Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Caleb's Blessing

So today was Caleb's blessing and it was just great.  It went by smoothly so it seemed but I was just nervous.  I dont know why.  Probably because it was just the first time and I was in front of a new crowd that I have never spoken to, at least all together at the same time.  Still things went well, I did not stutter or anything like that.  I just got really hot and sweaty.  Caleb B Kidd is officially in the church reacord, sort of.  Anyways, last week was a little rough on us parents.  He had his crying outbreaks and you could feel the tension growing between us as we did not know what he wanted and different opionions of what we think we wanted or had problems with.  We went through the possible things and all was a go but still something was bothering him.  Finally we decided to try feeding him again but this time from a bottle.  That was the trick.  He guzzled down six ounces of that white liquid in two hours.  I did not know he was that hungry.  He is a growing boy, and I have to remember that.  Thankfully he has slept for most of today giving us a little break.  Yesterday he reached a milestone.  He was able to follow a toy from one side of the bed to the other.  Meaning he was able to control his 180 degree turn of his head.  HE got real tired of that game and we havent been able to do it again.  So I guess this isn't the official milestone but he did it all by himself so it counts.
So we got our bill from the hospital :(  It was a wopping $32.60.  I can't believe it!  That money could have gone to somewhere more helpful.  But you can't get all that you want.  Wait actually you can.  I am so grateful that God is watching out for us and guiding us through our lives.  Thank you to the VA is also in need.  EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!!! Don't you ever forget that.
Here are some pics from the blessing, or right before. :)
Sorry they are a little dark. Hope you like though.  If you want better pics, go ask Sandy for some.


  1. Awesome pics bro. Sorry I missed it. I'll try to make it to....whoops nevermind.

    You might want to consider changing one of the songs you got here, Losing My Religion. It's not the very best of songs and it doesn't really match what you just posted. Just a thought.

  2. The blessing day was just wonderful. Brandon, you do a marvelous job, even though you were nervous. You to are going to be great parents. You will have to figure things out about your children all along the way. And even when they are grown and have children of there own, you still have to figure things out. But it will be the most rewarding journey.

  3. You did a great job with the blessing! So proud of you brandon!! I'm sorry you have been having such a hard time, it will get easier...or not. HA! What would I know! Just know that i love you and i'm here for you if you need anything! Love ya!

  4. Brandon, it sounds like you did a better job than Loren when he was blessing Becca. He tried to name her Rachel..... and we already have one of those :D Congratulations, so we missed it but thanks for the pics... you all look so happy!!!
