As I've moved along in my life growing spiritually, emotionally, and blah~blah~blah...I've created a routine that helps me set the tone for my day. Immediately upon waking up from my deep golden slumbers, I catch the first conscious thought of the day. I sit with it for a while...meditate on it...and see where it will take me as my day begins.... Normally, I will have thoughts like this... or this....... and sometimes this....(ok...a lot of times this...) You can imagine my shock and surprise over my first thought of today... Here it is in all of it's bubblegum glory... I kid you not...and then I couldn't remember the name of this show!!! It drove me bonkers for a solid hour! I remembered Freddie the Frog, Charlie the Owl and Henrietta Hippo...I even remembered Doug and Emmy Jo! After making myself nuts for way too long, I finally Googled and found THE NEW ZOO REVUE!!! (thank you, Google for stopping me from going into complete hysteria......