So tomorrow is our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! I can't believe it has been a year already! I love Anthony so much and am so glad that I get the opportunity to be with him for all of eternity. When we got married my mom described marriage as "Your highs are higher and your lows are lower". So far this has been an extremely accurate description. This first year has certainly not been a path filled with only roses and cupcakes. We have definately had our shares of thorns and brussel sprouts. We have learned alot about how differently boys and girls think. But we have also had many many wonderful memories.
I have a picture of us in front of the temple on my desk at work. A couple of weeks ago a non-member coworker that actually just lives here during the week and is from North Carolina came by my desk to ask me a question. He looked at the picture and looked at me and said "I didn't know you were a princess. Is that your castle?" That pretty much sums up my memories of my wedding day. I looked and felt like a princess, I got married in a castle, and I am now sealed for time and all eternity to my Prince Charming. Who ever said fairy tales aren't real?