Showing posts with label Reunions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reunions. Show all posts


Aspen Grove Part 2...

Tuesday was a fun day.  After the kids classes and dinner we promised the boys we would take them fishing at the little pond there.  We missed out on the cowboy night but we had fun as a family.  
 Sarah was so willing to help the boys get started.
 Boss rarely sat still, but he was having fun watching everyone.

 Brenner really looked the part.
 Eventually we had a pretty big crew fishing.

 Braden looked like a pro.

 Jill, Kelcie and I became determined to catch a stinking fish.  We could see dozens of them and they WOULD NOT EAT OUR CHEESE.  We got more than a little frustrated.  In the end, no one caught anything but we had fun.
 Boston included.  Rusty was there too, but he was behind the lens. 
Wednesday I didn't take many pictures in the mornings and afternoons.  But this night we had Minute to Win It games in the amphitheatre.
 Braden volunteered for a game 
 We were the cheering section in the way way back.  The windows on the end were to our room and Becks room.
 Kelcie was playing Candy Crush like a boss...
 Jaci went up for a game too.
 Rusty kept the littles entertained on the badminton court. 
And when they weren't doing that they were entertained by all the huge boulders around.

Thursday, the last full day at Aspen Grove.  In the spirit of keeping it real, I have to say by this time I was so over being on vacation.  Three weeks being in the same small room with my kids was really hard on me.  So, I may have made a small break down that morning.  But on the plus side I was packed really early and could relax the rest of the day.
 Walking to the Water Follies that day I caught a glimpse of Jaci and Berk with their group.
 Braden and Rusty participated in the Water Follies.  The divided the pool into four areas and they had tasks for each one.  Our team name was Space Unicorns.  And some little boys made up a song too.
 Another glimpse of Berk
 This one was getting all the colored balls into the right colored hoop. We were smart enough to stack the hoops and put them all in one spot.

 This one they had to get Floaters and Sinkers.  Thank heavens Braden had his goggles, or we would have never found the last golf ball!

 Water dominos.
 They had to fill the bucket with a strainer, and everyone had to hold it.  We set a camp record.  8 seconds.  The next closest was over a minute.
 The best part was the syncro routine. I laughed and laughed.
Not sure if the video will play but if it does-- you're welcome.

 Closing assembly was fun.  Mer was cutting Ryan's hair, no big deal.
 As we picked up the kids for the last time we got pictures with their leaders.

 Braden didn't have to get 'picked up' so we didn't get one of him.  The last day we also wore our 2013 family shirts.
 Boss kept wandering around and sitting by Alison.
 The kids went on stage like they did the first night with their groups and did a song.  The whole night was very patriotic.  They also handed out awards.  Rusty was the only one to win the TP award.  At archery one day he hit a roll of toilet paper, and he did it twice.  No one else that week did.  He also got the award for Quarterman -he has pretty good aim with a rifle too.
After that all that was left was getting souvenirs at the shop and packing the last bit and we were finally ready to head home!


Aspen Grove- Solomon Family Reunion- Part 1...

7.19.13- 7.26.13
After picking Rusty and Russ up at the airport we drove down to Ron's house and let the kids run loose until bedtime.  I started the packing process knowing we would have to leave for Aspen Grove the next afternoon.  The next morning we took the boys to Thanksgiving Pointe again, but this time it was to the movie theatre to see Despicable Me 2.  Boston fell asleep part way through after throwing a full Icee and hand fulls of popcorn.  We went back to Ron's and finished packing and loading the car while we waited for a few more Solomon's to join us to drive up to AG.
After saying our goodbyes to Ron & Robin we caravanned up American Fork canyon to Aspen Grove.  We checked in, got settled, got our schedules and went to dinner.  The picture above is a taken from across the bridge looking at Aspen Lodge.  This is where we stayed. We were on the Third Floor which was perfect because we were on the same level as access to the Amphitheater, the Store and everything else.  It was great.  We could actually just look right out our window at the Amphitheater, which came in handy when Boss was being a turd during church.  Anyway, that night we had the Orientation and the kids split up into their age groups and learned a little cheer.

 When Brenner's group went up on stage the director of AG noticed the very green teeth Brenner had from the ring pop he was eating, and made us all laugh.  Brenner liked the attention, and I had to get a picture to remember just how green those teeth really were.
Boston was a Romper, Brenner was a Stomper, Berk & Jaci were Bobcats and Braden was a Panther. They would stay with their groups all week.  The rooms in the Lodge were a basic hotel style.  Boss had a crib, Brenner and Berk had one bed, Rusty and I the other and then Braden slept in Noni & Pops room.

Sunday was our first full day.  We went to breakfast and then got ready for church in the outdoor amphitheater.  Boston was cranky, and mid way through sacrament we went back to our room, and I put him down for a nap.  The others went to the rest of the meetings, including Primary.  They run things so smoothly up there.  After lunch they kids went to their groups while the adults got to go to a fireside presided over by a member of the 70.  It was an interesting meeting for sure. But, between dinner and the fireside we had a little surprise party for Nana & Bopy! 
 Boston was a fan of the balloons.
 The boys, big and little, had fun playing in the old west town nearby.
 Their pretty, and yummy cake.

 Jared and Boston- hair twinners.  Long Hair = Don't care!
 Once they finally got the signal to come over we waited to yell surprise.  And then laughed and laughed because they were still too far away to really hear us!

 75 Years Young!
 Honestly, those balloons were worth their weight in gold for keeping Boss entertained.

 Brenner loved the extra sugar in his day.
 Aunt Steph put together a book of photos from all of us.
 I HAD TO take this picture.  Rusty's cousin Carter and Berkley got into some sort of competition with apple juice.  Berkley ended up chugging 4 of the little bottles, and then he felt like puking.  It was sad and funny at the same time.
 The view of the back of the Unitas.  I couldn't get over the beauty of them.
Monday morning, we started the routine of AG. Breakfast is at 8.  And then the kids groups met at 9:15.  Each day was themed so they did different crafts, activities etc everyday.  We would pick them up at lunch time and then they would meet again around 1:30 each day for group until 4:30.  Boss did pretty good going to his little Rompers.  Some days he would nap until the afternoon session was almost over so we didn't take him back a few times.  That afternoon was the Aspen Follies so the kids stayed with us after lunch.  We competed as Team Flight Deck and did pretty good.  We definitely had fun playing.  The games were more about family bonding and having fun than really who won.

These next few pictures were taken by a AG Staff photographer.
 (this is from Brenner in the Stomper room)
Boss with the Rompers. 
 Trying to get the rubber chickens off the parachute...
 Catching the balls we tossed at Carter...
 Hannah and cute Katie.  She is helping us expand the generation of great- grand kids for Nana & Bopy.
 Sarah was a charmer with my boys.  And her new hubbie Max fits right in with us crazies.
 Kelcie did almost all of the follies that day with Brenner in his arms.  Trooper!
 Boss could have cared less about most of the follies, he loved the swing however.
These pictures are from my iPhone or other peoples cameras.. I wish I could upload the videos I took. They really were amazing. 

That night my Uncle Kent and Aunt Marie came down from Mapleton to take our family pictures.  I will post those once we get them.  Memories from the photo session include bribing Brenner to smile- unsuccessfully.

 Nana & Bopy Solomon and all of their great grandkids -for now, Cliff and Katie have a baby girl on the way!
 We were celebrating these two and their 75th birthday! 
 Here was about the best we got for family pictures.  We had had such a long day and Berk pulled faces in so many pictures, plus Brenner and gah, don't forget Boss is a toddler.  So, I am happy with what we got.
 This is what most of them looked like.  BOYS! 

 Love these cute ones of Jaci and Berk
 Mr Brenner was turned around in most of the pictures so Uncle 'Knucklehead' Todd had to change his attitude for him.
At least the big kids can pose 
 The Grandparents and the grandkids- minus Cliff and Brock Solomon

 The Whole Clan
 The girl cousins
 Outlaws on the ends, love it.  L-->R 
Me, Maryn, Courtney, Jill, Meredith, Kelcie, Cassidy, Bergen, Sarah, Hannah & Katie
 This last one is my favorite.  This is the bridge we crossed a couple times a day to get to the kids. 
Up next Part two! 
As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...