So I decided that since we've been in our condo for over six months now, maybe it was time to post some pictures. Confession: my house is not clean every hour of every day. As a matter of fact, it is usually quite un-clean. I have found that I generally only have time to really clean about one room a week. However, I only want to post pictures of my house when it's clean. So far I have done the bathroom and the main living area. Maybe if you're lucky i'll find the motivation and the time to clean our bedroom and take pictures.
Just a little background on our lovely living quarters. Last December we decided we were tired of paying rent and since our rent was about the same as a mortgage payment anyway, we might as well be putting our money towards something. So we started looking. Basically EVERYTHING in our price range was either in a pretty bad area, or just outright yucky! Then one day I was surfing the classifieds section of and found this place. A development company had bought an apartment complex and was remodeling pretty much everything. Oh, and it was about $5,000 less than anything else we could find. We got to choose our flooring, cabinets, countertops and paint colors (of course out of the limited selections they gave us). So without further ado, here is our humble abode!!!
Our bathroom's pretty small, so it isn't easy to get a decent picture, but here you are. It's hard to tell, but we splurged and got one of those curved shower curtain rods like you see in hotels. Oh, and i'm pretty proud of my $10 shower curtain that looks quite elegant. Thanks Wal-mart!
Sorry it's kind of dark (we don't have ceiling lights in the living room area). This is the view from the front door.
Dining area and kitchen
Check out my killer kitchen!!! I think this counter space was one of the main things that sold me on this place. I LOVE MY BAR!!!
View from the kitchen. So a little advice needed. I want to paint all the walls seen in this picture as accent walls. As much as I love my condo, it is lacking in color. I am thinking of painting them some shade of blue (light turquoise-ish maybe?). Any advice, suggestions, comments, etc would be muchly appreciated.
So this is the view of our house that we tend to see the most. Can you see why? Thank you Pres. Bush for our "economic stimulus package" aka 37" flat screen television. The TV wouldn't look near as good, if it wasn't sitting atop the GORGEOUS buffet my dad made for us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Isn't it pretty! Thanks Daddy! Also note the shelf above the TV. This is another of my pride and joys. I found this shelf on for $20. Painted it black, added the same hardware as on our buffet, and presto! A more finished look for my "entertainment center". I also have a couple of framed black and white pictures to hang on the right side of the tv/shelf. Still debating if I want to put them up. Again, any advice would be appreciated.
So there you are. This is where we live. If you're ever in the area, feel free to stop by. We are just off of 3900 south and 900 east in Salt Lake.