See that big pink sign up there? That's my daily mantra. Well, it was until life around here went seriously in the dumper over the last several months...Where should I begin? With the loss of health insurance for my terminally ill husband? Hmm...oh! How about the very long delay of multiple paychecks for said terminally ill husband which still haven't been paid in full (umm, yeah, my children would like for their father to live for a bit longer so being able to purchase his medications would be lovely..just sayin')...or how about the time our tires (all flippin' four of them) went bad on the car...yep, good times. Oh! Oh! Even better! The gas leak that kept us without heat for the two coldest weeks in the winter! Then came the pneumonia, the sinus infections that would not leave and so much more fun. Yeah baby, those were the days! But even in the darkest of days, I would still awake to those encouraging words " Keep Calm and Carry...