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Showing posts with the label Owls

Dear So and So...Untitled Edition (aka I'm Lazy)

Welcome to another fine edition of Dear So and So...Spill your guts to the interwebs...Join the fun brought to you by the most amazing Kat at  3 Bedroom Bungalow! Dear Shelly... ( sniffle sniffle...plop plop...tears streaming down my face) I'm so sad that you are moving.  How will I ever learn the diabolical secrets of torturing loved ones?  Clearly, you are the master...I bow to you as I weep over your departure....Your achievements are worthy of an entire blogpost...some day, my sweet friend...some day... Crying a River of Tears... totally remind me of Cousin Serena in that are so ornery... Dear Yesterday... Thank you for being so cloudy and rainy...It forced me to be completely useless and lazy.  I forgot how much fun just laying around doing nothing can be!  Let's do it again I love doing nothing... ps...Chilly, don't freak nothing to do list includes washing your big boy pant...