
Just Doing My Part...

I am making a big effort to do the right thing for Mother Earth and recycle way more than I had before. I always make sure the newspaper goes in the recycle, pop cans, milk cartons (washed out of course). I have even read a few friends blogs about a new 'green' diaper option. I want to make this planet a better place for my kids, ya know?

Glass is recyclable, Right?

See, even Berkley is doing his part to save the world, one expensive decoration at a time. Wasn't that so nice of him? And yes, that was one of a set of Hurricane vase we got in December...

So I get the REDUCE and RECYCLE part of the triangle, but I don't think we will be 'REUSE'ing that container, unless it's new use is as a finger slicer, because it is a pro at that.


My Little Mozarts...

You know that place between thinking something is so cute once and wanting to wear ear plugs?

That's where I am at right now.

Between Braden's obsession with a early 90's keyboard and his red recorder and Berk's devotion to developing his talents on the tambourine and harmonica I am ready to crack! Thankfully, I have to note, the spoons, finger cymbals and kazoo's have all mysteriously disappeared. Why can't they pick a normal annoying instrument--- like the drums????

And Berk is even practicing his piano duets with his cousin. Luckily, the piano is at Grandma's and Braden prefers to frequent an electric guitar or violin when he is there- so at least they aren't fighting for practice time, right? (By the way, Genny, how is his form? Should I sign him up for lessons???)I am in for a long, long music filled life, aren't I? I have to admit it though, I totally remember learning "Candle on the Water" from Pete's Dragon when I was in about the 3rd grade. And I am sure my Mom wanted to toss my recorder somewhere too. And though I complain, I really do look forward to the day when I get to force them into practicing an instrument because they have coerced me into signing them up for some music class. I never had that little joy as a child, since after my five older siblings all fought piano lessons, I was left out of the musical instrument department.


It's Nice to Be Loved...

I got my very first blog award this week!

My sweet Bunco playing blog friend Sherry nominated me. I have been around the blog world for a while and this is all new to me, so I will give it my best to live up to being 'Brillante'.

This is what Sherry said about me: "Caryn was nice enough to take all of us on her European cruise with her. I thoroughly enjoyed going to Greece, France, Italy, etc. Her pictures were even helpful in explaining the origins of the Olympics to Rachael. What a great trip! I get to play bunco with Caryn, and she is always good enough to liven things up. (yes, she is the one that started hitting the table and making the dice jump, adding a whole new element to the game.) Fun times!"

The award comes with these rules: 1. The winner can put the logo on their blog. 2. Link to the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated. 6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking every body’s mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and the kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant! So...I nominate the following great blogs (in no particular order)-

1. Alifinale- My first blogging experience was because of this chica. She and I got way back and I thought I had lost all track of her till one day in an email she mentioned this site where I could see photos of her sweet baby! Alifinale was bloggin' before bloggin' was cool, so my props to her. I really do credit you with getting all our girlfriends back in touch. Plus her blog cracks me up, and most importantly- She talks about all the TV shows I love. If you ever need a recap of your fav prime time show- she's your gal.

2.BAMSanFran- Although it seems I have know Addi forever, we really only met after she married Rusty's best friend. I love love love her blog because she is one of the few people I know that have thoroughly, extensively and thoughtfully explored the city she lives in. If you are ever moving to San Fransisco for school, a new job or just going for a weekend-be sure to look in the archives of her blog because she has been all over that city. And more impressively she has done it with a toddler and baby in tow. Honestly, when (and if) they leave that city she can know she has left NO stone unturned.

3. News from Nonna- Now this blog I love to read solely because of it's author. Verlinda is my good friend Janae's mom, and she is always there with a smile and a hug-and if I am really lucky a plate of something so high in calories -we know it's gonna be good. When we were in the middle of Braden's heart stuff she once came straight from the airport to see us, before she saw her own grand baby! Plus she reminds me that even if your body gets older you can still be amazing. And, if that's not enough once, while in town she just threw together the cutest 4th of July door wreath for me!

4. Life- Although we have been in the same ward with Shawni and her family for more than 5 years, I never got a chance to really get to know here until we were both blogging. I love her blog for 3 reasons. 1. The layout is simple and it makes the photos stand out 2. Her photos, she is an amazing photographer and more importantly she lets her kids get behind the lens too 3. She travels to places all over and I love to hear about their journeys. She makes me laugh and I love that she is not afraid to take a photo of a toilet in China, because frankly, if I ever went there, I would wanna know what they look like! I am so happy to watch her kids get more and more adorable as time goes by.

5. Pimp my Dinner- I know everyone struggles to find things for dinner, and this was one of the first blogs I used to get new recipes from. I know everyone has one now, but forever, this was a new idea. Yummy yummy.

6. The Brown Family- One of the greatest thing about blogs is reconnecting with people from our past. That is the case with this nominee. Kerryne and I grew up next door to each other in Sandy UT. I moved when I was 11 and lost all track of the only other girl who shared my name. I often wondered what happened to all the girls from my street and was delighted when I could find them all from her blog. Besides helping me see lots of long lost faces, she is currently living abroad in Cyprus. I just think it is crazy that two people who started off in the same place could land on the very opposite sides of the earth, literally. And what's funnier is finding out that along the way you have had friends in common. What a small world in deed.

7. The Poulson Pigeon (sorry it's private)- This last one is a very easy way of not having to chose a favorite blog from any one of my cousins 20 odd blogs. The 'Pigeon' is a way for my Mom's entire side of the family to keep tabs on each other. I know more about my first cousins now then I ever learned in years of family reunions. I truly look forward to when I actually get to the next reunion because I will not only know their spouses names, but their kids as well. It is nice to be friends with your family. If you don't already do a family newsletter this is the best way. We are all authors, readers and commenters and we look forward to every time a new baby is born, someone gets married, starts school ect so we can share it with the whole family -all 70 of us (is that a high enough estimate???).


Audrey Joyce is here...

Audrey Joyce
(Audrey after Robyn's favorite actress Audrey Hepburn & Joyce is my Mom's middle name)
7 pounds
20 inches
5:20 pm

My newest niece was born this afternoon! It was so fun to be here and help my sister through it. She is an adorable bundle of pink and I can't wait to hold her more! I miss my boys, but little Draven is keeping me hopping. I am getting a refresher course on three year olds...

Congrats Robyn & Russ, she's a cutie!


Quality Family Time...

Two of my sisters are pregnant right now with baby girls. Robyn, on the left and Rhonda, on the right. They are due a month apart. (P.S. No, I did not get the memo...) Well Robyn is getting induced on Friday and guess who gets to go meet her newest niece???? Seriously, you better have guessed me. It is a big deal they are both having girls because in our family there are 8 boys and only 2 girls--- so they are way evening out the odds. Besides the fact that Robyn has all three boys already. Two of them teenagers, one in terrible two's -so she has earned her GIRL!

I am so excited, not only have I not seen Robyn since last July (2007) but I am headed to Utah kid-free! Whaoo! Let's face it, every Mom needs a break from their kids once in a while, and really, I will be looking after Robyn's almost 3yr old while I am there. Why is it, taking care of someone else's kid is sometimes easier than watching your own? My Mom is coming too and will help her out afterward for a while, and then she has to come home and gear up for Rhonda's baby a few weeks from now!

Huge, giant, huge Thank You to my hubby for letting me go, and for letting me leave Berk and another enormous Thanks to Kelcie for watching my boys when Rusty is a work. Luckily, she is the best Auntie babysitter and nearly a second mother to them. And frankly, I think Berk likes her better than me anyway. I will post a photo of the newest Hodge as soon as I get back!

Oh, and because getting ready for a trip isn't fun enough already...

The Farnsworth gang came over for a swim. And after, while we chatted away, the boys had a grand old time 'shaving' with bath foam. By 'shaving' I think they meant 'have a full blown foam fight in the upstairs'. Honestly, ask Steph, I don't think there was a square inch of that bathroom that wasn't covered in goop. Luckily it wiped up easy, and the bathroom smells like strawberries. BOYS!


In My Olympics...

We have had so much fun watching, cheering and holding our breath during this first week of the Olympics. So much so, that it got me thinking, in my very own universe, what 'sport' could I go to the Olympics for. I compiled the following list, as well as how I thought I would finish. Basically I am at a loss for blog posts, unless you want to hear more about our trip...Enjoy.
  • Wire wrapping- Silver Medal. This is a skill learned by the serious jewelry maker. It involves a sterling silver wire, often called dead soft, a few tools and a steady hand. It takes practice, but with dedication, you too can wrap perfect tiny circles around random beads.
  • Consecutive Sleeping-Bronze Medal. I think I was born with a natural ability to sleep longer than most people would deem, 'necessary'. I would like to thank all the family genetics that allowed me to get to this point in my training, and hope that after my children have grown I will be able to take this sport to a whole new level.
  • Straight Line Sewing- Bronze Medal. I am by no means a skilled seamstress, but if you need something sewn with straight lines, I am all over it. I go as fast as my little pedal will go and I can sew for hours at a time.
  • Hula Hooping- Gold Medal. This is a sport I practiced as a young child and after nearly 20 years away from it, i gave it another shot and I am freakin' amazing. At least according to Wii Fit, that is. I can hula 5 hoops at a time and I currently hold the record on Beck's Wii with over 800 rotations in 3 minutes. (What a workout. Wii Fit is going to get it's own dedicated blog post soon, I promise.)
    (Not my actual Mii, but I will have to get a photo of my mad skills sometime.)
And finally, have you watching any of the rowing competitions. Now I have finally found my TRUE Olympic calling, as a Coxswain. See the lady whose back is to the camera. Yep, she is the coxswain. Basically, she has the best job on the boat. She doesn't have to row, AND she gets to yell at everyone to go faster and what not. Now, if only I could lose a huge amount of weight and a few inches off my height, because- according to all the ones I have seen, they are teeny tiny, so as not to add too much extra weight to the boat.

What are your made-up Olympic sports?


Summer Reading Lists...

So I do this every summer, I get a whole bunch of books to read on my trips, and then I never actually have the time to read on my trips. So instead, I end up cramming book after book in once I am home into any spare minute I have. Rusty is perplexed by my love of books, and my capability to read dozens at a time. I have to hide the Amazon.com boxes from him! But those of you who knew me when I was young will say, Oh that makes sense. After all, I still hold the record for R.I.S.E. (Reading is something something..) hours at my Elementary school, after all these years. And I was only there for two grades...

Did I mention I speed read???

While I did read a few new books and found a new author I love, I also re-read a series and got some books about the places we went (which I should have ordered before we left, oh well.)

Well, after visiting Santorini, and being shown where the movies were filmed I wanted re-read the books before I saw the second movie. But I ended up seeing the movie first (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2) and was so confused I came home and started reading the books- and finished all four in 3 days. The movies take events from all four of the books and switches them around between the two movies, so to make my head clear I had to remember when things actually happened. By the way, I liked the movie a lot. It was hard for Kelcie and I not to giggle & point during every scene filmed in Greece...

A while back I read a new book by the same author as the Pants books, Ann Brashares. It was The Last Summer of You and Me. It was kinda sad, but good read, and definitely not a youth driven novel, but an adult themed one.

I ordered two cool flip books, one on Ancient Rome and one about Ancient Greece. They have these transparent overlays so you can see who they looked then versus now. It also really helped me identify some of the hundred of pictures of ruins I had taken. I just wish I had thought to buy these ahead of time and take them with me. So if you are headed there, you are welcome to borrow them!

I read Memory Keepers Daughter at Powell and loved it. It totally made me cry. If you have not read this, you should! It makes me angry that I missed the TV movie version when it was on Lifetime- but not enough to actually buy it on I tunes.

And of course, I devoured Breaking Dawn. It took me two days to read, but in my defense, I didn't get it till 3pm and had it finished the next night-dang kids kept interrupting me! I think it wrapped the whole series up well, and I won't go into details for the four of you who haven't read it yet.

And what is with The Host? I got it on my Ipod to listen to on the plane ride to Italy, and I could NOT get into it. That never happens with me in any book. So after I finish a few I have waiting, I may give it another shot. I know everyone says it is good in the end, I am just not a big Sci Fi person... Or maybe it was just that the reader didn't go as fast as I would, and I got bored. I am sure I will try it again.

And now, my new favorite author- Charles Martin. I love Nicholas Sparks books, and when I ran out of books, I checked Amazon to see if he had anything new. He does, in fact, have one coming out the end of September. As well as another being made into a movie, Nights in Rodanthe (which I will now have to re-read) . This is the guy who wrote Message in a Bottle, the Notebook, and tons of other great books. So if you haven't read something by him, start with The Rescue or A Bend in the Road...

Anyway, since he didn't I checked to see what other authors were recommended and took a chance on a book called Chasing Fireflies. I loved it. It was sweet and personal and full of twists I didn't see coming. Before I finished it I ordered Wrapped in Rain, which I will finish tonight-if I ever stop blogging... He writes so well, and in a style very similar to Sparks. And the best part is, he has a ton of books, so I have a fresh supply, as long as Rusty doesn't change my Amazon password. So that is my two cents. I love finding new authors that hold my attention and make it hard to put the story down.

So, what books have I missed? What are your favorites???


All Grown Up...

How cute is this kid?!?
Buddies- Audrey, Emily & Braden
Lining up to go inside 'tall like pencils'
Oh, and I was fine till he flashed me the 'I Love You' sign-then I got sappy...

Like much of the rest of my blogging buddies, my baby started Kindergarten this week. Going through the motions of buying back to school clothes, shoes and finding a backpack didn't really hit me that he was starting school until this week. Buying school clothes for a boy is about the easiest thing ever, a bunch of new t shirts, cool shorts and a trip to the Van's store and he was all set. The backpack thing, however, was a challenge. Trying to find one that wasn't some cartoon (my preference), that was NOT specific colors (his preference) or that would fit a full sized folder, yet not be huge. I am pretty sure his backpack is half his size but hopefully it will last a year or two (or 10).

He is in a half day afternoon class, and all morning he was watching the clock. When it was time to go, we drove to the school and headed to wait at the playground. Luckily for him, who gets very nervous of new things, we saw a number of neighbors/ ward members and he was calm. As we were walking over, he said, "Don't you cry Mom." What a booger, little did he know I was trying not to do a little celebration dance! I think what makes it sad is that they are becoming so independent. And you are proud of them and excited all at the same time.

My decision to NOT do full day was two fold, 1. I really wanted a teacher that only taught half day and 2. His preschool teacher warned me that he would be bored in all day, since he was already ready, writing well and doing math. After school he came home with a packet to fill out of skills they were to acquire between now and winter break. Things like can they write their name, draw certain shapes, know their address and a bunch more. Pretty sure we filled out the whole thing (minus one scissor exercise) in less than 20 minutes. So he will be fine.

And to kill two birds with one stone, err post, I am throwing in photos of Rusty and I on our first days of Kindergarten and bam- you get a Flashback Friday post too...
Rusty -1984 @ Edison Ele in Mesa, AZCaryn-1985 @ Bellview Ele in Sandy, Ut


One last cruise post-the random things...

This is the LAST photo montage form the trip- I promise. I just had a ton of other random things that I wanted to have when I make my DVD later.

First I want to address everyone who told me before the cruise that "you don't even feel the boat move"-- Well, we sure did! Two of our three days at sea were so rough, even the crew was getting sick. We had 20 to 40 foot swells and they even made an announcement closing the upper /outside decks and advising everyone to wear flat soled shoes! Early in the morning before it was off limits we went to the tip top deck of the boat to watch the pool splash about and feel the wind. I was getting wet form spray, not from the pool, but the ocean, 11 decks below! ON the front of the boat it was so strong I could not walk forward. Rusty managed it though, but we were windburned when we were done. Braden was terrified that he would get blown overboard so we headed back down.

Also, there are a few videos of our waiter and his classic pre-dessert phrase, "It's Show time!" Poor Aldo we made him say it again and again so we could film it!

The rest are a modge podge of things we did on board. Enjoy the show, at least watch as far as the pool pictures, they are crazy!!!


Last Port- Barcelona Spain

After another rocky day at sea we woke up in our final port city of Barcelona Spain. While I was sad to see the trip end, I was happy that everything we had bought so far fit in our suitcases! We disembarked the ship, collected our bags and took a short city tour before heading to a hotel for the night. We saw the church where the King & Queen welcomed Christopher Columbus back after he found the new world, as well as a cathedral that was the oddest holy place I have ever seen. We walked all over downtown 'Barce' (the locals call it that) and took in the sights. We even found a McDonald's for Braden & Berk to eat at; and a Dunkin' Doughnuts for us. We had a fun time in a shopping center that has hundreds of boutique stores and took in one last chance to eat gelato. We must have walked miles and miles and saw a lot of the city. We saw the stadium where the Olympics were held in '92 and drove to the highest point in Barce to get a fantastic view of the city. It was nice to understand the language -even if the accent was annoying. We packed up and early the next morning and headed to the airport. The flight from Spain to Philly was uneventful. Once we got to Philly, however, our three hour layover became more like 8 and then we sat on the place for an hour or two before it took off. Weather all over was causing flights to e cancelled so we were glad when we finally took off. 25 hours after we left our hotel we were back in Phoenix collecting our bags. It is a wonder that over 20 bags, 2 strollers and countless carry-ons-- everything made it there AND back!

Hope you enjoyed reading about our trip of a life time. I have one more post to do with random on board photos, but I don't know when I will get it done. Thanks again to Russ & Cindi for inviting us on this amazing trip! We love you guys!


Nice, France & Monaco

The French Riviera is as pretty as it was described to us. We drove into Villefranche & Nice and spent time in the city there. We walked through a street market , bought some fresh peaches and walked down to the beach. The thing about the beach, is there wasn't any sand! Small black stones were all over the beach, so the ocean made the coolest noise as it came in and out. As we were taking beach photos (trying to avoid the nude people in the background) a wave came in and nailed me & Kelcie. So I spent the rest of the day wet. We then drove to Eze. A small town on the side of the mountain. We found the coolest shops and were high enough up to be in the clouds when a storm passed though. We thought it was funny, ok so I did, that once we got back to the States we discovered we had been in Nice when Brad & Angelina had their twins. We had no idea...

After lunch at a restaurant named Pinocchio we headed to the principality of Monaco. This country was everything it I thought it would be. Beautiful and Ferrari's everywhere. Driving around we saw so much pretty stuff. We walked in to the heart of the country and towards the palace. There is no crime there so when they pointed out Princess Caroline's home- her cars were right up front! Crazy. The best part for me was seeing the church where Grace Kelly married the King, and it is also where they are buried. We also saw the road where she crashed her car. Crazy. We drove the route of the Formula 1 race. The starting lines are painted right on the asphalt. We even walked the famous hairpin turn on our way to the Grand Casino. Russ, Rusty & I went into the Casino Royal. The detail and beauty are too hard to describe, and photos are not allowed, so you will have to see it for yourself someday. Or watch the Bond movie they filmed inside... after a few hours in Monaco we drove back to France and headed back to our ship bound for Barcelona!

As I play catch up, posts will appear in chronological order so, scroll down because there is sure to be a new post below...