Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Boy time flies by fast when you are busy.  I mean I used to have all the time in the world to write, but now my job is taking up the entire day.  I dont know how some people get all that they want to get done in one day accomplished.  I have been meaning to change the look of my blog but just couldn't find the time so I am just going to write now and maybe get to it later on today.

So as you all know we have moved back to Utah and are currently living in Lehi, near Willow Park, with Carolyn's sister and husband.  The house is plenty big for both families.  The move was a piece of cake.  All we had to do is say, "Yes that goes there", or "No it goes into the bathroom."  I wanted to help with the heavy stuff but they didn't need me.  We wanted to help pack but they didn't need us.  It was a totally different experience for both of us.  So all of our stuff left us Tuesday, May 25th and so we cleaned the house and left the 27th.  We stayed in St. George with Carolyn's Grandpa for the night.  For the first time in Ginger's life she had to stay outside all day long without us.  She had a temper-tantrom.  So then we took her on a little hike up above St. George at the "Narrows" or Red Cliffs Park.  Her feet had a hard time on the rocks and trying to get a good foot hold on some parts.  She is afraid of heights.  We then left and got to my parents house that evening.  We stayed there till our stuff got to the house, which was a week.

During that time we went looking for jobs and visiting the Fam.  I got offered a job at Hartley's Wholesale Produce Inc. as an Assistant Food Safety Coordinator.  So basically what I do is clean everything that is around the produce.  I work from 10 to 6, M-F and occasional Sat.  I have already received many compliments on how clean things look after two weeks of cleaning.

So for Memorial Weekend we went on a hike up to Stewart Fall near Sundance.  Carolyn and Ginger made it just fine.  Just a little slower than the main group that is all.  It felt soooo good to get up into the Utah mountains again and see what we love.

Another side note that just happened yesterday, Carolyn received her endowments!!!  Plus it has been the first time that I went through a session in two years or so.  The first time that I have been in the temple was right before we left.  We went and did baptisms for the dead in the San Diego Temple. I was also able to baptize Carolyn while there.  Another first for me too.  So here is a heads-up, Aug. 10, 2010 is when we will be sealed.  You are invited to come.  We will see you there.

Well that is all I can think of, for the moment, of all the major events that happened in this last month. I'll get back on track with this thing and will keep you posted on the events of our life.

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful day yesterday at the temple with you and Carolyn. Carolyn looked just beautiful. How exciting for the two of you. You have made some big steps this last year. Wow, you guys will be married a whole year in August. Time flies when your in love, right? Congratulations! We are so proud of you both.
