Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Well it has now been two months now, thought that you would all like an update since you are begging me to fill you in (if you havent...well I'm hurt).  Caleb is four months and four days today.  He is our little bunddle of composure, temperment, calm and fun.  He has the cuttest smile and the chubbiest little cheeks.  I am sure you have all seen the pics on Carolyn's facebook page.  He is up to 15 lbs. 7 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long and still growing.  It was funny what we discovered today.  Two months ago these pair of shoes we had were too big for him and so we put them away for a bit.  We got them out today to see if they fit and his foot would not even go inside the shoe.  Sad!  So he will never wear those shoes.  Hopefully our next boy will be able to try them on and have them fit.  His cry is getting stronger but you dont hear it that often, only if he is really hungry, scared or really tired but doesnt want to fall asleep.  He is doing great and is almost ready for some solid food, just not yet.  We did see if he wanted some water but it touched his lips then fell onto his clothes.  We'll work on that, slowly.

As for Ginger, still hyper and wanting to play all the time with out breaks.  Well maybe some breaks here and there.  She is so excited to see me get home and whines for a half hour before I get home.  She knows I am coming because I call Carolyn as I am leaving work and she hurries and runs to the window to see me arrive.  She will wait most of the time by the window.  She is just a cute puppy still.

Carolyn will be starting school up again the first part of January.  She will be doing full time yet most of her classes are here in Lehi.  So she doesnt have to drive through all of that construction everyday of the week.  She is nervous but I have full confidence in her that she will do just fine.  I will be there to help her in any way possible: cook, clean, baby-sit, homework, etc.  She is going to get a bachelors degree in computer science which will take four years or so.  The best part of it all, the navy is paying for all of it!!!

Now for me, well not much to say.  It is funny, it is easier to say what is going on in other people's live than it is to tell about your own.  At least it is for me.  I still work at Hartley's, still play with my boy, my dog and court my wife.  Still play some basketball for the ward, still wild when I do so.  Still watch movies, still play my computer, wii, xbox, and xbox 360 games.  Still go to church and still LOVE Christmas.  What a wonderful time.  I wish people could be this way all year round.  Dont know why they can't.  Still I will try to do so.  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and remember what the true meaning is all about.  It feels good to be one of the helpers of Santa this year.  So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

P.S.  I dont mean to brag or anything but I just wanted to document this occasion.  As of the end of this month Carolyn and I will be debt free.  Now we will be saving up to buy a house and get back into debt for the rest of our lives.  Hopefully we will be in one by this time next year so we can start our own Holiday Traditions.  See ya

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The past two weeks...

  Well Hello again!!! Here once again to report on what has happened in the past few weeks.  Last weekend was just so busy that I did not get to the computer.  So here we go from latest to earliest of events:

Last Saturday I went duck hunting again.  I also took Carolyn with me and had Grandma Loveridge watch Caleb.  We went out to the east side of Utah Lake, just behind the Provo Airport.  We went walking through the marshes and tried to pop up a few ducks.  Well that did not quite happen for two reasons.  It was hot and calm out on the lake and the only thing I saw on the water was... well we'll get to that.  So as we are trodding along, trying not to trip over the reeds, two fly over head from behind us.  I did not notice them till Carolyn said, "Oh are those ducks?"  Sure enough they were but it was too late to shoot at them.  So we kept more eyes on the sky.  After about an hour and a half of walking southward we decided to head back north and call it quits for the day.  Then in that time of heading back one more flew over but too far.  I then thought to myself, "Well it looks like I'm going to get skunked again".  It wasn't so.  I heard splashes near the edge of the reeds and so I walked over there by myself cause it was getting too deep for Carolyn (she just had hip wadders on and I had chest wadders).  I could not see anything at first but i finally saw something, though it was not making the splashing.  I called to Carolyn, "Hey I got one.  Watch were it falls IF I shoot it."  I walked up closer to it and I knew it saw and heard me, but it would no budge.  Closer and closer I crept up to it, wondering if this duck is going to jump up or not.  Closer and closer till I finaly realized what was wron with it.  I could not fly because it had and anchor strapped to its underside.  The thing was a fake!!! A DECOY!!!  Well I take it on the positive side.  I improved from last hunt in getting something.  I did not get skunked.  Maybe next time I go hunting I'll get a real duck.

So for that last week Caleb has been more fussy than normal.  He just got his shots and we think that is where all of this is coming from.  Well last night and some of this morning was the first time he really cried.  We tried everything to console him but nothing would work.  I felt sad for the little guy.  There was nothing we could do to make him feel better till the medicine kicked in.  It was a sad night.  So we think he has several things going on with him.  Shots rebound, indigestion, maybe a small fever, and who knows what else.  We will get through this in time.  Just got to be patient.

Speaking of sick, so am I.  Yesterday afternoon we took a little drive up the canyon to smell the smells and see the sights.  It was just wonderful.  There is a slide shoot of what we saw.  Well on the way I started to get and itchy throat and a stuffed nose.  I think it is because of my allergies but I think I caught something too.  Well the scenry was way worth the cold.

So last night at 10:30 I took Ginger out to go to the bathroom as usual.  Well she did the every night routines but this time there was a mix in the plans.  As we were walking down the street a black and white object emerged from the weeds and started to walk across the road.  Ginger's natural instincts kicked in and jolted off to see what it was.  Of couse I knew what it was and yelled after her but it was too late.  Ginger attacked from the side and toppled the skunk over.  It got up, aimed and fired.  Now I don't know if it aimed well or not but it seemed to me that Ginger did not stink that bad, like she missed the full spread of the shot.  Well she came back to me after I yelled at her with her tail between her legs.  I took her somewhere else and she did her duty and then we went to the house.  I did not take her inside the house just in to the garage.  So we got all the ingredients together and gave her a bath outside in the cold.  She did not like that one bit.  We got most of the smell gone and brought her back inside to sleep.  It was now 12:30.  Hopefully she learned her lesson.

Till next week

Sunday, October 10, 2010

8 weeks today!!!

Yes it has already been 8 weeks since our little boy came into the world.  We have had a great time so far.  We have learned a lot about ourselves mostly, and continue to find out more about Caleb.  We think that our family, including Ginger, loves to snuggle.  I think that I have already mentioned this but it still rings true to this day.  Caleb is growing fast and seems to be happy most of the time.  As long as he gets fed when he wants it and is next to someone or in someones arms he is good to go.  It has been difficult to understand what he wants some of the times and we both have gotten frustrated not knowing what he wants and that only makes it harder.  But as soon as he smiles or makes his little cooing sound it is all worth it.  We have finally found a way to make him smile almost every time.  Clapping his hands together and saying "yay" usually does the trick.  He has a the cutest smile.  You have all seen it.  He is deffinetly our little man.

Conference was great last week.  It pains me to see how other people are reacting to God's words.  There is so much pride in the world today.  Why cant they take it as constuctive critisism instead of insults?  I am 100% behind all of what was said last weekend by our leaders.  I love to hear what they have to say and how they say it.  It is a sure sign to me that God is out there and is guiding this church. 

Also last weekend was the opening of the waterfowl hunting season.  I had a great time going out with one to the guys from work and having him show me his spot to hunt.  I did miss my father.  It was the first time going out on the opening day without him.  It was a different experience.  So I did not get anything.  I shot 12 times at ducks but cant hit the side of a barn.  I dont know if my barrel was bent, using a different gun, or not having my father with me had anything to do with it.  I will try again before the goose hunt comes along.  I need to get my shot down before that time so I can definitely bring something home from Idaho.  So wwe will see how the rest to the season goes.

As for Carolyn, well she is doing a great job at being mom.  It is sad sometimes to see her so tired at night and have to get up to feed Caleb.  I would love to help her in that department but it is better for Caleb that she feeds him.  I will change the diapers or rock him to sleep or do anything I can to help her.  She is a true trooper for this being the first time for all four of us.

Ginger is still as cute as ever.  She always wants to play and be near someone.  She does have her lazy moments though which makes her even more cute.  She waits for two hours by the window sometimes to see  when I get home from work and is so excited to see me.  She is adjusting just great with Caleb.  She even gives him a kiss now and again when ever she can get the chance.  She is so loving and playful.  She is our little puppy.

Well that is all for this week.  May God bless you and keep you.  Follow the straight and narrow and remeber who you are!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Caleb's Blessing

So today was Caleb's blessing and it was just great.  It went by smoothly so it seemed but I was just nervous.  I dont know why.  Probably because it was just the first time and I was in front of a new crowd that I have never spoken to, at least all together at the same time.  Still things went well, I did not stutter or anything like that.  I just got really hot and sweaty.  Caleb B Kidd is officially in the church reacord, sort of.  Anyways, last week was a little rough on us parents.  He had his crying outbreaks and you could feel the tension growing between us as we did not know what he wanted and different opionions of what we think we wanted or had problems with.  We went through the possible things and all was a go but still something was bothering him.  Finally we decided to try feeding him again but this time from a bottle.  That was the trick.  He guzzled down six ounces of that white liquid in two hours.  I did not know he was that hungry.  He is a growing boy, and I have to remember that.  Thankfully he has slept for most of today giving us a little break.  Yesterday he reached a milestone.  He was able to follow a toy from one side of the bed to the other.  Meaning he was able to control his 180 degree turn of his head.  HE got real tired of that game and we havent been able to do it again.  So I guess this isn't the official milestone but he did it all by himself so it counts.
So we got our bill from the hospital :(  It was a wopping $32.60.  I can't believe it!  That money could have gone to somewhere more helpful.  But you can't get all that you want.  Wait actually you can.  I am so grateful that God is watching out for us and guiding us through our lives.  Thank you to the VA is also in need.  EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!!! Don't you ever forget that.
Here are some pics from the blessing, or right before. :)
Sorry they are a little dark. Hope you like though.  If you want better pics, go ask Sandy for some.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Three Weeks and counting up

  These past three weeks have flown by and Caleb has done just great.  He now weighs in around 7 lb. 6 oz. but that was last Tuesday.  He has sure grown more by now.  He eats great, sleeps great, and is regular.  What more could we ask for.  He is very content with us holding him and snuggling with him.  Though it took us a while to figure this out.  Parenting is tough sometimes and he is not even walking or talking, or so we think.  We could not find Carolyn's cell anywhere today.  When we came home from church we found it in his crib.  Who he could be calling, or even why, we don't know.  He does seem like the intelligent one.  Ginger is doing okay with the whole ordeal but you can tell every now and again that she misses all the attention she had down in San Diego.  She will be a great dog for Caleb to grow up with.  Here are a few pics to oooooh and awwwww over.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's here!!! and he's a JOY

  So as you know Carolyn gave birth to Caleb B. Kidd last Sunday night at 6:37 p.m. I guess I'll tell the story of how it all came about.  Saturday night we were watching a movie (Saints and Soldiers), after the movie, around 11:30, Carolyn started to feel pains. After a while she started to time how many they were within an hour.  Of course being new to this thing we decided to sleep on it and see if they continued to go at the same pace, one every five mins.  So Sunday morning we woke up and they were still there.  At 9:30 we left for the hospital to make sure nothing was really happening.  By 11:15 they told us that we needed to stay and that we were going to have a baby today.  This was a shocker in a sense.  We were not expecting him to come so soon.  Minute after minute the contractions got stronger and stronger.  Luckily by 1:00 she got her epidural and everything was just fly.  So now we were in a waiting period.  Slowly yet surely the time came for Carolyn to start pushing, 6:17 p.m.  Twenty minutes passed by and Caleb was out.  I admit that it was not what I was expecting to see.  I knew he had to come out but... I dont know if I can explain how I felt.  Still that feeling has passed and this little guy has been such a joy to our little family.  He is so cute!!!  We just love to stare at him while he is sleeping and watch him smile while dreaming.  He is such a happy baby.  He sleeps most of the time, even while eating.  It is hard to keep him eating as he just falls asleep.  Well we wont complain.  He is such a stud.

On a side note, Dad if you are reading stop!, here is a list of places that he has tinkled without a diaper.
1. Nurse's arm right after being born
2. Carolyn's hospital bed
3. His hospital bed
4. Home bathroom floor after taking a bath
5. Crib
and more places to come I'm sure

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It wont work

So let me tell you the experience I just had with these bullets.  So while Carolyn went to her baby shower I took Ginger up to the mountains on the west side of Utah Lake to the shooting area that is over there.  Well the first problem that I encountered was getting up to an area where there were no other shooters.  My truck can not go up steep inclines.  My poor baby has bad traction and little power.  So I had to park and hike to get to a good area.  When I got there I decided to load my gun.  Just then Mom text me and asks if I could go to the hospital to give dad a blessing when I am done with my activities.  I said I would and continue to hike to find a target.  I shoot at something and walk shoot and walk.  I did that till I found some pop cans (or were they beer cans) and set them up to shoot them.  Well if you remember my gun holds 15 of these little babies. I loose count of how many I go through and during that  time I hear this weird rattle come from my gun.  Still a shoot a couple more times and notice that my bullet housing has come out (that is where you put the bullets in initially.  It is a metal tube on the underside of the barrel).  I try to slide it back in but something was blocking it.  When I try to put a new round in the chamber it gets jammed.  So I had to somehow get the jamming bullet out of the way so I can close the chamber.  So I fiddled with that for ten minutes and let Ginger roam around during that time (there were no other shooters for hundreds of yards and over hills, she was safe).  Finally I get it to close and call for Ginger and head back to the truck.  Later that day I try to take a hammer and tap the housing tube back into place but that didn't work either.  I finally dare to look down inside (the gun was pointing at my face) with a flashlight and find that these bullets and one more were jamming up the housing inside the gun.  So I had to take a hanger wire and unjam them.  It made me nervous to do this while the gun was pointing at me.  I finally get them out and saw what I had done to these bullets.  By tapping the tube down in with the hammer I split the bullet and scrapped the other.  I think I am lucky to be here today to tell you all of this.  God was watching out for me, like he always does.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unfortunate Events

Well it seems that something has come up and our sealing date will be pushed back for a while.  I regret to inform you all this way but it seems to be the best way.  So I will let you know when things will happen.

So things are going just great with us.  Carolyn has found out that Veteran Affairs will be paying  for her schooling and some other things that I can't remember, but we will be gaining some extra cash come January.  That is when she will start her schooling.  She took a placement test just the other week and we are waiting to hear back from them.

As for me, work is work.  We just had a mock inspection from the Health Department.  I was not in the meeting but I will find out about how everything went Monday.  Dad was there so he knows and I heard a little bit about some of the things we are going to have to do.  I think nothing big will change.  Just some small stuff.  We shall see though if I'm right.

Above are some pics.  I haven't posted any for a while now and thought that you would like to see how we look now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Police Force

  So I would like to announce to you all via this blog that I will be joining the police acadamey.  Yeah I thought that this would be a great idea to throw you all for a loop and apologise for my inactiveness on writing more than twice a moth like I have been.  Work is a time sucker.  Anyways, the real reason that I am writing today is to announce that the Draper City Police Force officially ruined my perfect driving record.  Yes Monday the 12th of July, 2010 on Redwood Road near Camp Williams in the city of Bluffdale I was caught speeding in a 55 mph zone.  I will not say how fast I was going because I would like to keep some dignity if there is any left to have.  Let me tell you the story.
  I wake up at 7:00 ish  to let Ginger go out and do her duty and to get some exercise in, some jogging.  So I felt good after that cause my shins have been acting up lately but they felt fine after the jog.  We, Ginger and I, went inside to cool of and relax, and read my book before breakfast.  Carolyn got up and cooked Malt-O-Meal for us, meanwhile I went and took a shower.  After breakfast I got ready to go to work and at 9:15 left the house to get in the truck.  Sound normal so far?  Good cause it was until I started to drive away.
  As soon as the tires started to roll forward I realized that I did not have enough gas to get me to work.  Now I had to choose a gas station to go to.  There were two that were close by, but I had to choose a direction, through Lehi or go past Camp Williams.  Well I usually go past Camp Williams everyday but I usually fill up at a gas station on my way through Lehi.  This choice I had in front of me, little did I know at the time, was to determine what happened later that day.  As you well know I chose to go towards Camp Williams.  Maybe one of the bigest reasons I went that way was because I usually wave goodbye to Carolyn and Ginger as I drive past, and they were waiting for me.  But I will not blame them for anything. 
  So I get to the gas station and I start filling up.  1 gallon.............................2 gallons.....................
.............................. 3 gallons.........................................................................................4 gallons, and so it went.  It was taking its sweet little time!  Boy, I must have spent 5 minutes waiting for 15 gallons of gas to be put into my truck.  By that time I could have been in Bluffdale already.  Finally it get done and I leave as quickly and safely as possible.  So on Redwood Road I start speeding up to try and get to work on time.  I was at least ten minutes behind schedule.  I get to this group of cars that were going a little to slow for me. So I work my way though them safely and quickly as possible.  I get through them and I think they started to speed up too cause I didn't loose them in a hurry.  At that moment I thought to myself, (now get this) "I won'g get pulled over cause all of these cars are going the same speed as me".  A minute after I thought that I look behind me and see this suburban looking vehicle tailgating me.  I thought," What is he doing!  I am already going such and such mph over the speed limit. Why is he following so close".  30 seconds later that same vehicle had lights flashing on top.  WHAT! Where did he come from. Why did I not recognize him the first time I looked.  Oh well, so I pulled over and got all my stuff ready for him.  So he asks if I knew why he pulled me over and I said speeding and he said yep and ask for my info and goes back to his vehicle.  As I sit there I am thinking can you get this over with I am kind of in a hurry.  10 minutes go by and finally he aproaches my truck again.  He said, " Well I clocked you going Ya dit da mph in the 55 zone and also was trying to see how fast you were going in the 45 zone but couldn't.  Even though I know you were going faster than 50 in the 45 zone I wont hold it against you and will just ticket you for the violation in the 55 zone.  Sign here please and call this number no less than 5 days and no more than 14."  So I sign get all my stuff back from him and leave.  I get to the I-15 on ramp turning lane on Bangerter Hwy. and start to put stuff back in to my wallet.  I could not find my drivers licence.  WHAT! Did he not give it back to me? Did it fall on to the roadside back there?  Where was it?  During that wait at the traffic light I checked my truck ravishly to find it.  I was checking through all the papers he gave me, through my regestration papers. Nowhere could it be found.  But I did find it.  Inbetween my seat and the middle console.  That was a relief.  So the time I need to be a work comes and I call Dad to tell him I am running late and that I am still 15 minutes out. 
  So that is my story for the week.  I hope none of this happens to me, to Carolyn, or to any of you ever again.  Remember, drive safe, drive responibly, drive defensively, but never drink and drive.  Love you all.  

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Boy time flies by fast when you are busy.  I mean I used to have all the time in the world to write, but now my job is taking up the entire day.  I dont know how some people get all that they want to get done in one day accomplished.  I have been meaning to change the look of my blog but just couldn't find the time so I am just going to write now and maybe get to it later on today.

So as you all know we have moved back to Utah and are currently living in Lehi, near Willow Park, with Carolyn's sister and husband.  The house is plenty big for both families.  The move was a piece of cake.  All we had to do is say, "Yes that goes there", or "No it goes into the bathroom."  I wanted to help with the heavy stuff but they didn't need me.  We wanted to help pack but they didn't need us.  It was a totally different experience for both of us.  So all of our stuff left us Tuesday, May 25th and so we cleaned the house and left the 27th.  We stayed in St. George with Carolyn's Grandpa for the night.  For the first time in Ginger's life she had to stay outside all day long without us.  She had a temper-tantrom.  So then we took her on a little hike up above St. George at the "Narrows" or Red Cliffs Park.  Her feet had a hard time on the rocks and trying to get a good foot hold on some parts.  She is afraid of heights.  We then left and got to my parents house that evening.  We stayed there till our stuff got to the house, which was a week.

During that time we went looking for jobs and visiting the Fam.  I got offered a job at Hartley's Wholesale Produce Inc. as an Assistant Food Safety Coordinator.  So basically what I do is clean everything that is around the produce.  I work from 10 to 6, M-F and occasional Sat.  I have already received many compliments on how clean things look after two weeks of cleaning.

So for Memorial Weekend we went on a hike up to Stewart Fall near Sundance.  Carolyn and Ginger made it just fine.  Just a little slower than the main group that is all.  It felt soooo good to get up into the Utah mountains again and see what we love.

Another side note that just happened yesterday, Carolyn received her endowments!!!  Plus it has been the first time that I went through a session in two years or so.  The first time that I have been in the temple was right before we left.  We went and did baptisms for the dead in the San Diego Temple. I was also able to baptize Carolyn while there.  Another first for me too.  So here is a heads-up, Aug. 10, 2010 is when we will be sealed.  You are invited to come.  We will see you there.

Well that is all I can think of, for the moment, of all the major events that happened in this last month. I'll get back on track with this thing and will keep you posted on the events of our life.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It hurts, it hurts!!!!

Well today I have just finished my first outing as a youth leader.  Boy things felt different as being one of the responsible people of the group.  So let me tell you a little about what happened.  We all got together at the church for dinner before we head off to the camground.  We had spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread and salad.  This was different because I am not usually the one to prepare the meal and rying to get everyone together so we could eat.  Then we headed down to the site and first thing we did was set up our tents.  After I would usually go and do something fun like explore the area.  Nope I sat with the adults and talked about life in general.  We had to keep an eye out for the youth so when the time came we could go to the fireside.  Well we got there and soon after all of our boys left.  So we had to go round them up once again and watch them carefully to make sure that they behaved during the talk.  Well after we had our dessert and all the boys took off again.  We didn't care because it was not like there was stuff to do where we were.  So us adults talked more about life and jokes and missions.  Then when we went to bed we had to make sure that our boys were behaving and that they were going to bed soon. 
So the night was ok.  It has been awhile since I had to sleep on the hard ground and in a sleeping bag.  I think that I only woke up once during the night so that I could roll off of the sore spot.  So in the morning we had to get all the boys up and scoot them up to eat breakfast.  Some of them looked like they did not sleep much and unwilling to do much.  Which turned out to be true because when the service project started to get underway, none of our boys were there.  So we had to go round them up once again and get them over to the work area.  Once there, again, they dragged their feet to get a shovel and start digging post holes.  So us leaders had to do extra to get the job done.  I was doing okay for the first few hours.  Then it happened, a blister formed on my left hand.  So I could not do much with that hand (now remember I am digging post holes in, you guessed it, clay).  I had to take care now of the good hand.  Still that is very hard to do when they have not done that kind of work for nine months now.  Soon the right one formed a small blood blister.  To add to the discomfort, my hands ached from gripping the handle of the tool I was using.  Meanwhile all of the youth, boys and girls, where standing around this one hole and talking and watching.  After doing a few holes they disappeared and who knows what they did after.  So the leaders and a few primary kids finished the fence.
Lunch came and we found our youth sitting in the shade eating when we came up to the pavillion.  We ate and then went to the fun part of the day.  It is called the Eco-Challenge.  Basically groups of youth go around to different stations and do some sort of game.  It was pretty fun to see and help.  There was this orienteering cousre that went through some weeds and cactus and more than one person got poked, me included.  Those babies were hard to pull out too.
In the end all was fun but my feet, hands and leg got worked.  If it sounds like I am complaining, I'm not.  It feels good to have done all of that stuff.  I am just concerned about our youth these days.  Some of them to be on the lazy side of the scale and that concerns us leaders.  I am sure all of you know something about that feeling and responsibility.  So that is my tale.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beginning the change

Well April is done with basically and we have quite a busy month in front of us.  Everything we have know as a married couple is going to change.  The scenery, weather, people, city, atmosphere, talk, work, who stays home and who goes to work.  All of it down to the last detail will change.  If anyone can think of something that will not change, tell me so we dont feel helpless (this excludes our faith).We beleive that it is for the better but for the moment small doubts are flying through the air.  We have a few leads on getting some jobs but for some reason all of the ones we have hoped on getting have fell through.  It is either the economy, too many workers already, or being pregnant (Carolyn's job outlook).  Still we have a few more jobs to look into and apply to when we are ready.  As for the moment we need some help though. 

Carolyn has heard from the Navy that around the 20th we should be heading home, as long as medical goes according to plan.  This gives us a good point to shoot for.  So we are planning everything around that date, but not the moving truck, not yet.  We hope that all goes well for us.

I think that I am going to miss this area.  There were still a few things that I wanted to do before I left for home: surfing, being out in open sea on a boat, more snorkling, and just staying here for a year.  Well  all of those can be done in the future so I guess I will put them pack on the wish list from the to do list. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

WE ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  So last Thursday Carolyn got a hint that they would agree to separate her from the Navy.  It was pretty much an accident I guess cause everyone thought she knew already.  I guess the CO was delaying the message for some unknown reason.  So Friday she got the final decision and YES WE ARE COMING HOME!!!!  Unfortunately we don't know the exact day yet.  Some say in a couple of weeks, some say more.  But that is not uncommon around here.  We have dealt with this sort of dilemma before.  At least we will know for sure 10 days before we are actually separated from the Navy and from coming home.  So we will plan for the middle of May to be home for sure.  Carolyn will need to go see the doctor for a few things of standard procedure.  Who knows how long that will take.  After that ten days till we come home. So prepare for our grand return from our great adventure from the hard life of serving in the military.

Oh by the way I forgot to mention that we found out Tuesday that we are going to have a baby boy in August.  I know most of you know by now but this is just for journaling sakes.  Till next time.

Monday, April 5, 2010


So Carolyn and I were reading this book on our bed together.  Ginger was playing with one of her balls near the bed on the floor.  We had just got through General Conference on the lovely Sunday afternoon.  We were in the middle of the paragraph when I felt the bed start to shake.  I did notice that the shaking wasn't the normal shake Ginger would give.  It would be more sporadic and irregular.  No this shaking was a smooth flow back and forth.  I then noticed that the door was moving and also the blinds, all at the same motion.  What is that we asked our selves.  Then it hit me,  Earthquake!  I grabbed Ginger and we headed for the doorway.  I noticed that it wasn't getting any stronger so I was not scarred but Carolyn was.  I thought that it was the coolest thing ever.  Our fish tank was swashing back and forth but no water was escaping the tank.  I could feel the vibrations run through my legs which made me have to balance a little bit.  It was all over in 30 seconds or so.  We went to the internet and found out that it came from the Baja California quake which was 120 miles away.  That quake started at 3:40 and we felt it at 3:43.  That is so amazing how fast those waves traveled.  We continued to look at the earthquake station on the internet and saw how many foreshocks and aftershocks there were.  More than 30 between the scale of 2.0 and 6.9, crazy.  The radio today said that it was the strongest they have felt in 100 years (that is the San Diego area).  I thin this morning around 4:30 our house was shook again but we were asleep and didn't notice.  I told Carolyn that I hope that another one a little bit stronger hits so we could really feel the power of the earth.  She was already packing up things and getting ready to head for home the minute we get the ok from HQ.  So now we can say that we have been through an earthquake.  Though now I would like to be in a stronger one or see a tornado pretty close up.  Which ever comes first.  So beware to all, any natural disaster can happen anywhere, anytime.  Be prepared as we say in Boy Scouts.  Listen to your church leaders and prepare for the worst.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just filling in the space I got here

So I think it is time that I write again, though I dont think it is going to be a very long post.  I would just like to say a few things.
1. Ginger has decided to get sick this month.  I think that is started a while back. She has not been as happy and rambunctious as usual.  So we finally had the chance to get two things done at the doctors so we took her in last week.  We found out that she has had an allergic reaction to something and snot has been flowing out of her nose.  She also has a urinary tract infection.  I think that this could have been more serious if we had just let it go but like I said, two for one trip.  So this past week we have been pumping Ginger full of pills, one for her allergy and the other are antibiotics for the infection.  She is getting a lot better now.  She wants to play more and do more things we are happy about that.
2.  So yesterday we had a ward easter party at a members house.  We decided to leave Ginger out in the back of our house to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine since she has been stuck inside from her sickness.  When we got back we noticed that there were some kibbles on the ground next to where se was playing.  We thought this is going to be trouble.  You see Ginger is on a balanced schedule with a high quality food.  The brand that was on the ground was not so good.  I dont mean to sound like a narrow minded person but the vet said that she should be on a steady diet and no changes.  Well it was time to feed Ginger and she would not eat.  She was whimpering and moaning like something was wrong.  So we took her out and she went diarrhea.  Well we thought that was the end so we took notes to our neighbors saying thank you for feeding our dog but she cant eat that type of food.  We didnt know who it was so we gave one to every household.  We then left to go shopping and Ginger had to stay home again, but in her kennel. When we got home she had thrown up in her kennel more of the food that she had eaten earlier, but you could see that she was feeling better.  We took her out on a walk and more stuff came out.  Now she was feeling really good.  So when we got back home one of the neighbor kids came and knocked on our door.  He said he was sorry for feeding Ginger.  I'll tell you that it was the cutest thing (sorry I said that MEN).  Still we felt a little bad for getting frustrated and a little mad.  It was just a boy feeling sorry for our dog and wanted to help it.  I mean Ginger will keep eating what is put in front of her, so who knows how much she ate.  No wonder she felt bad!  I just hope that the little boy didn't get into trouble for his "cute" deeds.
3. No news from the navy.  Still waiting for the decision.  No news on the baby for the gender.  We'll know on the 13th.  When we know you'll know ok!
Alright that is all that I can think of right now.  Hope you enjoyed.  Till next time...

Monday, March 15, 2010

It could be coming to an END

  So as you know we are still in San Diego because of a medical reason for Carolyn.  It is not the baby that I am talking about.  So Carolyn has been going to the doc.'s office once a month or so to see how she is doing.  Over these last few months there have been ups and downs, good news and bad news, and rumors of all sorts that have made us question if we were going to make it through this time of our lives.  We have kept a firm belief though that everything is going to be alright and it will all pan out soon.  Well we believe that time has come.  Carolyn has spoken to the doctors and one of the chaplains.  They agree that it is time that Carolyn gets out of the Navy.  So Carolyn is filling out the separation papers and handing them in this week.  We have heard that it could take up to six months to get the notification of whether she will be separated or not, but now are told that it is around a month.  So we are looking at by the end of April.  We could be coming home in the beginning of May!  We are so excited about this news as we miss Utah so much.  The Navy will help us move and with the baby in August.  Plans are being prepared, the word is spreading and things have been set in motion.  Soon the Kidds in the Navy may be the Landscaping Kidds or something to that effect.  If you have any questions, I hope you find someone with the answers!  :)  J/K  Call or write anytime.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Circus Vargas and Seaworld (again)

     Okay, so this weekend we had the pleasure of having Mother Loveridge and  sister Lanae come down to spend some time with us and see the sights.  It was a lot of fun and we did many things.  Though it went by super fast we still had a great time and it was so wonderful to have family down with us.    So they got here on Friday in the afternoon.  Carolyn got that day off so we could prepare the house for their arrival (cleaning and shopping and what not).  So that night we decided to go to this circus that is in town for a few months.  I have never been to one and they haven't been to one in years.  We thought it would be fun to go see what they have to offer.  Little did we know or realize what was about to happen.  The tickets said to arrive 45 mins. early to have everyone in their seats on time.  We did and boy it was a long wait.  First off the seats were not bad but sort of uncomfortable.  Second off the music was mostly the same for the entire 45 mins!  I think I was about to go crazy.  Now that I think about it I think it got me in the mood for what was about to happen.  So Finally it started and things were going great and we were having a good ol' time.  Suddenly one of the performers walks up to us and ask us if I was always this funny.  I didnt think I was acting too out of the ordinary to atract the attention of the performers.  He then asked me to follow him.  He picked up a few more people on the way back to the ring.  I looked back and all the girls were laughing.  I was getting nervous, just a little bit, but excited to see how I was going to make a fool out of myself.  So the head clown of the show greets all of us and takes us out to the middle of the ring while the performer was explaining to the audience that we were going to make a "movie".  The clown started to dress us up and give us some props as well.  As he dressed us up he explained what each of us were to do by actions and no words.  There was music as well to go along with our parts.  I was the last one to get dressed and shown my part.  This is how it goes:    The movie worker walks in front of the camera and has the take box and does his thing.  He then sits down on the side.  The "Pink" girls walks on stage dancing to a swing song.  Next come a "Grease" dude and walks on strutting his stuff and fixess his hair and take the girl in his arms.  Now I come in as a "Preppy Nerd" picking up my date.  I find the two together and I then shoot the "Greaser". That  is the "movie".
      So we had to practice a few time before the "film" started rolling.  Everyone got there parts down the first time except for me.  The clown almost kicked me off stage but I begged (litterally) to have him give me more one more try.  He agreed and thank heavens I got it down.  So the film rolls and this is how it went....

So that is what happened.  In the end the clown gets the girl and we all get a laugh.  It was way fun to make everyone laugh.  Later that night the performer that picked me came up and said that I was really funny and had lots of amination.  He even asked what I did for a living and if I even watched cartoons!  I of course said yes and he was amazed.  I didnt realize that I was that funny.  So you never know I could make a proffession in the clown business.

    So the next day we went to Seaworld because the Loveridges have never been.  It was way fun playing in the rain and hearing about a possible tsunami that could hit the coast and watching all of the animals perform.  It was cold and wet all day long.  During the Shamu show we were sitting in a downpour.  Still the show went on and we enjoyed it.  Here is a slide of most of the pictures we took over the weekend.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Never mind I got it now

Ok thanks for the lead Jess.  By going there and reading the instructions of how to get the layout done I now realize that I needed the Hotmail/Javascript gadget to get all of the other gadgets to work.  So now I am rocking and rolling and to Josh it is "Flashy and Stylish", or something like that.  So now this will be fun.  If you see any ads please dont be frustrated with them.  I am checking something out to see if we make money.

Best regards

Saturday, February 6, 2010


So this blog site is really bugging me.  I cant do the things that you guys do with your blogs.  All of the widgets or gadgets are broken and there are no other fancy, seasonal layouts to choose from.  Should I just start a new blog or what?  You all tell me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Whoa wait, what was that!?

So as we were over at our parents house, Carolyn was just not feeling well and all other things were happening.  So we decided to take a pregnancy test when we got back home.  Sure enough she was pregnant.  Ooops!  But if this is what God wants then we are ready for the challenge.  Dont get us wrong we are excited, nervous, and of course a little scared but that is what comes with a new baby.

So Christmas was a blast.  We had so much fun in the snow and the cold, glad to get somewhere where the temp. changes.  We got lots of stuff for christmas and almost did not get it all into the car.  Ginger had to lay on our laps the entire way.  We will always want to be in Utah as long as we are away from it.  It is so good to be HOME.

As the new year comes we will make plans and set goals to get ourselves ready for this baby and to progress and move forward and also have as much fun down here as possible.  I mean it is Southern Cal. for heaven's sake, you have to have fun down here.  So there you go we are staying here for the next year in this navy lifestyle.