is now.  You will not want to miss this extended trailer TNT released in December.  It is absolutely amazing and we cannot wait for the show to air this coming summer.  Word on the street is they will be releasing it in June.*crosses fingers*

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

TNT's "DALLAS" - First Look

If you missed last night's "First Look" on the return of "Dallas" to the small screen, then wait no more... I have the trailer from TNT right here.  If you're a fan of the old series, or remember the characters, this will definitely take you back to yesteryear, and we absolutely loved it!
The preview starts with Bobby (Patrick Duffy) with his all too familiar voice, "All those fights over Ewing Oil, and Southfork. We laid waste to everything in our path, J.R., and for what?

OMG! This is Priceless!

Entertainment Weekly said it best:
"There was a shot of a liver-spotted hand, then a glimpse of some wildly overgrown white eyebrows — why, it was J.R. Ewing himself! Hagman sat in a chair in a darkened room, looking as though he was trying to turn Southfork into a set for The Godfather."
Most of the lines were from Bobby, but you got a sense of all the drama that would ensue.
I am sick to death of this family devouring itself over money!” said Bobby.
No drilling on my ranch!” said Bobby to Henderson’s John Ross.
The Good-looking and hot-tempered son of Bobby and Pam, Christopher (Metcalfe) angrily says, “Oil’s the past, John Ross.”
Couldn’t disagree more,” snaps John Ross. “You’ll never be a Ewing, Christopher!

The trailer cuts back and forth between J.R. and Bobby, and the new brood of Ewings.
I don’t want them to be like us,” said Bobby, talking about the new-new-new Ewings.
And I also agree with Ken Tucker, from Entertainment Weekly, responding to Bobby's suggestion of not wanting the kids to be like them:
"Well, I do. The more the new young punks act like the ruthless barons of the 1980s hit, the better this series will be."
And this is exactly true, the more ruthless and scandalous John Ross and Bobby are, the stronger the show will be.  This is what made "Dallas" a powerhouse back in the 80's. 

It was also great hearing the infamous theme song in the background as the words, “Money,” “Power,” and “Rivalry” blazed across the screen.

You also have sense of betrayal, when a brief close-up of Sue Ellen telling John Ross, "Think of me as your ally," flashes across the screen.

For those who remember the original series, the last 5 years of the show, Sue Ellen was always siding with Bobby, or finding ways to get back at J.R.  So I'm interested to see what she meant by saying "ally" to John Ross.  I mean, he is her son after all, what won't a mother do for her son?

And finally, one of the most memorable lines from last night, Bobby was always a fool” and “I’m the one who belongs on Southfork. It’s mine, and only mine.J.R. proclaims.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A First Look At The New Series, DALLAS, on TNT Monday!

As most of you are aware, Ryan and I are fans of the television series, "Dallas."  Okay, well... maybe me, more-so than him, but that's besides the point. :-)

Back on April 25, I gave this brief little excerpt:
After two long years (357 episodes of oil drilling, backstabbing, and back-handed deals that included sex, adultery, alcohol, drugs, gays, murderers, and BBQs), Ryan and I finished watching 14 seasons of one of the world's most-beloved televisions series of all time - DALLAS
And boy, was it great!  We loved every bit of the drama and intrigue that came with the show.   After a long time waiting, we are finally getting a teaser this Monday on TNT while we watch the season premiere of "The Closer."   

The return of Dallas doesn't actually start till next summer, but I'm fine with that, I can wait 10 more months, it's no biggie.  If you're interested in a really cool intro, check out the TNT website for the show - it's really, really awesome.  Can you tell I'm excited? LOLClick on the picture up at the top to visit the site.

For an exclusive look at photos from the new series, and the cast, I posted them after the jump.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The New Dallas - Ewing vs. Ewing

I've stated this many times before, and I have no problem doing so. I'm really excited about Dallas returning to Television after more than a decade.  If you're not a Dallas fan, or curious to know more about the new series, check out Ultimate Dallas.com for all the latest updates and news on the new show. The site has an episode guide, interviews with various cast members from the original series, videos, the latest news, and so much more.  I have been a long time fan, and frequently visit the site for all my Dallas info.

Since we're on the subject of Dallas, Ultimate Dallas.com posted a news bulletin this past Sunday answering questions it's readers had asked. I posted a few down below, along with a character synopsis for Christopher and John Ross's side of the family.  For the full question and answer session, you can go here.

Let's begin...
In a nutshell can you outline the plot?  It’s really about the next generation of Ewings. Miss Ellie summed it up very well in season 6 of the original series “Think ahead Sue Ellen, think twenty five or thirty years ahead. I won’t be here then and the fight won’t be between JR and Bobby, it’ll be between John Ross and Christopher

Bobby still owns Southfork and has a battle on his hands both privately and publicly as he strives to save his late mothers legacy. A battle which will tear the family apart. At the heart of the battle are John Ross and Christopher Ewing, two ambitious young men who both want to be top of their game and take the power and influence that comes with being a Ewing.

Like the beginning of the original series there is an element of  the rich and the poor, with less well off characters mingled  into the lives of the Ewing family.

Which of the original characters will appear? Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy), JR Ewing (Larry Hagman) and Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray). Lucy Ewing (Charlene Tilton) and Ray Krebbs (Steve Kanaly) will make a brief appearance for an event at Southfork Ranch.  Appearing in the lead roles are John Ross Ewing (Josh Henderson) and Christopher Ewing (Jesse Metcalfe).

Who is who in the Dallas pilot?
Let’s break this down.

Christopher's Side

ANN RYLAND EWING (played by Brenda Strong) –  Bobby’s lovely new wife.

BOBBY JAMES EWING (played by Patrick Duffy) – Adopted Father of Christopher Ewing and owner of Southfork Ranch.
CHRISTOPHER EWING (played by Jesse Metcalfe) – The new acumen and entrepreneurial vigor of the Ewing clan. Smart, attractive, effective, he has the guarded eyes of someone who’s already mixed it up with life.

REBECCA SUTTER (played by Julie Gonzalo) -   Fiancée of Christopher Ewing and about to become the next Mrs Ewing.

 John Ross's Side
 JR Ewing (played by Larry Hagman) -  Father of John Ross Ewing.  He spent his life building a legacy for his son to ensure they maintain a power-base in Dallas. It’s time to hand over the reigns.

JOHN ROSS EWING (played by Josh Henderson) – A powerful man, he is charismatic, seductive.  He’s his father’s son.

SUE ELLEN EWING (played by Linda Gray ) - Mother of John Ross Ewing.

The Ramos's
ELENA RAMOS (played by Jordana Brewster) – Daughter of the Ewing cook Carmen and girlfriend of John Ross Ewing. She spent her entire life at Southfork Ranch growing up with both John Ross and Christopher.

CARMEN RAMOS (played by Marlene Forte) – Hispanic mother of Elena Ramos and long time Ewing cook.

Read their previous article on the characters here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Were' Done With Dallas!

After two long years (357 episodes of oil drilling, backstabbing, and back-handed deals that included sex, adultery, alcohol, drugs, gays, murderers, and BBQs), Ryan and I finished watching 14 seasons of one of the world's most-beloved televisions series of all time - DALLAS.  And it couldn't have happened at a much better time, because it wasn't until a few months ago that we learned the show was returning to our TV sets in the fall. 

It is not a remake as many people thought it was going to be, but for all intent and purposes it's a continuation of the drama that makes up the Ewing family.

Of course, along with seeing J.R.,

Larry Hagman as J.R. Ewing

you'll be seeing his son, John Ross...

Josh Henderson as John Ross Ewing

And along with seeing J.R.'s brother, Bobby,

Patrick Duffy as Bobby Ewing

you'll be seeing his son Christopher...

Jesse Metcalfe as Christopher Ewing

Yes, you got that right.  It's the Ewing boys all grown up, and the producers couldn't have made a better casting decision when it came to finding who would play John Ross Ewing, III and Christopher Ewing, the sons of J.R. and Bobby respectively.

Josh Henderson is perfect for the role of John Ross, he has the aura of a bad boy that will work well with his character, and Jesse Metcalfe who will be playing the adopted son of Bobby and Pamela Ewing is just the right pick to play Christopher, because while Bobby was the heart of the show, J.R. played to it's strengths.

Ryan and I have yet to start watching the two movies that came 5 and 7 years after the series ended, but as soon as we are done with those, we will be hot and ready for the continuation of Dallas airing on TNT this fall - it's been 13 years too long. We are definitely excited.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sue Ellen Ewing - Beautiful at 70

At 70, Linda Gray (Sue Ellen Ewing) looked absolutely fabulous in NYC Wednesday night.  According to The Daily Mail she walked the runway along with many other celebrities at the Red Dress Collection Fashion Show

For those who don't know much about it, Heart Disease kills a woman nearly every minute in this country and this show was meant to raise awareness for that reason; heart health. MD Anderson Cancer Center (where I work) also plan events and hand out Red Dress pins in support of this cause. Breast Cancer comes in 2nd to heart disease as the number one killer in women.

Linda Gray is preparing to make her big return to television, alongside Larry Hagman (JR Ewing) and Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing) in the new Dallas series.  It is not a remake, the new series will follow the lives of JR and Bobby's sons, John Ross and Christopher Ewing.
Super hottie Josh Henderson will be playing the role of John Ross Ewing while Jessie Metcalfe will be playing the role Christopher Ewing.  The beautiful Jordana Brewster, Ghost Whisperer Jennifer Love-Hewitt, and Lost actor Josh Holloway are all expected to join the cast as well. I truly cannot wait!

John Ross Ewing

Christopher Ewing

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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.

- Blade 7184 aka Peter