Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The past two weeks...

  Well Hello again!!! Here once again to report on what has happened in the past few weeks.  Last weekend was just so busy that I did not get to the computer.  So here we go from latest to earliest of events:

Last Saturday I went duck hunting again.  I also took Carolyn with me and had Grandma Loveridge watch Caleb.  We went out to the east side of Utah Lake, just behind the Provo Airport.  We went walking through the marshes and tried to pop up a few ducks.  Well that did not quite happen for two reasons.  It was hot and calm out on the lake and the only thing I saw on the water was... well we'll get to that.  So as we are trodding along, trying not to trip over the reeds, two fly over head from behind us.  I did not notice them till Carolyn said, "Oh are those ducks?"  Sure enough they were but it was too late to shoot at them.  So we kept more eyes on the sky.  After about an hour and a half of walking southward we decided to head back north and call it quits for the day.  Then in that time of heading back one more flew over but too far.  I then thought to myself, "Well it looks like I'm going to get skunked again".  It wasn't so.  I heard splashes near the edge of the reeds and so I walked over there by myself cause it was getting too deep for Carolyn (she just had hip wadders on and I had chest wadders).  I could not see anything at first but i finally saw something, though it was not making the splashing.  I called to Carolyn, "Hey I got one.  Watch were it falls IF I shoot it."  I walked up closer to it and I knew it saw and heard me, but it would no budge.  Closer and closer I crept up to it, wondering if this duck is going to jump up or not.  Closer and closer till I finaly realized what was wron with it.  I could not fly because it had and anchor strapped to its underside.  The thing was a fake!!! A DECOY!!!  Well I take it on the positive side.  I improved from last hunt in getting something.  I did not get skunked.  Maybe next time I go hunting I'll get a real duck.

So for that last week Caleb has been more fussy than normal.  He just got his shots and we think that is where all of this is coming from.  Well last night and some of this morning was the first time he really cried.  We tried everything to console him but nothing would work.  I felt sad for the little guy.  There was nothing we could do to make him feel better till the medicine kicked in.  It was a sad night.  So we think he has several things going on with him.  Shots rebound, indigestion, maybe a small fever, and who knows what else.  We will get through this in time.  Just got to be patient.

Speaking of sick, so am I.  Yesterday afternoon we took a little drive up the canyon to smell the smells and see the sights.  It was just wonderful.  There is a slide shoot of what we saw.  Well on the way I started to get and itchy throat and a stuffed nose.  I think it is because of my allergies but I think I caught something too.  Well the scenry was way worth the cold.

So last night at 10:30 I took Ginger out to go to the bathroom as usual.  Well she did the every night routines but this time there was a mix in the plans.  As we were walking down the street a black and white object emerged from the weeds and started to walk across the road.  Ginger's natural instincts kicked in and jolted off to see what it was.  Of couse I knew what it was and yelled after her but it was too late.  Ginger attacked from the side and toppled the skunk over.  It got up, aimed and fired.  Now I don't know if it aimed well or not but it seemed to me that Ginger did not stink that bad, like she missed the full spread of the shot.  Well she came back to me after I yelled at her with her tail between her legs.  I took her somewhere else and she did her duty and then we went to the house.  I did not take her inside the house just in to the garage.  So we got all the ingredients together and gave her a bath outside in the cold.  She did not like that one bit.  We got most of the smell gone and brought her back inside to sleep.  It was now 12:30.  Hopefully she learned her lesson.

Till next week

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you and Carolyn got to do some outdoor activity. Even though you didn't get a duck, it looks like you had fun. As for Ginger, I think she will think twice next time she sees somethings black and white.
