Showing posts with label Baby Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Girl. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just a Few of my Favorite Pictures

Anthony usually gets the baby for me in the morning, changes her diaper and brings her in to me so I can feed her in bed and try to wake up (have I mentioned how wonderful he is?:) Some mornings she will fall back to sleep after she eats. This pic was taken a couple months ago. She just looked so small in our bed and she had her cute little arms up by her face and I just had to take a picture. So adorable!
A couple months ago A came home for lunch and took the baby back in her room. After about 20-30 minutes I realized it was really quiet and I hadn't seen either of them for awhile. I went in to check on them and this is what I found. LOVE THEM BOTH! Are you sure I've mentioned that he is a great dad? 'Cause he is da bestest!
BG and cousin Will. He is seven weeks older. They are just getting to the point where they will grab for each other if you put them in front of each other. I can already tell they will be best of friends. I love that they are both wearing green tops and blue bottoms. I love the matchy-matchyness.
I don't think this picture needs any explanation. This one may get framed I love it so much. I don't have many good pics of me and her together and she's actually smiling.
Love the BIG eyes and the drool. So her!
Pretty baby!
We had a little photo shoot in her pajamas and I loved how this one turned out.
The reason we had a photo shoot in her pj's is because of this little hat. It came in a whole set with matching bib and onesie. I put it on her one day to see what it looked like and I couldn't stop laughing. I call this picture "Ladybug Thug". I think she looks a little gangsta in the hat. Makes me giggle!

A Brief History

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

So I decided to take pictures of Baby Girl on her birthday each month. Unfortunately, I didn't actually start doing it until her 2 month birthday. So i'll start there with the pictures. And since I haven't been very diligent about blogging her stats, here is a history and update:

Birth: 9.61 lbs (98% percentile). 22 inches long (99% percentile).

1 Month: 9.81 lbs (70% percentile). It took her awhile to gain weight after she was born. I think most of that was due to a slight case of acid reflux that we didn't discover for a couple of weeks.

2 Months: 11.25 lbs (56% percentile). 23 inches long (69% percentile).

4 Months: 14.38 lbs (64% percentile). 26 inches long (95% percentile).

At 4 months BG generally sleeps through the night without a problem (can I just say that I hate day light savings time with a baby!). She eats a bottle just fine (breastmilk or formula) which is great because that means I can leave her with a babysitter - woohoo!!! Unfortunately she is starting to be a little stinker when it comes to breastfeeding. She is more interested in studying the world around her than in eating. So we'll see how much longer we keep up this breastfeeding gig. She LOVES her daddy and almost always will smile, coo and giggle for him on demand...unless there is a camera close by, in which case she is instantly to curious in the object to smile. She is starting to show signs of rolling over, but isn't usually on a flat surface enough to really try it. She is usually in either her bouncy chair (so she can play with the toys), her Bumbo (so she can be up and seeing things) or someones arms (because she is just too iresistably cute!).

Halloween...just a little late!

Once again, better late than never. So I decided for Baby Girl's first Halloween I wanted to do a cheesy family theme so BG was the cutest little M&M you have ever seen and we were just along for the ride. The Saturday before Halloween A's family had a great family party. Then we went to his parents house and helped hand out candy there since we don't get any trick-or-treaters at our place.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Guy

Well, it's official. As of today I am officially a stay-at-home mom! This is something that I never thought I wanted and now I can't imagine doing anything else. I waited until my 12 week "maternity leave" was over and went back to work for one day just to make sure that my insurance would stay in effect since Anthony's insurance doesn't kick in until next month. Because, you see, Anthony got a new job...and started the week Eisley was born. Talk about cutting it close! I've decided that the Lord definitely answers your prayers, he just makes you sweat it out a little first. When Anthony graduated this past summer I figured he would be able to get a job pretty soon and that we would be able to save a little with both of us working until the baby came. Well it took longer to find a job than I had hoped. Thanks to a little nepotism and a strong background in sales (and his degree in communications) Anthony was able to get a GREAT sales job for Alsco (where his dad has worked for almost 30 years!). They sell linens and uniforms. He started the job on July 5th-5 days before the baby was born. He is working so hard and I am so proud of him! I know that he will do great. He has the perfect personality for sales and is great with people. I am so grateful for his hard work and that I am able to stay home with our baby girl. It made me sad when I had to wake her up and get her ready to go to the "baby-sitters" (Thanks Mom and Dad!) even though I knew that she would be in good hands.

In addition to being a hard working man, I couldn't ask for a better daddy to my little girl. I love watching Anthony take care of Eisley. She has always loved her daddy and most of the time calm down for him better than me. He can usually get her to smile bigger and talk more than I can. He is great about changing her diapers, giving her baths and getting her ready (especially on Sunday mornings).

I am so blessed to have these two in my life. I have a wonderful husband whom I love dearly and the worlds cutest little girl! Life is good!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Name and a Blessing

Today was a great day! Anthony gave our little girl a beautiful blessing. It was a beautiful day and was so fun to have so much of our family together. I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood and that I am able to have that power in my home through my wonderful husband.

One of the first things I did after finding out I was pregnant was search for baby names. I have always liked my name partially because it was slightly different. I never had anyone with the same name in any of my classes. I knew I wanted my kids to have slightly different names. While I was blog "stalking" one day I found the name Eisley and instantly loved it! The day we found out we were having a girl I suggested the name to Anthony and he liked it. I'm big on having middle names be meaningful so we took A's mothers middle name and my mothers middle name and made KayLynn (thus the capitalized "L" and the two "n's").

Our beautiful little girl on her special day
Our cute little family
With Grandpa Felix and Grandma Gigi
With Grandpa and Grandma Hind
Four generations. Baby, Mom, Grandma Gigi and Great-Grandma Beal.
Another four generations. Baby, Dad, Grandpa Hind, Great-Grandma Hind.
With my parents and my grand-parents.
Love that pointed little tongue!
She already holds her head up pretty well. Eight weeks old!
Oh yeah, did I mention she is starting to smile? Melts my heart!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Photo Shoot

Anthony's sister offered to take some pictures of our sweet little girl. There were so many great ones it's really hard to pick just a few, but here is a sampling of the adorable pictures she took. Thanks so much, Linds!!! And thanks to his Aunt Kitty for letting us use your gorgeous house as our photo studio!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Eisley KayLynn Hind

So this post is long overdue, but better late than never right? Our little girl was born on July 10, 2010 at 8:18 am. She came into this world at a very healthy 9 lbs 10 oz and was 22 inches long. My delivery was actually not bad considering her size and I have recovered really well. I even went waterskiing when she was 4 weeks old. She is healthy and strong and has completely changed our lives for the better.

Partially because I enjoy reading others stories and partially so I have it written down for posterity here is my story of how she came into the world.

On Tuesday July 6th I went in for my weekly appointment and a non-stress test since I was over my due date (July 4th). Everything looked fine but I wasn't progressing. My doctor said he would only let me go to 41 weeks and he was going out of town on my 41 week mark. Since I was considered high risk because of my blood clot problems and because I really liked my doctor I REALLY wanted him to deliver my baby so I decided to be induced that Friday the 9th.

So the hospital called me around 6 on Friday morning and told me to come on in. We got to the hospital around 7 and were told that things got really crazy right after they called us and that it would be awhile before anyone could see me. So we got checked into our room and I got changed and waited and waited and waited. I believe it was almost 10 before they finally came in. So I got checked and I wasn't anywhere close to being ready so they wanted to give me a dose of cydutek (sp?) to help things progress before they would even give me the pitocin. Unfortunately, you have to wait for 4 hours to see if the cydutek is doing anything. So I had the cydutek around 10:30 and waited some more. They came and checked me around 2:30 and still no real progress. So they gave me a double dose of the cydutek and we waited some more. They came and checked me around 6:30 and even though I still hadn't progressed a whole lot it was enough that they would give me the pitocin. So I started on the pitocin at 6:30 Friday night...and waited some more. My sister drove up from Moab that morning to help with the process and keep me and Anthony company and my parents came down and spent most of the day hanging out with us. So shortly after they started the pitocin we played a rousing game of Phase 10 to pass the time. Around 8 or 8:30 while playing Phase 10 I started feeling what felt like constant cramping and I just couldn't get comfortable. We had decided to try to go without an epidural, but by about 10 I knew that if I didn't get some sleep that there was no way I would have the energy I needed to do this and I knew I wouldn't get any sleep with this constant pain. So after much debating and discussion I decided to get the epidural. My anesthesiologist was less than compassionate and the only time I felt like crying during my entire labor was because of the way he treated me. The epidural itself wasn't bad and he did a great job as far as the medicine goes, his personality just left much to be desired. All I can say about the actual epidural is SWEET RELIEF! I instantly felt better and fell asleep almost immediately after the epidural. Unfortunately, I only got to sleep in 1 hour increments because they kept coming in to check my progress.
I think it was around 12 that they decided to break my water, I wasn't very conscious of what was going on at this point. Around 2 they came in to check me again and I was still only dilated about 4 cm and hadn't made much progress. As soon as the nurse left I started shaking uncontrollably and started getting really nauseous. I called the nurse back in around 2:30 and she gave me drugs to help with the nausea and said that the shaking may be because my body was working harder than I thought so she checked me again. I had dilated to a 10 in those 30 minutes. So they got everything set up for delivery and had me start pushing. I pushed from about 3:00 to about 4:00, then they had be take an hour break. Then I pushed from 5:00 to 6:00, then I took another hour break. The nurse that was helping me was very sweet and nice, but not extremely motivating. The nurses changed at 7 and when the new nurse came on she was much more motivating. During my last break (from 6 to 7) I started feeling like I actually needed to push. So I started pushing again at 7 and pushed til around 8. At that point the nurse told me to stop and wait for the doctor. He showed up about 15 minutes later, got suited up, I pushed 1 1/2 times more and she came at 8:18. Everyone was quite surprised that she was so huge, including the doctor. She was perfectly healthy and passed all the tests.
She is generally a really good baby and usually sleeps between 6-9 hours straight at night (much to my relief!!!). She is completely and utterly adorable and is one of the most loved babies ever born. We are so happy to have her here!
Waiting and waiting and waiting
Playing Phase 10

Our little piece of heaven in a big package!
Proud and happy daddy!
Very excited grandparents!
All buckled in and ready to go home!
Smiling in her sleep at one week old! Love her!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Change is a Brewin'

So, i'm obviously not a very avid blogger. However, I blame this lack of posting on being completely dead to the world for about two months. Pregnancy can do that do ya! For anyone that happens to read this blog and didn't know, we are expecting a baby girl on July 4th. We are both excited and can't wait for this next phase of life to begin. However, it does add a little stress. Lots to do and lots to get ready. Thus, I have other things to focus on besides blogging. Sorry! Since I know I really enjoy seeing belly pictures, here are a couple of me. Today I am 26 weeks and 2 days. The second picture below was taken tonight. Enjoy!

19 Weeks

26 Weeks (and 2 days)