Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's here!!! and he's a JOY

  So as you know Carolyn gave birth to Caleb B. Kidd last Sunday night at 6:37 p.m. I guess I'll tell the story of how it all came about.  Saturday night we were watching a movie (Saints and Soldiers), after the movie, around 11:30, Carolyn started to feel pains. After a while she started to time how many they were within an hour.  Of course being new to this thing we decided to sleep on it and see if they continued to go at the same pace, one every five mins.  So Sunday morning we woke up and they were still there.  At 9:30 we left for the hospital to make sure nothing was really happening.  By 11:15 they told us that we needed to stay and that we were going to have a baby today.  This was a shocker in a sense.  We were not expecting him to come so soon.  Minute after minute the contractions got stronger and stronger.  Luckily by 1:00 she got her epidural and everything was just fly.  So now we were in a waiting period.  Slowly yet surely the time came for Carolyn to start pushing, 6:17 p.m.  Twenty minutes passed by and Caleb was out.  I admit that it was not what I was expecting to see.  I knew he had to come out but... I dont know if I can explain how I felt.  Still that feeling has passed and this little guy has been such a joy to our little family.  He is so cute!!!  We just love to stare at him while he is sleeping and watch him smile while dreaming.  He is such a happy baby.  He sleeps most of the time, even while eating.  It is hard to keep him eating as he just falls asleep.  Well we wont complain.  He is such a stud.

On a side note, Dad if you are reading stop!, here is a list of places that he has tinkled without a diaper.
1. Nurse's arm right after being born
2. Carolyn's hospital bed
3. His hospital bed
4. Home bathroom floor after taking a bath
5. Crib
and more places to come I'm sure


  1. Tinkling is nothing, that's easy to clean up. The other stuff is a bit less cheery, if you know what I mean. When it lands somewhere, it spreads in both scent and space. That's when you know you've really experienced parenthood, having to deal with someone else's crap all day!! Thanks Mom and Dad for all the clean up!

  2. Luckily breast fed babies have less smelly diapers than formula fed babies. So that part is not bad yet. Still it is messy and yes has gone out of his diaper on to a few things. I still agree with you though.

  3. I am so glad you are enjoying your little baby! This newborn time passes so quickly....soak in as much of him as you can!
