
Summer Reading Lists...

So I do this every summer, I get a whole bunch of books to read on my trips, and then I never actually have the time to read on my trips. So instead, I end up cramming book after book in once I am home into any spare minute I have. Rusty is perplexed by my love of books, and my capability to read dozens at a time. I have to hide the Amazon.com boxes from him! But those of you who knew me when I was young will say, Oh that makes sense. After all, I still hold the record for R.I.S.E. (Reading is something something..) hours at my Elementary school, after all these years. And I was only there for two grades...

Did I mention I speed read???

While I did read a few new books and found a new author I love, I also re-read a series and got some books about the places we went (which I should have ordered before we left, oh well.)

Well, after visiting Santorini, and being shown where the movies were filmed I wanted re-read the books before I saw the second movie. But I ended up seeing the movie first (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2) and was so confused I came home and started reading the books- and finished all four in 3 days. The movies take events from all four of the books and switches them around between the two movies, so to make my head clear I had to remember when things actually happened. By the way, I liked the movie a lot. It was hard for Kelcie and I not to giggle & point during every scene filmed in Greece...

A while back I read a new book by the same author as the Pants books, Ann Brashares. It was The Last Summer of You and Me. It was kinda sad, but good read, and definitely not a youth driven novel, but an adult themed one.

I ordered two cool flip books, one on Ancient Rome and one about Ancient Greece. They have these transparent overlays so you can see who they looked then versus now. It also really helped me identify some of the hundred of pictures of ruins I had taken. I just wish I had thought to buy these ahead of time and take them with me. So if you are headed there, you are welcome to borrow them!

I read Memory Keepers Daughter at Powell and loved it. It totally made me cry. If you have not read this, you should! It makes me angry that I missed the TV movie version when it was on Lifetime- but not enough to actually buy it on I tunes.

And of course, I devoured Breaking Dawn. It took me two days to read, but in my defense, I didn't get it till 3pm and had it finished the next night-dang kids kept interrupting me! I think it wrapped the whole series up well, and I won't go into details for the four of you who haven't read it yet.

And what is with The Host? I got it on my Ipod to listen to on the plane ride to Italy, and I could NOT get into it. That never happens with me in any book. So after I finish a few I have waiting, I may give it another shot. I know everyone says it is good in the end, I am just not a big Sci Fi person... Or maybe it was just that the reader didn't go as fast as I would, and I got bored. I am sure I will try it again.

And now, my new favorite author- Charles Martin. I love Nicholas Sparks books, and when I ran out of books, I checked Amazon to see if he had anything new. He does, in fact, have one coming out the end of September. As well as another being made into a movie, Nights in Rodanthe (which I will now have to re-read) . This is the guy who wrote Message in a Bottle, the Notebook, and tons of other great books. So if you haven't read something by him, start with The Rescue or A Bend in the Road...

Anyway, since he didn't I checked to see what other authors were recommended and took a chance on a book called Chasing Fireflies. I loved it. It was sweet and personal and full of twists I didn't see coming. Before I finished it I ordered Wrapped in Rain, which I will finish tonight-if I ever stop blogging... He writes so well, and in a style very similar to Sparks. And the best part is, he has a ton of books, so I have a fresh supply, as long as Rusty doesn't change my Amazon password. So that is my two cents. I love finding new authors that hold my attention and make it hard to put the story down.

So, what books have I missed? What are your favorites???


Alifinale said...

I have to say I did not love Memory Keepers Daughter. It was too depressing and made me mad. I want to read the Sisterhood books - glad to hear they are fun and that is interesting about the movie mixing it up.

And btw, your trip looked/sounded amazing. I am way jealous! So glad you got to do that.

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

I want to read the Sisterhood books too. I heard the movie is awesome. I read Memory Keeper's Daughter and after the first chapter I thought it would be too depressing too but then I gave it another try and really liked it too. When I mention the plot to friends they look at me like I'm crazy but it is a good book.

Ami Bethea said...

I want to read the Sisterhood books too, can I borrow yours? I have bought so many new books this summer with my job that I have spent a small fortune. Have you joined Good Reads? You need to. I have tons of books on there that I have read this summer, all of which you are welcome to borrow if you want to!

kiddle97 said...

I confess, I haven't read any new books lately 'cause I've been rereading Harry Potter (every spring or summer I get Harry Potter fever). It took me a while to finish them (I started them in April I think) 'cause I kept being interrupted by this or that for months on end, but when I finally got to book 4, I had them read in just a few days. I was all excited too, 'cause we WERE only what, 3 months away from the movie? And then Warner Bros. had to go pull a fast one on me and postpone its release till next summer. Shall we boycott? I'm ready to call my senators if that's what it comes to. Wanna join me? :)

Amanda said...

You've probably already read these, but I just read the first 3 Fablehaven books by Brandon Mull. I really liked them - what an imagination he has! I love to read too, and was looking for something new. My 10 year old was reading those, so I thought, what the heck, and borrowed his library copy of the first one when he was done. I quite enjoyed them. So, if you like fantasy type books . . . If you have read them, I'm curious, did you like them?

Addi said...

WOW Caryn. You and I are on the same summer reading schedule (besides Ancient Rome and Greece.) You have good taste! But I didn't like Memory Keeper's Daughter. I don't know why. Just didn't.

Other good reads (you've probably read them, but in case you haven't): These Is My Words by Nancy Turner and The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. Oh, and have you broken into the Jodi Picoult books yet? I loved My Sister's Keeper.

Rhonda said...

K- I wish I could read as much as you do! I just don't know when to find the time. I still haven't read any of the Twilight Series or The DiVinci Code or most of the Nicholas Sparks books, none of the Sisterhood, well...you get the idea. Lots of people (incl you) give me the books and then they sit untouched for months til I give them back. I actually do LOVE to read. I did read A Thousand Splendid Suns when I was in Utah. It was really good and very sad.

sherry said...

I've got to tell you I keep reading about your trip so I can travel vicariously through you;) You did such a great job letting us all cruise with you! Oh- I saw the Memory Keeper's daughter when it came on, and I liked it. I have yet to read the book. I am tempted to read the pants series. I have not yet read Breaking Dawn because I got annoyed at Bella when I reread the first three books;) I will forgive her and read it soon, though, I am sure. Besides, my 11 year old is begging me to get it so she can read it. ANd she can't read a book without telling me all about it! Fun times ahead!

Genny said...

I haven't had much time to read, except at night after everybody is asleep but me. And even then I have to keep the lights off so I end up reading only books that I have on my Treo...which is mainly Church History stuff. I just finished the History of the Church, all 7 volumes, and now I am reading the Comprehensive History of the Church. It is so fascinating. I've always said if I hadn't been a musician I would have been a Church historian.

I was so glad to see you at the Open House. You are so beautiful and I am glad you're my cousin. K, that was really mushy, but deal with it! :)

Kelcie said...

I can actually say that i've read just about as many books as you this summer. Other than the fact that all but one were re-reads, 12 books is still a lot (for me at least). All seven of the harry potter books (I went through a hp phase also), the first three twilight books to get ready for the fourth (which I agree tied things up well), and ended with the da vinci code again. After I re-read Angels and Demons I will probably be done reading for a while. Still want to borrow the sisterhood books though when you get them back. Oh and P.S. Speed reading is a bit of an understatement for you :)

KatieZ said...

Great advise...I'm always looking for a new read! I was thinking about Memory Keepers Daughter but I'm hearing mixed reviews. I'll have to read a bit about it.

Okay, I apparently haven't checked your blog in a bit. I'm going to look into this trip thing now. How fun!

As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...